What sketches scared you as a kid?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2016
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First of all, this will sound really stupid, but the tornado in the Elmo's World episode "Weather" used to scare me so bad when I was little. I literally had nightmares for weeks (okay, YEARS) because of him and never watched EW on TV (what I'm saying is that I would only watch my SS videos) in fear that he would pop up. Looking back, I find it pretty funny that I was so scared.

Also, I was scared of the Factory Countdown sketch. The sound effects and the robotic counting voice were super creepy to me. It still creeps me out a tiny bit.
Jeez! Looking at that tornado's face, I could see why you were scared!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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Jeez! Looking at that tornado's face, I could see why you were scared!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was those angry eyes that scared me. Plus, he just kinda came in out of nowhere. Like, Elmo is doing something cheerful and happy, then all of a sudden, this angry lookin' tornado busts in! Though I'm not scared of Tornado anymore, he seriously used to give me nightmares. He was also the main reason why I was scared of real life tornados.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2016
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Several. Cookie Monster spends the night with Ernie. I found the singing cookies to be a bit unnerving. Not only that, Cookie Monster running through the wall bothered me, too.

The Count spends the night with Bert and Ernie. It was Ernie's face when he woke up.

Ernie counts sheep. I didn't like loud sirens, or balloons popping, and Bert's screaming bugged me.

Cartoon about the life cycle of frogs. It was when the frog yelled "HEY KERMIT!" at the end that scared me. Every time it came on, I either muted it or changed the channel.

"Lifestyles of the Big and Small," or at least the Big segment.

"Wet Paint," when the singer's vest became all yellow. No idea why that bothered me, it just did.

A cartoon involving a bird, a cat, and a lion (and weird music)


There was one cartoon about the letter K that didn't scare me, but it did upset me. It was the one at the end where a kitten is tied to a kite, and it floats up into the air out the window, and it's meowing.

Luke kun

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014
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Snuffy saving Elmo in KFS2 was pretty creepy, although it was the sneezing at the beginning that gave me Vietnam flashbacks.
And it still gives me gorram Vietnam flashbacks. Snuffy's frogging inhumane sneeze was, along with the 1997-2001 SesameStreet.com website bumper and Nick Jr.'s Face, the bane of my VCR when I was a kid. I even loathed other episodes of shows where a character sneezed thanks to Martin P. Robinson's friggin'... SOUND. It didn't even SOUND LIKE A SNEEZE! It sounded like a... I dunno how to describe it... a gorram wildcat the first time and Godzilla's mating call the second! In fact, I theorize that the producers held Marty Robinson at gunpoint unless he didn't make that noise. It was done at pitches mankind was NOT MEANT TO REACH. Even though I'm over my so-called "phobia" of others sneezing (somehow I never reacted to real-life, or worse so, MY OWN SNEEZES), I still cannot watch Kids' Favorite Songs 2. I wonder what kind of twisted Sesame Workshop employee thought this loud sound would be acceptable to kids. If you look at the comments of the segment, you'll see MANY kids were freaked out by it. And even worse, people on the Internet have a sneezing fetish, so I constantly worry that they either got it from or get off to this. I was literally 2 when I first viewed this tape. I was 12 when I last saw the segment with the "sneeze" in full, and I never plan to watch it ever again. IT'S NOT EVEN A SNEEZE! In fact, my fanfic "Metal Gear Solid: Sesame Street" was partially inspired by the dark truth that both Kids' Favorite Songs 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty came out in 2001. I hate that frogging year with a passion. You brought us... uh... the sound of the Devil being summoned passed off as a "sneeze". See you in Heck, Marty Robinson.
The sneeze is, like, the Anti-Christ!!

