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World of Disney (featuring The Muppets)


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Not just on FanFiction.net, but also on a site called Disney-Dreams.net (which is WoD's initial "birthplace", lol). I'm glad that MC will be in sync with the other forums after I post the next chapter, because it'll be less confusing that way while I'm posting them on the three forums. :wink:

Oh, and thanks for spoiling everyone on what happens next, Count! LOL! :stick_out_tongue: jk

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well, if you hadn't posted Ch 21 there wouldn't have been anything to spoil. So take that. :attitude: J/K.

Seriously dude, please post more though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2009
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Ya, I'm with Count.
I normally don't like fan-fics, I have a hard time getting into them (sorry to all you other writers out there) but for whatever reason I'm sucked right into this story.

I don't know whatever happened to make me like this so much, maybe it's your subtle Lost references that are getting me. Who knows; whatever happened, happened. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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GL, that was an awesome reply! I actually enjoyed reading your comment so much that I forwarded it on the official Facebook page for the story earlier! Thank you so much! Whatever is engaging you into WoD - and I know for sure it's got to be both the LOST references and the plot - I hope it continues as I get new chapters posted soon! :smile:

Chapter Twenty-One: Realm Zone – 1992​

A bright sun bore down on Joanie as she awakened from her unconscious state. Slowly, she sat up and looked around to see where she was. Much to her immediate shock, she was in the middle of a barren desert, miles and miles of dunes as far as the eye could see. Panic quickly struck her as she cried out into the windy atmosphere, “Is there anybody out there? Hello!”

Of course, there was no answer.

The situation was becoming far more terrifying than she could have ever imagined; unfortunately, it was no one near as terrifying as her other problem: she had no idea who she was. As hard as she tried, she could not remember. She was not even certain how she arrived in that desert, wearing nothing more than a bright tie-dye t-shirt and bell bottom pants (not much protection from the windy, sandy atmosphere she was currently in). All she knew was how scared she was and that her headache was killing her.

Just when the young redhead (a result of her previous “adventure”) started to believe all hope was lost for her, she heard the neigh of a horse close to her. She turned her head in its direction and spotted a darkly clad stranger riding on horseback, heading right towards her. A hopeful smile appeared on her face, believing her luck to have finally been looking up. What she did not realize was the stranger was in actuality Jafar, the demented sorcerer from the land of Agrabah; however, to Joanie, he was a blessing.

Once Jafar neared her location, he brought his horse to a full stop, allowing her to approach. “Thank goodness you’re here! I was beginning to think I was going to die out here!” Joanie exclaimed.

Jafar and his pet parrot, Iago, glanced up and down at her, noting the strange clothes she wore; they were like nothing he had ever seen before. “Who are you, young lady?” he asked.

“I honestly don’t know.” Joanie hopelessly said. “I just…woke up here…in the middle of nowhere…without a single clue of whom or where I am.”

Jafar eyed her a little more closely, a grin emerging upon his face. “I might be of some service to you,” he said while reaching into a sack latched onto the right side of his saddle and pulling out a dark beige cloak that he tossed to Joanie. “Here, take this. It will be nightfall soon and the desert isn’t much kinder in its climate then.”

Joanie looked at the cloak in her hands and smiled to Jafar. “Thank you. You’re a very nice man.”

In response to that compliment, Jafar’s grin widened with glee.


Joanie traversed across the desert on horseback with Jafar and Iago until night had arrived. She was more than thankful when nighttime came and felt how cold the desert became. The cloak Jafar provided was working well against the harsh climate, keeping her warm the entire time. During the ride across the desert, Joanie wondered where exactly Jafar was taking them, yet she did not dare to question him after saving her life.

When they arrived upon a large dune, Jafar stopped his horse and waited. Within moments, another rider appeared on horseback, coming straight for them. He stopped and immediately jumped off his horse. “You…are late,” Jafar told the man.

“A thousand apologies, o patient one.” The man remarked before he noticed Joanie with Jafar. “May I ask who your ‘friend’ is?”

“She is no concern of yours, Gazeem.” Jafar dismissed. “Your only concern should be of the item I have requested you to bring.”

“Ah, yes. My half of the medallion.” Gazeem said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a golden object that was peculiar in design. Jafar reached out to take it from him, but Gazeem yanked it back and said, “Ah, ah, ahhh! The treasure!”

Suddenly, Iago leaped from his perch on Jafar’s shoulder, squawking as he flew by Gazeem and callously snatched the item from Gazeem’s grasp. He brought it to Jafar, who pulled out his own half of the same medallion. “Trust me, my pungent friend. You’ll get what’s coming to you.”

“What’s coming to you! Awk!” Iago squawked.

