Some of the responses here bother me to no end. Some of you people are actually proposing that this new guy (identified at Tough Pigs as
Artie Esposito) should just completely usurp Steve Whitmire for the part of Kermit. That is the most ridiculous, uncalled for, unbelievable proposal I have
ever heard. You honestly mean to tell me that you think that Steve Whitmire, a man who has worked with the Muppets for over thirty years, a man who was thrust Kermit after his idol, his mentor, his friend Jim Henson died, a man who ressurrected the frog from the ashes and has continued to perform him to his highest degree for
NINTEEN YEARS should be made to give up
HIS CHARACTER to some no-name puppeteer that's had a few background parts on a few shows?
No. Way.
Steve Whitmire is Kermit the Frog. You may not agree with every single stinkin' word that comes out of his mouth as Kermit, but like it or not, he is Kermit. He HAS BEEN Kermit for
NINETEEN YEARS. He will continue to be Kermit until he CAN'T anymore.
JIM HENSON knew Steve Whitmire. Jim saw Steve's talent and Jim (I think) had a hand in choosing Steve as Kermit. Frank Oz has said that, "Steve loved Jim and Jim loved Steve, taking on Kermit was not easy for Steve." Steve Whitmire has worked his *** off to be Kermit the Frog for the past
NINETEEN YEARS and asking him to change that is unthinkable. The thought of bringing in an entirely new performer for Kermit the Frog after Steve Whitmire has performed him for
NINETEEN YEARS is laughable, is inconcievable, is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
Some of you say this fake-Kermit sounds more like Jim Henson? Again, I laugh. For one line, MAYBE, fake-frog sounds like Jim. But for the rest of it he sounded like a bad Scooter voice, a whispering ogre, or a bar-entertainer Kermit impersonator. After
NINETEEN YEARS of Steve Whitmire as Kermit the Frog, there is no question that Steve Whitmire IS THIS CHARACTER. From the voice, to the mannerisms, to the head/hand shape--EVERYTHING ABOUT KERMIT IS STEVE WHITMIRE.
I honestly couldn't believe the things I was reading in this thread. People insinuating that the performer of fake-Kermit should completely overthrow Steve for Kermit. I'm saying this now and I'm never going to regret it: That is disgusting. Anyone who does not trust Steve Whitmire to handle Kermit the Frog should not call themselves a Muppet fan. Anyone who thinks that after
NINETEEN YEARS of unprecedented hard work Steve should be replaced by some unknown, lousy puppeteering, Kermit impersonator should not call themselves a Muppet fan.
Steve Whitmire is Kermit the Frog. All others are just impersonators. Including Artie Esposito. Anyone who is not Steve Whitmire that slips on the puppet of Kermit the Frog is an impersonator.
I'm embararssed for Steve because of that lousy performance from Kermit last night. Miss Piggy, Eric Jacobson, and the Muppets in general should be proud of the appearance. But Artie Esposito (or whoever was performing the fake-Kermit) America's Got Talent should be embarrassed that the show was billed to feature Kermit the Frog, and instead featured a piece of green felt be waggled around and grunting.
Steve Whitmire is Kermit the Frog, and I will fight for whatever I must to keep it that way.