Now that I have The Hub, I'd like to say my opinion on their treatment of the Fraggles and the channel itself.
I'll start with the channel itself. Overall, it's not bad, though they seem to love commercials, mainly for toys owned by Hasbro (One game show is essentially a 30 minute commercial for their line of board games). Before you tell me, yes I know Hasbro partially owns the channel. It's a mix of their older stuff (Like Endurance and other things from Discovery Kids), reruns (Fraggle included) and new material.
As for their treatment of Fraggle Rock, the episode prints are on par with the DVDs, though they may be a little worse. There's some weird edits, I presume to air more ads and not for decency purposes. However, these minor complaints vented, it's great to finally see Fraggle Rock on TV again, though like I said, I'm spoiled by the DVDs, what with no edits and commercials and whatnot.