Joanie watched with interest as Jafar brought the two halves of the medallion together, creating the design of a scarab. It then glowed in its golden hue and flew directly out of Jafar’s hands. The effect scared their horses, nearly knocking Joanie off the one she shared with Jafar. They watched it soared across the night atmosphere, briefly illuminating the dunes it traveled above.

“Quickly, follow the trail!” Jafar exclaimed, motioning for his horse to chase after the flying medallion. He chased right after it with Gazeem and his horse following close behind.

The glowing speck of light that was the scarab medallion traveled far across the desert until it reached another large dune (larger than the one the group departed from) and separated into two on its own. The halves plunged into the dune, leaving only two glowing points of light remaining on the dune. When Joanie, Jafar, and Gazeem arrived at the scene, they were all shocked to see the dune suddenly rise up and transform into the giant head of a lion with the glowing points of light serving as eyes for the manifestation.

Out of everyone in the group, Jafar was the most ecstatic upon witnessing the startling sight. “At last, after all my years of searching…The Cave of Wonders!”

“Awk! Cave of Wonders!” Iago squawked.

“Groovy!” Joanie uttered, even though she had no idea what the word meant.

Jafar then directed his attention back to Gazeem and instructed him, “Now remember…bring me the lamp. The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine!” Jafar sounded very intent and direct on his instructions, which were clear as a bell to Gazeem.

The pint-sized peddler made his approach to the mouth of the lion, which formed as the entrance to the cave, chuckling greedily with every step he took. Just as he reached the entrance, he was unexpectedly blown away when the cave roared upon speaking. “Who disturbs my slumber?”

The deep, dark tone of the cave’s voice brought chills down Joanie’s spine as she listened – never before having seen or heard anything like it, much to her very limited knowledge. She nervously looked on as Gazeem boldly addressed the cave. “It is I…Gazeem…a humble thief.”

The cave eyed Gazeem sternly and stated, “Know this…Only one may enter here…One whose worth lies far within…A diamond in the rough!”

Gazeem turned back to Jafar, who motioned for him to move forward into the cave. The peddler appeared very apprehensive about entering the lion’s mouth, taking heed of the words put upon him by the lion itself. Was he really this “diamond in the rough” the mystical creature requested him to be? Only one way to find out…he moved one foot inside the cave, planting it down. After a brief moment, nothing happened; consequently, Gazeem was relieved and continued on his trek.


Then came another roar from the lion – it knew he was unworthy of entering the cave. Quickly, Gazeem turned and attempted to run away from the cave; unfortunately, the lion’s mouth slammed shut directly over him. The doomed peddler disappeared within the dune, as it collapsed back to normal. All that remained the sudden turn of events were Joanie, Jafar, Iago, and the two separated halves of the medallion.

Having been knocked off the horse and into the sand, the three beings emerged from separate areas and brushed off the sand covering their bodies. Joanie was stricken with horror from the scene that occurred, screaming to Jafar, “What was that? What just happened?”

“That, my dear, was an example of the enchantment that surrounds the land of Agrabah.” Jafar revealed. “Does it terrify you?”

“Heck, yes, it does!” Joanie answered. “But, at the same time, it also intrigues me as well. Does this stuff happen to you all the time where you’re from?”

Jafar grinned. “Yes…this ‘stuff’ does occur more often than normal – mostly due to my practice in the arts of magic.”

“Wow. I’d really love to see more of what you can do.”

“Then come with me to Agrabah and I’ll teach you.”

Joanie smiled on his offer. She then heard Jafar’s horse neighing nearby, trying to get out from some sand its feet were buried beneath. Running to the horse, she left Jafar alone with Iago, who retrieved the two halves of the medallion for his master and took his place back on Jafar’s shoulder. What happened next could only have happened when no one else was near: Iago spoke to Jafar in plain English. “In case you’ve forgotten what just happened due to the beautiful redhead we’ve picked up…we’ve got a huge problem here! That Gazeem jerk couldn’t even step one foot into the cave! We’re never gonna get a hold of that stupid la…!”

Jafar interrupted Iago’s ranting by simply pinching his beak shut and calmly stating, “We might have discovered the solution to our problem, my feathery friend…in the form of our new ‘beautiful redhead’ companion. If we can mold her into the perfect sorceress, we might not need a ‘diamond in the rough,’ but just a simple…loophole.”



Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2009
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I need to catch up on my reading! So far, I'm up to Chapter 14 but I'm going to keep reading! I think this is an amazing story with some stuff that you can only get away with in fanfiction. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Chapter Twenty-Two: Time Zone – 2010​

“So…you two ladies are from Baton Rogue, and you’ve never seen any frogs like Robin and me there?” Kermit inquired to Joie and Gina.

Joie shook her head and answered, “Nope…not one. And you’ve never seen people like Gina and me there either?”

