Henson chats with Farscape fans
of Sci Fi
22, 2004
Thursday April 22, Jim Henson Company CEO Brian Henson treated Farscape
fans with a special on-line chat hosted by the Sci FI Channel in the US.
Brian is
Farscape's executive producer and the director of the upcoming four-hour
Farscape mini-series "Peacekeeper War". The mini-series is scheduled
to air in November 2004 on the Sci Fi Channel.

( ChatMod):
Hi everybody, thanks for joining us. I'm Ben Trumble for SCIFI. Tonight
we're pleased to be chatting with Brian Henson about SCIFI's original
mini-series Farscape Peacekeeper War, coming later this year.
to (ChatQ): Was directing the mini yourself an economic decision,
or more a labor of love (or maybe a bit of both)?
( BrianH):
It was a labor of love. And it was financed on the condition that I
would direct it, but it was a labor of love.
to (ChatQ): do you feel like the mini took the show where you
had originally envisioned it being after five seasons?
( BrianH):
I think it's fair to say that none of us knew where it was going to
be after 5 years. I think that's part of the fun of Farscape.
to (ChatQ): After being gone for so long, was it difficult for
everyone to get back into the groove?
( BrianH):
It was certainly a challenge to get all the sets up and to
get everybody back in character. We started with such a big story and
we shot it completely out of order. So we made it very hard for everyone,
but the result is terrific.
to (ChatQ): how much of a challenge was the actual direction
of the mini and did you encounter any major problems, production-wise?
( BrianH):
I think this is probably the biggest production ever mounted
for TV and had all the associated challenges. Actually, we didn't encounter
any major problems. Except that we very nearly used up all of the explosives
in Australia. We used so many explosives that in the last week of shooting
Australia was running out of explosives.
(sprqy) to
(ChatQ): would we see more farscape after the mini? (BIG LOVE
from Israel Scapers!)
( BrianH):
Part of the plan was to bring Farscape to a place in the big
story where we could now go in lots of different directions. We could
make a movie, we could make a spin-off series, and I hope to do all
of those things.
( ChatMod):
A question from Italy --
(tako) to
(ChatQ): In our country Farscape is unaired, so do you think
we can hope we will be able to see the mini?
( BrianH):
First of all I'm very impressed that Italy and Israel are awake
and talking to us. I don't know if the mini-series is set to air in
Italy. Hallmark our distributor in Europe and I don't know if they have
a broadcaster for Italy yet.
( ChatMod):
Italy...Israel....Germany...Russia...Japan -- the world is logged
on here tonight.
to (ChatQ): Hasn't Henson recently entered into a deal with MGM
to produce live action films like Good Boy? Does Farscape have a potential
path through this?
( BrianH):
Perhaps, although the MGM relationship is mostly for younger
family films. But if the mini-series does well, I hope they might be
interested in a Farscape series.
( ChatMod):
I seem to have forgotten to mention OZ... and boy am I hearing
about it! Welcome AU.
to (ChatMod): Welcome Brian! Thank you for taking the time to
chat with us! I understand that while you were able to get all of the
cast back for the miniseries, not all of the writers and directors were
able to return. Were you able to get most of the same make-up artists,
Creature Shop artists, etc. back at least?
( BrianH):
We got everyone back that we needed to make a mini-series.
I directed the mini so we didn't need the other directors. Though they
are very talented, I directed this one. As for the writing, Rockne,
the series creator, and David Kemper, the runner wanted to write the
series themselves. That's why we didn't use any of the other writers.
( BrianH):
In terms of production designer and make-up designers and creature
artists, we got the very best.
For instance we used Ricky Eyres was the production designer for season
1 and we bought him back for the mini series. David Elsey, has always
headed up the creatures and creature designs and he came back. He did
all of the series and he came back to do the mini series.
to (ChatQ): Will all the Plot threads be dealt with at the end
of the Mini and Is Tammy Macintosh in the Mini?
( BrianH):
We believe we've dealt with them all in a very cool way. Tammy
is in the mini.
(Wormy) to
(ChatQ): I realize it's unknown at this point whether the funding
will exist to resurrect Farscape as a TV series -- to make the rest of
season 5 -- but if the money and the interest was there, would the cast
and crew be willing and able to make this "Unrealized Reality"
( BrianH):
Maybe, although we told the season 5 story in this miniseries.
In our minds, this chapter of the story is over, but it's wide open
to go over into the next chapter.
(Joff) to
(ChatQ): Any hints as to Zahn returning in the mini???
( BrianH):
I thought that answering the Tammy question was probably not
a good idea. I shouldn't take any more like that.
(One) to (ChatQ):
what was one of the funniest of most memorable moments on the mini series
set and, as a uk fan, do you know when we're liable to get to watch?
( BrianH):
The funniest moments were usually whenever D'argo forgot his
line in a scene and I can't write what would usually come out of his
mouth when he'd forget a line. I think it will be seen in the UK in
to (ChatQ): Brian, I was one of the people who met you at the
Jim Henson statue dedication at UMD. I was wondering how you felt when
Rygel and Pilot were pulled out of their boxes?
( BrianH):
I don't know what to say-- It felt great! They'd gone all the
way back to England, sat in a warehouse and then came all the way back
to Sidney. I think it was a good day for them.
