What is Your Race and Religion?

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Let me do a more thorough description of mine.

Race:White American. I have red hair;yup, I'm a ginger, just like on that controversial yet funny South Park episode, :stick_out_tongue:. I am also a "country boy" because I live out in the middle of nowhere practically. Just because I'm from the country, I don't get offended by the term "redneck" and if anything find the jokes (especially Jeff Foxworthy's) to be quite funny. Jeff Dunham's Bubba J. character is extremely funny to this day.
Religion: Protestant Christian, I don't go to church as often as I used to, but when I go I still enjoy it. I took Sunday school occasionally as a kid and even recall going to Sunday school at my babysitter's church for a while in which we would eat snacks and learn Bible stories, it was a lot of fun getting to be with other Christian kids. I took a Good News Club at school once which was a Christian club and had a lot of fun learning. Even though it's not mandatory to be a Christian, I also believe in ghosts in addition to angels and demons. I also sang a bunch of gospel songs in front of my family on Christmas once and while I'm not too thrilled with my singing voice (I'm certainly not a male version of Amy Grant or anything), I had a great time doing it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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I was thread surfing & discovered I hadn't answered this. So here you go:
Race: Caucasian (AKA : White )
Religion: Cat-a-lick. :wink:(Catholic) But I haven't been to church in awhile

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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A more thorough description of myself:

Race:I'm a redheaded white guy who some people claim looks like Alfred E. Neuman from Mad Magazine. Makes a lot of sense honestly lol. I come from a small town in Indiana so yeah, it's safe to say that I live somewhat of a redneck lifestyle (for lack of a better descriptive term). Although anyone who watches my videos probably knows that already because of that Zed Buckmaster character I do and the fact that most of the songs I use are either full on country music or have country influence in one way or another.

Religion: Protestant Christian. Not the typical overly obsessed Christian though. Unlike a lot of Christians, I don't have issues with gay people, I don't think heavy metal music is Satanic, I won't judge you if you disagree with me on an anything, etc.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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A more thorough description of myself:

Race:I'm a redheaded white guy who some people claim looks like Alfred E. Neuman from Mad Magazine. Makes a lot of sense honestly lol. I come from a small town in Indiana so yeah, it's safe to say that I live somewhat of a redneck lifestyle (for lack of a better descriptive term). Although anyone who watches my videos probably knows that already because of that Zed Buckmaster character I do and the fact that most of the songs I use are either full on country music or have country influence in one way or another.

Religion: Protestant Christian. Not the typical overly obsessed Christian though. Unlike a lot of Christians, I don't have issues with gay people, I don't think heavy metal music is Satanic, I won't judge you if you disagree with me on an anything, etc.
Friends of mine who don't believe have questioned before why I'm not extremely strict and obsessed with telling everyone they are going to h*** like a lot of Christians are nowadays and for me, it all comes down to this one Bible verse originally a wise quote by Jesus himself,

"Do not judge lest ye be judged,"

It is a major pet peeve of mine whenever people use The Bible as an excuse to defend such inexcusable behavior as homophobia, having outdated, borderline medieval views on the rights of women, insulting people for believing in other religions, hating atheists, anti-Semitism, condoning slavery, and so on.

I don't believe in that hateful, spiteful version of God that the Westboro Baptist Church does. I don't think our God is anything like that. I believe him to be a loving, kind, caring being who doesn't approve of those who twist his words to become tools for hatred and bigotry.

I've witnessed fellow Christians doing/saying some of the most offensive things imaginable. I've seen them treating gay people like human garbage, completely trashing other religions in unbelievably mean spirited ways, using The Bible to defend the despicable act of racism, and acting in very non-Christian ways.

I wish more Christians focused mainly on the Bible verse that is literally called the Golden Rule (they wouldn't call it that for nothing):

"Love thy neighbor more than you love yourself,".

If everyone did that one simple thing, our world would be a much better place I can almost guarantee it.