There was one animation where a little girl is holding a balloon, and a pin. She wonders what would happen if she popped the balloon. We saw a potential sequence of events, one at a time, then again with another consequence added. (I forget exactly what, though I think they involved a younger sibling. I know her mom sternly yelled "Sally!") It all culminated in her being sent to bed without any supper, "Then I'll miss the chocolate pie my mother's making for dessert" <insert a drawing of a pie, then watching it fade into thin air to spooky tingling sounds>. In the end, she decides not to pop the balloon.
Another "cause and effect" cartoon with that same girl ended up with her cat getting put outside, because he knocked over the parrot cage. "Please, weeo, crackers, weeo". Again she decided against doing the action, which I think was spilling something out of a bag.
Here's an animation I thought was a bit depressing. Some kids are playing baseball, and the ball escapes under some apathetic tough guy's foot. A small boy approaches him:
BOY: Can I have the ball?
BIG GUY: Nope!
BIG GUY: (whistles the equivalent of "tough toodles")
The boy has a thought balloon. First he pictures snapping a stick behind the tough guy, but it has no effect there. Then he imagines giving the guy an ice cream cone; the dude eats the whole thing in one gulp and doesn't even break stride over the ball. Finally, the thought balloon closed, the boy brings an attack dog. With the command "speak" and a couple of barks, the guy finally relinquishes the ball. The boy takes it back to the ball game, a home run is promptly hit, and they are back to square one with the ball once again under that guy's foot.