LOL! I overlook Cyndi's brief period when she was around wrestlers. I never understood that. BTW, she received a mention from Kelly Osborne on their show. She commented how beautiful and cool she still is. I don't know if that's a good thing.
Back to puppets. I really hated HR Puffinstuff. I found the whole thing sinister and plagued with bad puppetry and crummy puppet suits. The whole thing always gave me a slimy feeling. To me it was like the Power Rangers of the 70s. BTW, that's coming back now too.
I liked what Fox was doing with Greg the Bunny, but to me it was still behind the times. If it had been on cable and been released before South Park, people would have taken notice. It just wasn't shocking to enough of the target audience.
On that note, I don't like what Crank Yankers has done. It's below low brow humor. I don't see how anyone above the age of 7 would find it funny. The puppets are well made, but I find it insulting to those with an ounce of sense. I don't think Jimmy Kimmel or Adam Corola are funny in the least. Never have. They just seem like bloated, lazy pigs trapped in a junior high mentality.
Forgive the rant. I know we all have different tastes. It's a long way to go to say how appreciative I am about Jim Henson. I know the Muppets were more than just him, but would any of what he created have happened if not for him? I don't think so. I guess. Everyone does matter. Especially Jim Henson!