Your Thoughts: New Muppet Central Forum Features


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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Welcome to the new Muppet Central Forum. We announced two weeks ago that major upgrades to the forum were coming. We've been preparing for this upgrade for several months. We hope that you like the results. We believe that the more you use our new forum, the more you'll like it.

Must Read: An overview of many of the new features is on-line in this discussion:

There is still some tweaking to be done over the next few days so please be patient during the adjustment. If you have a question or notice an issue, please post here and we'll try to help. You can also discuss all of our new features.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
Hey, the forum's back up! I've literally been checking it all day. Overall, I love the design! It's definitely gonna take some getting used to, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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This is going to take a lot of getting used to - despite going through some minor overhauls over the years, as well as two different servers, MC's overall layout was very consistent ever since I've been a member all the way back in 2003. This is the first major redesign for the forum that I've ever experienced in all the years I've been here. I do miss the Flash header banner that's been part of the forum for as long as I can remember - despite it being broken for a while now, and the fact that support for Flash will soon be a thing of the past on most web browsers. I do like that the forum itself is wider now, and I'm sure people who actually use widescreen resolutions on their devices will appreciate that even moreso (never really was much of an issue on my 1024x768 resolution).

I like the sound of some of these new features, such as even larger avatars, and the ability to embed a wider array of media aside from just pics and vids, plus the ability to do more than just like a post or a thread with other reactions, much like Facebook.

My only quibble, and it's incredibly minor, is that I don't particularly care for the gray background color - it just makes the entire forum seem a tad too bright and high contrast - but, again, that could be me still being used to the black background color on the old forum.

Either way, it's great to have MC back up and running again!

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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I’ve gotten used to MaidenFan’s new look so this is like a step that I’m already set for. Love it.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well, so longs as I have an Edit field to be able to write/post, I'm okay. Will come back and read through the list of changes.

One question though. I've noticed a member's name present as the last person to post in the most recent thread for any given forum section, which means that said member's name then gets listed after each forum section since they were the last to post anything in one of the threads there. My question is: why are some members like antsantham9 and minor muppets refered to by just the first character in their user names? Might be my own browser, might need a resetting, then again I'm not the savviest tech user and it's not rully that big an issue, just something I noticed.

Thanks for all the BTS work on improving the forums Phil. :jim:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
My question is: why are some members like antsantham9 and minor muppets refered to by just the first character in their user names? Might be my own browser, might need a resetting, then again I'm not the savviest tech user and it's not rully that big an issue, just something I noticed.
Members like them have no avatars, and using the first letter in their username appears to replace what the previous forum feature did of just featuring gender symbols in lieu of them actually having an avatar.

YouTube has been doing the same thing for a number of years now.