The best thing about the Pez dispenser is when you tilt Kermit's head back it plays the Muppet Show theme.
Can- can I... m-m-marry it?
Sah-ree. But that ish SO cool! I have an old Miss Piggy Pez, and I remember one time at school I got my Yoshi Pez dispenser conviscated from me because I was eating all the lollies in class. They're hard to control with one hand, so they were flyiing everywhere. The teacher got a shock at first because she thought they were... uh 'unno, drugs or something- lol.
And now this conversation reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Jerry puts a Pez dispenser on Elaine's knee during a concert- LOL!
I can't stop laughing. I mean, what the hey? You might as well call salt "pepper". Tell you friend he/she got clowned on Muppet Central Forum, cuz everyone is ROFLOL!
Lol, will do!

"The new MC sensation...", haha, it's so... sad.