What sketches scared you as a kid?

Luke kun

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014
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What about The Batty Bat?
Yeah, I think so. I got over my fear of the bat puppets though.

Anyway. My friend vaguely recalls an animated sketch from the mid 90s where there's this creepy fiery humanoid counting backwards in Spanish. He says he may have dreamed it, but he isn't sure.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2016
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I'm pretty sure he was an adult by the time TLK came out.

Anyway, I'd like to mention that EVERY skit that involves a bat flying toward the screen scared me as a kid, and still does now, due to my chiroptophobia (exceptions: Batman, Remilia Scarlet, Zubat, Bill). Stuff like the Pinball Number Count #2, 8 Bats, V is for Vampire.
I love bats! They are so cute!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2016
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Oh my gosh.....you are going to LAUGH at my story, ponamytrail (and the rest of you guys, if you haven't heard this one before). When I was a kid, I was TERRIFIED of Beautiful Day Monster. I had nightmares that he was hiding under my bed, waiting to spring out at me in the middle of the night with his HUGE eyes and big, gaping mouth and gobble me up whole.

One day, I saw this clip with Kermit and Beautiful Day that involved the letter B and the sound it makes. At the end of this clip, Beautiful Day loudly exclaims a long, "BAAAAAAAAH!", and his voice blows Kermit off the set. Then, he turns to the camera, opens his eyes really wide, and says it again, right to you....."BAAAAHHHHHH!" This eventually causes the screen to fade to completely white. After seeing this, I was mortified. This was above and beyond the scariest clip I had ever seen. I could hardly sleep let alone function as a normal five-year-old after this for days. I was terrified beyond reason.
After this clip, not knowing what his name was, he was nicknamed "The Bee Monster" by my family. It's kind of funny, because many years later, I found out his name actually does start with a "B".

Anyway, back to the story. My dear mother, after seeing me tormented by the fear of this Muppet decided it was time for a little child psychology. She had me imagine the "B Monster", and had me take my imaginary monster, wrap him up in imaginary chains, and we flushed him (yes, we flushed him) down the toilet. You know, I still was frightened of him after that, but that really did help! Even to this day, he gives me the willies, although I now think he more or less resembles my cat if she were much bigger and blue......

Isn't life strange? :smile:
Yarr ar ar, Mokeystar, life be strange!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2002
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- As mentioned before, the "Funky Chimes" funding audio scared me as a child (and to this day I prefer not to listen to it, although it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be)

- For some reason, the "nnn" sound scared me as a child, so anything on Sesame Street that dealt with the letter N scared me as well (I may have been ok with general alphabet recitals, but anything focusing on N was scary to me)

- Due to an experience I had as a baby at a county fair, the noise that sheep make (baa) scared me as a child; therefore, I was nervous about any farm animal clips shown on SS, if only because I was worried that they'd make that noise.

Luke kun

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014
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- As mentioned before, the "Funky Chimes" funding audio scared me as a child (and to this day I prefer not to listen to it, although it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be)

- For some reason, the "nnn" sound scared me as a child, so anything on Sesame Street that dealt with the letter N scared me as well (I may have been ok with general alphabet recitals, but anything focusing on N was scary to me)

- Due to an experience I had as a baby at a county fair, the noise that sheep make (baa) scared me as a child; therefore, I was nervous about any farm animal clips shown on SS, if only because I was worried that they'd make that noise.
What happened with the sheep?

Luke kun

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014
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Even though the entire skit's hilarious, I've got to admit the ending of In the Box is kinda creepy. Stop zooming! *dubs Terminator music over the scene*


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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First of all, this will sound really stupid, but the tornado in the Elmo's World episode "Weather" used to scare me so bad when I was little. I literally had nightmares for weeks (okay, YEARS) because of him and never watched EW on TV (what I'm saying is that I would only watch my SS videos) in fear that he would pop up. Looking back, I find it pretty funny that I was so scared.

Also, I was scared of the Factory Countdown sketch. The sound effects and the robotic counting voice were super creepy to me. It still creeps me out a tiny bit.