What is Your Race and Religion?


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Jun 28, 2011
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Race: Mixed race; 1/2 hispanic and 1/2 caucasian (I identify as Hispanic); to be specific about it, I'm Russian American on my father's side and Guatemalan on my mother's side.

Religion: Open-minded agnostic; I was raised Catholic, was 'run out of the church' because the full-hispanic kids didn't like a lighter skinned kid like me and, once I turned 18 neither of my parents made me go. However, I am open to exploring being Christian because of my current flame and the fact that we've been going strong a while and, his faith and love for his religion makes me wonder if there's a little something more behind miracles and, it also makes me open minded but, as of right now, I'm still very much agnostic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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What does this thread keep getting bumped? I honestly don't remember making it, and I don't even know what I could have been thinking when I did, so could we please locked/delete this thread please?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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What does this thread keep getting bumped? I honestly don't remember making it, and I don't even know what I could have been thinking when I did, so could we please locked/delete this thread please?
I don't understand why you would want this thread closed, it's not like people are coming in here and fighting or even bashing other religions. I think so far this thread has done real well with not bashing anyone's beliefs. Which I think would be something Jim Henson would be proud of.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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I agree. This is one of the best threads you could've started, where everybody can share, everybody can feel their contribution is equal, and look how much we've learned about others.

And if it does get bumped, it's because somebody has something valid to add.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2014
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Sorry, D'Snowth, I'm gonna bump this thread. I like it.

Race: Daytona 500.
But seriously,:embarrassed: I'm an Ozark hillbilly, and proud of it! I'm a fifth generation Missourian, descended from immigrants from Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, and New England area.:smile: Other than that, I'm Irish, Scottish, English, German, Dutch, Native American, those are the only ones I know for certain.

As far as religion goes, I am a Christian. I don't claim any denomination, although I've attended a Southern Baptist church pretty much my whole life. I've always been interested in the "behind the scenes" aspect of the Bible, if you will. The culture, the language, ect. I get a lot of friendly teasing at work because I listen to audio Bibles, quite often in Hebrew and Greek.



Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Thread Bump (again).
I'm one of those people you may call an "African American". Although some people don't like to be called "black", I don't mind it at all.

My parents and my older sister were from North Carolina. They moved to Florida in 1994 and five years later, I was born. I was born in Margate, Florida. We moved back to North Carolina when I was two and stayed there until I was seven. My dad's job moved to Fort Worth TX and that's where I've remained for the last almost ten years.

I'm an evangelical christian. My family isn't really extremely religious, yet at the same time it's always been a huge part of my life.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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What part of North Carolina it has some very pretty mountains up there?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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What part of North Carolina it has some very pretty mountains up there?
Er, i'm not completely sure. Sadly I never really got the chace to visit any mountains, nor did I study them very much. I think most of the mountains were closer to the boarder between North Carolina and Tennesse. I lived in and around Raleigh.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm one of those people you may call an "African American". Although some people don't like to be called "black", I don't mind it at all.
One of the white teachers at my middle school (which was in a black neighborhood) admitted that she never knew what to say because she didn't want to risk accidentally saying something that would have been seen as politically incorrect, and I have noticed myself over the years that those two terms in particular seem to bounce back and forth between being P.C. and un-P.C. From what I understand, "African-American" is un-P.C. right now because you can't alway assume somebody who is black is automatically of African descent, and that actually does make sense. It's kind of like how Donald Trump can't seem to grasp that just because someone is an American citizen, that doesn't necessarily mean they automatically celebrate Christmas, which is why it is P.C. to say, "Happy Holidays," instead of, "Merry Christmas."

And you're right; being right next door in TN, I can tell you that the mountains run down the border between the two states. Meanwhile, where I'm at, we're sandwiched in between the Smoky Mountains to our east, and the Cumberland Plateau to our west, so we're down in this "Great Valley," as they like to call it.