(Trip) to
(ChatQ): Brian, were you surprised at the amount of attention
the cancellation of Farscape received from the media? It seemed like the
show got more media attention after it had gone off the air then when
it was actually running for the 4 seasons it was on.
( BrianH):
I think that's true. Thank you very much to all of you.
to (ChatQ): what is the schedule for releasing the complete season
3 and 4 DVD sets?
( BrianH):
I should really know the answer to that! I think all of season
3 is out in some parts of the world. Some of season 4 is out in some
parts of the world-- but I don't know where.
(njak) to
(ChatQ): Did the actors get to take home the parts of their costumes
they wanted? For example I have heard that Anthony and Wayne both wanted
their boots.....and Hello from the Ohio Scapers!
( BrianH):
Of course we all know that props and costumes belong to the
production company and that none of our actors would actually keep anything.
But of course, I'm being sarcastic.
to (ChatQ): When can USA Scapers plan on seeing the mini?
( BrianH):
October or November of this year.
to (ChatQ): Hi Brian-firstly thank you for Farscape- Also can
I ask-will we be seeing you guys at the Saturn awards again this year
(as Farscape has received another nomination)?
( BrianH):
I haven't received my invitation yet, but I would love to go.
to (ChatQ): Its always called a 4 Hour Mini-Series, so will it
really last full 4 hours, or are there 4 parts with each 45 minutes? (Greetings
from Germany!!!)
( BrianH):
Hello Germany!! It's in 2 parts, 90 minutes each. But 90 minutes
is actually 2 hours of tv time on commercial television. Because 1/2
an hour of the 2 hours is commercials.
to (ChatQ): Were any cast members reluctant about coming back
for the mini?
( BrianH):
They were all thrilled to come back But i think we got luck
with people's availability.
to (ChatQ): hi brian,in the mini we will find the duel scorpious/john
like the 4seasons before? thanks
( BrianH):
You'll have to watch to see. But, it's fair to assume that
if there were dual Scorpius' i season 4, then there will be dual Scorpius'
in the mini series.
to (ChatMod): Brian, if money and distribution were no object,
what would be your fondest desire for the future of the Farscape franchise?
And Hello from the Southeast Scapers!
( BrianH):
Definitely to make a feature film would be the most exciting.
(Snicka) to
(ChatQ): Do you think scifi will start airing the episodes in
order in the months leading up to the mini-series airing?
( BrianH):
I don't know. we haven't talked about it that specifically
(Nessus) to
(ChatQ): Where did the funding for the mini come from?
( BrianH):
It came from a consortium of financers who would not have heard
of us if it weren't for all of the attention the fans bought to the
canceling of the series. So thanks to all of you, the mini series was
(shammy) to
(ChatQ): Do you know when we can expect to promotions for the
( BrianH):
I don't know. I don't know what the SCIFI promotion schedule
is yet.
to (ChatQ): Do you have any other (non-Farscape) projects in
mind that you'd like to see Farscape cast members work on?
( BrianH):
They are all enormously talented. We don't actually develop
projects with specific actors in mind.
( ChatMod):
Brain, lots of people are asking if there was ever any thought
of taking the Peacekeepers War elsewhere other than SCIFI?
( BrianH):
Clearly SCIFI was always part of Farscape and it made the most
sense for SCIFI to broadcast this chapter of Farscape. If anyone else
were to broadcast it, they couldn't broadcast the episodes that lead
up to this mini.
to (ChatQ): if the mini is someone's first exposure to Farscape,
will they find the backstory easy to pick up?
( BrianH):
Our intention is that new audiences should be able to follow
this, but they will have to concentrate hard.
to (ChatQ): Is there any possibility of a longer, director's
cut version of the mini when it is released to DVD?
( BrianH):
Maybe, but it costs a lot of money to finish additional scenes
of Farscape because of the special effects. I can't promise anything.
There probably will be additional scenes, but un-finished.
to (ChatMod): Jersey Scaper here Since almost everyone has come
back from the died in Farscape can we expect Talyn and crais returning
( BrianH):
I'm not telling.
to (ChatMod): How believable will Farscape PK wars be? I mean
we see John and Aeryn Supposedly KILLED!!! I mean how are they going to
be brought back since we see some of them fall into the ocean
( ChatMod):
We'll have a final question after this
( BrianH):
On this one I'll tell. Rygel being amphibious had managed to
gather every piece of them back.
( ChatMod):
Brian -- final question...asked by many people. How much does
the future of Farscape depend on the success of the mini and what can
fans do to help it succeed?
( BrianH):
The future of Farscape depends a lot depends on the mini. And
we should all put our heads together to come up with ways to get the
word out to everyone in the country, two weeks before the mini airs
( BrianH):
Thank you all so much for everything that you've done to make
it possible for us to continue to make Farscape. It's been an honor
to speak with you. Good night. And good morning to you!

• Jerry
Nelson tribute at The Moving Image Museum October 27
• Jim
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• The Jim Henson Company Puppets to perform at the 2011 Grammys
• "Pioneers of Television" special
to honor Jim Henson
• Classic "Henson's Place" special
arrives on DVD August 3
• Frank
Oz unveils tribute to the "Henson Pipes" at NBC Studios