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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And it still gives me gorram Vietnam flashbacks. Snuffy's frogging inhumane sneeze was, along with the 1997-2001 SesameStreet.com website bumper and Nick Jr.'s Face, the bane of my VCR when I was a kid. I even loathed other episodes of shows where a character sneezed thanks to Martin P. Robinson's friggin'... SOUND. It didn't even SOUND LIKE A SNEEZE! It sounded like a... I dunno how to describe it... a gorram wildcat the first time and Godzilla's mating call the second! In fact, I theorize that the producers held Marty Robinson at gunpoint unless he didn't make that noise. It was done at pitches mankind was NOT MEANT TO REACH. Even though I'm over my so-called "phobia" of others sneezing (somehow I never reacted to real-life, or worse so, MY OWN SNEEZES), I still cannot watch Kids' Favorite Songs 2. I wonder what kind of twisted Sesame Workshop employee thought this loud sound would be acceptable to kids. If you look at the comments of the segment, you'll see MANY kids were freaked out by it. And even worse, people on the Internet have a sneezing fetish, so I constantly worry that they either got it from or get off to this. I was literally 2 when I first viewed this tape. I was 12 when I last saw the segment with the "sneeze" in full, and I never plan to watch it ever again. IT'S NOT EVEN A SNEEZE! In fact, my fanfic "Metal Gear Solid: Sesame Street" was partially inspired by the dark truth that both Kids' Favorite Songs 2 and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty came out in 2001. I hate that frogging year with a passion. You brought us... uh... the sound of the Devil being summoned passed off as a "sneeze". See you in Heck, Marty Robinson.
Gorram? Nice Firefly reference :smile:

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I used to love them as a kid, but for some reason I feel kind of disturbed by the William Wegman dogs now. It's probably because of the creepy voice narrating over them more so than the dogs themselves

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I heard a mention of this on the website Kindertrauma (even the poster wasn't sure whether he/she had dreamed it or not). But anyway, does anybody remember a skit that sounds similar to this?

An animation set in a desert with a creepy voiced narrator saying "-ut" words (hut, nut, shut, etc.). He then says "TUUUUUTTTTTTT!" in almost screaming voice sounding as though he's trying to summon Beetlejuice or something, rather than teach kids about words.

That sounds a bit unusual for Sesame Street due to how many kids have a fear of loud noises (especially at Sesame Street viewing age). So I was just wondering whether anybody knows of this. I know absolutely nothing about this skit personally and only know it from what the Kindertrauma user posted, so if I got anything wrong about the skit please keep in mind that I've never seen it myself.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I heard a mention of this on the website Kindertrauma (even the poster wasn't sure whether he/she had dreamed it or not). But anyway, does anybody remember a skit that sounds similar to this?

An animation set in a desert with a creepy voiced narrator saying "-ut" words (hut, nut, shut, etc.). He then says "TUUUUUTTTTTTT!" in almost screaming voice sounding as though he's trying to summon Beetlejuice or something, rather than teach kids about words.

That sounds a bit unusual for Sesame Street due to how many kids have a fear of loud noises (especially at Sesame Street viewing age). So I was just wondering whether anybody knows of this. I know absolutely nothing about this skit personally and only know it from what the Kindertrauma user posted, so if I got anything wrong about the skit please keep in mind that I've never seen it myself.
Here's another weird one that I heard about on YouTube a few months ago:

Somebody mentioned a creepy animation about Ludwig van Beethoven that is supposedly one of the "creepiest and most elusive Sesame Street skits of all time". It sounded completely innocent from the few things he could remember so I thought he may have been trolling at first. But to my surprise, many people replied and talked about how terrifying they found the skit as a child as well. All he could remember is that it involved Beethoven and something about whistling (?). I know, it sounds very bizarre and something that could have easily be faked, but due to how many other people responded, it JUST has to be real at this point. I was just wondering if anyone here knows what the heck these people could possibly be talking about. I'm confused as to how a famous music composer (or whistling for that matter) could possibly be scary?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Here's another weird one that I heard about on YouTube a few months ago:

Somebody mentioned a creepy animation about Ludwig van Beethoven that is supposedly one of the "creepiest and most elusive Sesame Street skits of all time". It sounded completely innocent from the few things he could remember so I thought he may have been trolling at first. But to my surprise, many people replied and talked about how terrifying they found the skit as a child as well. All he could remember is that it involved Beethoven and something about whistling (?). I know, it sounds very bizarre and something that could have easily be faked, but due to how many other people responded, it JUST has to be real at this point. I was just wondering if anyone here knows what the heck these people could possibly be talking about. I'm confused as to how a famous music composer (or whistling for that matter) could possibly be scary?
Could it be this?