Robin shook his head also. “Nope.”

“Well, what does that mean?” Scooter asked.

“It means that the two ladies are from a parallel universe.” Bunsen stated. “It’s the only reasonable deduction, considering the differences between spots. While Kermit and Robin are aware of a Baton Rouge, Louisiana with members of their family, Joie and Gina are simply familiar with people who can…er…alter their facial appearances drastically.”

Gina frowned at the Muppet scientist. “Well, you were the one who asked for a demonstration.”

“Yes, but I did not expect to need a change of underwear afterward.” Bunsen sheepishly remarked.

“Wow!” Bean exclaimed. “Isn’t this amazing? We have people from another time and people from another dimension all under one roof. It’s like a great science fiction movie!”

Stargate, okay.” Pepe uttered.

Meanwhile, Beaker typed a few keys into the computer and a loud, brief buzzing sound emitted from the Magic Gateway. Once it passed, he meeped to Bunsen, pretending to dust off his hands.

Bunsen turned to Beaker, seeming a little amazed. “Beaker, you fixed our radiation issue?” His assistant meeped a happy response. “Splendid, Beaker!”

“Does that mean ya’ll can fix them?” Clifford asked, gesturing to Ciciley, Kimberly, and Meagan, who were still acting as if they were Princess Jasmine, The Mad Hatter, and Cruella De Vil.

“And also get Joanie back from wherever she is?” Robin added.

“Well, yes and no.” Bunsen answered.

The others looked very confused, leading Kermit into asking, “Yes and no to which parts?”

“Yes, I can bring Joanie back; no, I cannot fix your friends… not yet, at least.” Bunsen clarified. “I can pinpoint Joanie’s current location through the computer. Now that Beaker and I have corrected its functions, finding her and her mother will be much simpler now.”

“Well, she’ll be ecstatic to hear that, once we get her back.” Kermit said.

Clifford seemed a little offended of how the older Muppets seemed to negate the other situation at hand. “Now, wait a sec! Let’s try and focus on the here and now, man! Three of our friends think they’re Disney characters, not to mention Tracy is lying on the floor over there, still unconscious! Maybe we can try and focus on all of this for a minute before we…”

“Hey, buddy!” Scooter yelled to Clifford. “Our friend is in trouble, too! She’s probably in bigger trouble than any of your friends ar…”

“Hey, hey, no need to blow our tops, guys.” Bobo quickly interjected. “We’re all just trying to do the right thing here.”

“That’s right.” Fozzie agreed with the other bear. “Standing here arguing isn’t going to help our friends.”

Observing the scene, Joie whispered to Gina, “Weird how the bears are the cool-headed ones in all of this.” Gina concurred with her sister’s sentiment with a simple nod. Joie then stepped forward and spoke out to the Muppets. “Hey, I’ve got an idea. Since half of ya’ll wanna help this Joanie chick, why not send that half out through this little machine of yours, while err-body else stay here and do their thang?”

The Muppets pondered over Joie’s idea, finding the marvelous logic in it.

Kermit smiled and stated, “Excellent idea. We’ll take a vote on who stays and who goes. Everyone who wants to go and find Joanie, raise your hand, flipper, or paws.” Robin, Fozzie, Gonzo, Scooter, Kermit himself, and even Bobo all raised their arms.

Rizzo glanced surprisingly at Bobo. “You wanna go into dah insane machine?”

“Hey, everybody else gotta chance. Can’t I have one?” Bobo remarked.

“I want to go, too.” Bean spoke up, raising his paw. “Going into a world based on Disney sounds pretty cute.”

“Trust me, amigo. Once jou go in, it won’t seem so ‘cute’.” Pepe warned.

Kermit nodded and lowered his hand along with the others. “Then it’s settled. We’ll go and find Joanie, while the rest of you take care of things here.” He then turned to Bunsen and asked, “Can you send us to Joanie’s exact location?”

“Not precisely, Kermit,” Bunsen elucidated, “but I can place you within the closest proximity of the world she’s in.”

“Well, that’s good…I think.” Kermit remarked.

Joie smiled upon witnessing the vote amongst the Muppets. “I might get in on this myself. What about you, Gee? You gonna chill here or go with us?”

“No, thanks.” Gina cautiously answered. “I’m happy stayin’ right here ‘til ya’ll get back. I’ve got no problem holdin’ down the fort while you’re gone.”

“Suit yourself.” Joie acknowledged before walking to the Magic Gateway and observing it. “So how do ya’ll work this thing?”

Bunsen pressed the button on the computer that achieved the newly repaired door to the Magic Gateway’s chamber. Joie reflected from the surprising action, as were Clifford, Bobo, and Bean. In response to Joie’s inquiry, Bunsen instructed, “You simply step inside and the machine takes you across time and space to your requested destination – in this case, an area called…” He slightly adjusted his glasses while gazing upon the computer screen. “…Agrabah.”

