MWoO said:
BTW, does post count and time spent posting really have a say in who I can and can not disagree with? Is this one of those kinds of boards? Where a poster can only e taken seriously if their post count is in the thousands? I sure hope not.
Oooooh dear. This thread is a bit of a bad example to the MC communities behavior.
But, for one second, let me just examine why, if no one minds.
The film was highly advertised as the Film that would decide the Muppets future...
As a result, us Muppet fans feel that Everything is held at stake on the comments on thsi film. They each and everyone os us feel that this film and the Muppets very lives depends on us alone. I too fall prey to this thinking all the time.
NOTE: I am defending this film...I never seen it...
You get the same on Star Trek sites, when it comes to things like Season Finals, people are at each others throat continually becuase they are fighting for the series lives the only way they know how.
So, let's just lay off a bit, and frankly, ignore those who's efforts to sav the Muppets offend you, and ignore those who's honest Personal opinions offend you, and let's eat Muffins.
Mwoo, it's great to have your thoughts, and your defence, just try not to stamp on people...too much...
Bear, don't judge MC by this stressfull thread, too much hangs on this thread for people to be relaxed here.
Vic, don't feel I was saying anything bad about you.
Lisa, May I join you in Welcoming all new mebers in this thread!

{Hope tht helped}regard