Personally, I loved MMW. It had the best songs, and the best villain. "I'm Number One" reminded me of Discord from MLP: FiM. "The Big House" was one of the best songs in the movie. "I'll Get You What You Want" is so romantic, and "Something So Right" was fabulous, especially since they decided to pair up the two biggest divas of all time: Celine Dion and Miss Piggy. The spontaneously exploding cupcake gag was surprisingly hilarious. I really liked Constantine, because his plan wasn't really that stupid. I mean, replacing Kermit was pretty smart. Tina Fey was absolutely hilarious, although it's sad that her obsessive Kermit fangirling is pretty close to what some people on this site are like in real life…and Ricky Gervais and Ty Burrell were fantastic as well! I also loved that they included "Together Again" at the end, sort of as a nod to the classic Muppet fans. And let's not forget the Kermiggy kiss!

*Harleena fangirls over one of her OTPs* I like that they gave Janice more lines in this movie.

And the Muppet fireworks at the end were a nice touch. My favorite was Dr. Teeth! Also, whoever drew that Smash Bros. picture, I love you, and I must go draw the movie poster with either Teen Titans or Hetalia characters. Probably Teen Titans…"Oh, Silkie, it has always been the fight!"