You might be an obsessed Muppet fan if you think the best way to encourage young people to vote is the promise of an appearance by The Count to help with tallying the votes.
(You're really obsessed if you would be glued to the television watching The Count count votes.

any time you hear the word "recount", you think it's referring to some new Sesame Street segment featuring The Count.
(Actually, it would be pretty funny if he had some sort of sidekick named "Recount"- I could picture this nerdy nephew of some sort with glasses and a pocket calculator checking behind The Count and telling him when he's off on his count. Of course- with all that thunder and lightning he seems to emanate, not to mention his powers of persuasion shall we say [back in the earliest appearances anyway]- I don't think I'd want to be the one to dare tell The Count he actually counted wrong. lol)