No Prequel
planned for Dark Crystal
of IGN Sci-Fi
January 31, 2000
news for those of you who were excited by the prospect
of a Dark Crystal prequel. The folks over at SFX called up their Henson
contacts, who told them "there (are) absolutely no plans of that sort
at the moment. Basically, it ain't going to happen."
that makes us very sad. Just last week, we were getting all excited about
the return of the Gelflings -- not to mention the prospect of a good,
solid fantasy flick. Still, we suppose we have the Lord of the Rings to
look forward to...we're hoping that someone out there has it them to make
a good film involving puppets, though. Call us crazy, but we think hand-operated
bits of foam are making a comeback, what with that goofy sidekick on Farscape
and all. In the meantime, tide yourself over by renting the 1982 original.