Fan Creations Thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Hapsy story: Part 5

Sometime in the week after she found the mystery book, Hapsy was living life as usual and lonely, though some people have taken noticed of her new belt. She was sitting by herself, watching a game in progress, when she suddenly hears a whisper. It wasn't like anything she had ever heard, as the sound of the quiet whisper was somehow going through her. :scary: Unable to make proper sense of it, she curiously follows the whisper out of Sprayberry Hall.
The further away she was from home, the louder and clearer she heard the strange whisper. But she isn't the only one: Drendall, Jerry, and Caramell had left the game upon seeing Hapsy mysteriously leaving. They probably don't hear the whisper, but are getting concern for her safety. :concern:
The four have no idea where they're going, but inside one huge tunnel, disaster strikes! Unknown creatures burst a wall broken, bringing mayhem! :eek: Those giants were unruly and violent, fighting with each other in the tunnel just for fun. They, however, don't see the shocked Fraggles below them. The Fraggle kids from Sprayberry Hall tried to evade their chaos, splitting up in the process.
Jerry and Caramell headed back to the entrance they came from, now safe from harm. Hapsy and Drendall, on the other hand, were stuck in a small cave, the only way out meaning being back in the me-lay of the giant creatures. Hapsy decides to take off and regroup with the others, but Drendall, finally fed up with her weird hobbies:mad: , disagrees and takes shelter in what appears to be a good hiding place. She doesn't see him where he hides, as she then jolts into the rampage, ready to risk anything to get back to Jerry and Caramell.
But then, everything got way too confusing! :confused: A rockquake brings everyone's attention, including the unknown creatures, finally stopping their brawling. For the first time, the crystal in Hapsy's belt begins to glow. The giants tried to comprehend the situation, but sensing a growing, dark presence strikes fear in them! They soon jumped back through the wall they came from for goodness sake! As the last one leaves, Jerry and Caramell can now see Hapsy, calling for her desperately. She started to run back to then, yet the tunnel had become broken in shambles. The foundation swiftly gives way, causing a rocky avalanche Hapsy gets stuck in!
She fell from inside the Rock
through what was once a wall
into an open world
before landing badly hard! :ouch:
For Jerry and Caramell, witnessing the whole thing, their ordeal was over by three minute or so. They raced back to Sprayberry Hall, telling everyone in an emergency that Hapsy and Drendall has disappeared!
But as for Hapsy, her ordeal had just begun. When she came to, she found herself lost with only the clothes on her and her book and scraps hiding underneath. She never saw the sky so big, the trees so tall, or the mountains so humongous before! One mountain she took notice had a huge scar and a peak in a shape of some claw. She began painfully walking away from the rockslided site, having a huge need to return home, even if she wasn't familiar with the new places...
...But what she doesn't truly know is that she, Drendall, and potentially everyone around her are in grave danger. An odyssey is ahead of her, but the burden she carries is, still unbeknownst to her, the Forbidden Book!...

...And--well, that's all I got for these Hapsy stories. I'm gonna leave it up to y'all and your imaginations on how the rest might go. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2012
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I know it's been a month, but I thought about what the thread was supposed to mean. So, here's my non-Henson poem for real:


Sorry, couldn't resist putting it in code! :smile: See if you can solve this puzzle...