A lot of the bonus skits mentioned are ones that I haven't heard about. I was wondering if they would mostly be ones that everybody knows about and have been included on many videos, anniversary specials, and whatnot, but a lot of them I don't really know anything about. It feels like a treat finally seeing the original Oscar singing I Love Trash, plus I've Got Two (I've been wondering if those songs were recorded especially for the first album or if they were on the show in the first season). It's also great that I'll finally be able to see the skit where Big Bird met Little Bird and The Monsters Three Wishes. It is a shame that more Kermit skits weren't included, but most of the ones included are ones that I haven't seen, and we pretty much get a little bit of everything from the first five years on the set. We get an almost equal balance of main characters, at least one skit with most of the non-main characters from the first three years, two Grover the Waiter skits, at least one Baker, Jazz, Alice Braitswaith Goodyshoes, Buddy and Jim, Larry and Phyllis, and Mad Painter sketch each, one Super Grover sketch, one Sesame Street News sketch (and another sketch with Kermit as a reporter), and more. I don't think this set will have any Ralph and Wally or country fiddler skits (like Two Toucans Two-Steps), though.
And the press release seemd to have a few errors. As pointed out in the review, it has 54 bonus skits instead of 45 (that's sweet!), and there were press releases that mentioned that the set hs Pinball Number Count and Sing with Bob, but those don't appear to be included. I don't know why these errors were made in the press release (perhaps when the press release was written the DVD producers thought Pinball Number Count was part of the first five years and corrected the mistake before it was released, and maybe the same thing applies to Sing).
It is a bit great that this set does have some skits with non-Sesame Workshop characters, not just Kermit the Frog, but also Batman, Superman, and Beetle Bailey. I kept wondering what wuld have been cut from Noggin, and it seems like most of what Noggin cut wasn't included in other episodes (though some were), and most of these skits don't seem too interesting. I could be wrong and learn that they are better than they sound. I was hoping that Noggin cut some Kermit and Herbert Birdsfoot skits from the episodes included (so we'd have more of them than what we would have known), as well as some Little Jerry and the Monotoens skits, and some more Lefty skits (did Noggin ever show any Lefty segments?). But it stil sounds satisfying.
By the way, regarding the upcomming The Best of The Electric Company Voluem 2, is this set comming out nearly a year after the first release, or is that gap shorter (or longer)? Maybe this can clue us in to how long we'll have to wait for volume two of Sesame Street: Old School.