Favorite Fraggle quote

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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"Everything is important. Either that or nothing is. I prefer the former." ~ Cantus in The Honk of Honks

"We each lead ourselves, and we all lead each other." ~ Mokey in Mokey, Then and Now

"I'm beginning to think everything's magic... if you see it that way." ~ Gobo in Change of Address

Boober's plea to the Silly Creatures in The River of Life is one of the most moving speeches in the entire series, in my opinion.
Good one, Beige! I am now of a former kind of girl than the latheral. The good news is my parents are finally letting to have some independence now since I am 21.

Beige Fraggle

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2012
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There are also a couple of quotes that aren't in the actual show, but pertain to it. One comes from the Down at Fraggle Rock: Beind the Scenes documentary, in which Jim Henson summed up the philosophy of the show itself: "We do not inherit the world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children."

The other quote comes from the Fraggle Farewell song, which was sung at the show's wrap party. This particular line was sung by Boober, and I just LOVE it: "We're the work and play of you who made us real."

Plaid Fraggle

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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[...] "We do not inherit the world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children."

The other quote comes from the Fraggle Farewell song, which was sung at the show's wrap party. This particular line was sung by Boober, and I just LOVE it: "We're the work and play of you who made us real."
Dang, Beige, you're bringin' up some beautiful quotes! I think you've really hit the mark; it's stuff like Boober's plea in "River of Life" that you mentioned before that make the show the best "kids'" stuff I've ever seen.

I really love "You cannot leave the magic," because without the greater meaning that the show imbues the saying with, I'd be like, "That's just super frickin' cheesy." But when you talk about being unable to escape magic, and looking at the world and all the beings around you as magic...well, that's beautiful stuff, there. It's just pure optimism and wonder :big_grin:

Beige Fraggle

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2012
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Dang, Beige, you're bringin' up some beautiful quotes! I think you've really hit the mark; it's stuff like Boober's plea in "River of Life" that you mentioned before that make the show the best "kids'" stuff I've ever seen.

I really love "You cannot leave the magic," because without the greater meaning that the show imbues the saying with, I'd be like, "That's just super frickin' cheesy." But when you talk about being unable to escape magic, and looking at the world and all the beings around you as magic...well, that's beautiful stuff, there. It's just pure optimism and wonder :big_grin:
Hear hear! Ooh, and let's not forget Red's song, "Bring Back the Wonder." I think that one sums up my sentiments for the return of Fraggle Rock quite nicely. ^__^ BTW, wasn't there talk about actually bringing back the series (with all-new episodes) if the movie is successful enough?

Plaid Fraggle

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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That would be superawesome! :'D I had not heard that. But you know? Not sure if this makes me a bad fan or something, but I'd probably like it even more if Fraggle Rock was left alone, in its pristine, tidy, well wrapped-up condition... It's so perfect as is


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
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That would be superawesome! :'D I had not heard that. But you know? Not sure if this makes me a bad fan or something, but I'd probably like it even more if Fraggle Rock was left alone, in its pristine, tidy, well wrapped-up condition... It's so perfect as is
I don't think that makes you a bad fan Plaid, in fact, I agree with you completely and totally. I don't think that any new Fraggle Rock episodes should be made. It should be like The Muppet Show, with the episodes all on dvd and re-run on television. Even when a Muppet movie was successful, no new Muppet Show episodes were made. Well, if you count Muppets Tonight as a newer version of TMS, it wasn't really successful and liked. So, using that as an example of what can happen in a show is revived, they should just leave the Fraggle Rock episodes alone and not try to make new ones.

Plaid Fraggle

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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Phew! Oh, and yesterday I was thinking of a different FR quote that gets "stuck in my head": toward the beginning of the episode "River of Life," when Boober talks about "anting" and calls ants "fasci-NAY-ting li'l guys!!" it just cracks me up. I love hearing that line :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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It's not the most original choice, but I love when Uncle Matt says "the magic is always there, as long as we keep looking for it". To me, that quote means hold on to what you believe in, even if it seems far away, and keep trying to achieve it. It's a sentiment that fits in with "The Rainbow Connection".