a funny Fraggle Rock episode
I remember Fraggle Rock, and it's a great show, I bought a DVD at Shoprite a long time ago of a few episodes. That is this was before HUB had debuted. The DVD does have the funny song that my sister and I used to sing called "See the Beetle Sitting On The Stone." It's more like a tounge twister. Anyway, here was the funny episode. Doc had finally gotten his new computer with a whopping 64 kilobites of ram a few mhz of power, and finally using the old large floppy 5 1/4 in diskettes. Not to mention is displays color graphics. Remember this was the 1980's, so pc tech was kind of new. Anyway Doc was showing the pc to his dog Sproket, and upon checking out the software, they discover a game of "Zombie Attack." Now for some reason, they had muted out the attack word as he said the pc game tittle. Must be a really old game.
Anyway, I think that Red and Gobo argue in who's going to be in charge, and upon arguing in the Gorg's garden, they get trapped in a basket by The King Gorg. Now the funny part is when the Gobo pretends to be a magic genie, and after Junior gorg is told the story by his mom the queen, Junior believes the voice in the basket is a genie to grant his wishes. And Gobo warned Junior that if he lifts the basket, his ears will fall off. Not only that, despite Junior having a cold, they also warn him that if he sneezes one more time, he will die. Sure, after Junior faking his death, he suddenly jumps up and sings and dances as the fraggles sing their goodbyes to the so called dead gorg. A dead gorg walking around and dancing? Meanwhiele, after a game competition between Doc and Sprocket, Mr. Ned Shimofinny challenges Doc to the game and beats him with a whopping 1,800,000 points on Doc's Zombie Attack game.
Funny that Sprocket goes into a death scene everytime he hears Shimmofinny's name. Anyway, I've noticed that the game's sound is the arcade game Galaxian, and upon dying and the game ends, you hear Pac-man's arcade whine as he dies. those flaming marshmallows are deadly. Brings back memories of video game competitions as a kid growing up.