The ears of Ciciley (Jasmine) perked when she heard the name of the location. “Agrabah! That is my home!” She went to Joie, grabbing her arm and pleading, “Take me with you! I must get back to my father – I’m all he has left!”

Joie was not entirely sure of what to do; she gazed towards Bunsen, hoping for some type of suggestion.

“Let her go with you.” Bunsen recommended after careful thought. “Perhaps actually being in the world could snap her out of this persona.”

Shrugging with an uncertain grin, Joie told Ciciley (Jasmine), “Sure…of course you can come.”

Ciciley (Jasmine) smiled and appreciatively said, “Thank you.”

“C’mon. Let’s go.” Robin anxiously beckoned. “The longer we spend time here, the more danger Joanie could be in.” The little frog sighed and added, “I really hope she’s alright.”

Realm Zone – 1992​

The Sultan’s palace stood majestically at the center of the enchanted city of Agrabah, its structure practically glistening under the bright morning sun. In the back section of the palace was a beautiful garden, complete with an equally beautiful fountain that had sparkling water flowing through it. Sitting by the fountain was a young princess named Jasmine, daughter of the Sultan, who stared long and hard at her reflection in the water. However, Jasmine was not staring at herself in admiration of her magnificent beauty, but rather because something was entirely amiss. Even though it was Princess Jasmine in the reflection, the thoughts and feelings she possessed belonged to Ciciley Thomas.

Ciciley could not figure out how it happened. One minute, she was standing in the basement of the Muppet Theater and hearing a weird buzzing sound; and, in the next minute, she was standing in the Sultan’s palace as Princess Jasmine. Undoubtedly, the strange occurrence was courtesy of Bunsen Honeydew’s machine, which experienced yet another “hiccup” that sent Ciciley not only out of her own dimension, but out of her own body as well. Not that she was carrying any serious qualms over it; she actually enjoyed being one of her favorite Disney princesses…for the time being.

A low, heavy purring sound was heard close to her, and she quickly noticed Rajah – Princess Jasmine’s pet tiger – slowly moving toward her. To Rajah, Ciciley was Jasmine and treated her as the princess. Ciciley did her best not to fear the tiger, since he had to be Princess Jasmine for the sake of those in the world she was trapped in. Doing her best not to hesitate, she softly stroked Rajah on the head, which encouraged the gentle tiger to purr even more.

Ciciley smiled and said – in Jasmine’s voice, “Good tiger. Nice tiger.”


It was the Sultan.

Ciciley turned her head at the moment she heard his voice to see him enter the garden area, looking very giddy at the moment. Once he saw her sitting with Rajah by the fountain, he exclaimed upon running to her, “Oh, Jasmine! There you are! There’s something I must tell you!”

She smiled, knowing exactly what she was going to say before he even could say it. “I know, Father. I know. You have another suitor for me to choose to marry. But I’m not going to choose him, because I’m not truly in love with him, and Rajah will just scare him off.” Rajah seemed delighted by that last part, smiling as Ciciley said it. “So you can just send him away, because I know my true love is still waiting for me out there…somewhere.”

The Sultan stared at her with a perplexed look upon his face. “Erm…well…I s-suppose that would be one thing to tell you, if there was a suitor coming today…but I’m afraid there isn’t.”

The confusion then turned to Ciciley upon hearing what the Sultan told her. “Really? Then what did you come to tell me?”

“I’ve come to tell you about Jafar and the woman he is courting.”

Ciciley reacted with surprise and worry. Events were not transpiring at all like they originally had in the story, which left her to believe her involvement in it was altering things. Then again, Ciciley was only involved as Princess Jasmine…not as herself. Something was definitely wrong – that much was certain to her.

“Uh…who did he choose, Father?”

“Someone quite magnificent.”

All heads turned to the doorway leading into the garden to see Jafar (with Iago perched upon his shoulder) with a figure standing close behind him in the shadows.

“Princess Jasmine…Your Majesty…I present to you, my new bride…Dawn!”

Out from the shadows appeared a young redheaded woman wearing a burgundy outfit that was very alluring yet intimidating in nature, complete with a midriff and a belt buckle with a unique skull design. She looked like nothing Ciciley had ever seen in the Aladdin mythology before – and she literally was not. This “Dawn” character was completely new to the story, and she was the very reason these new events had transpired. However, Dawn was not an unfamiliar figure to Ciciley; on the contrary, she knew exactly who she really was.

Dawn was in actuality Joanie Navarro!

“Greetings, Sultan.” Dawn said with an empowering voice that Joanie was never known for carrying. “It is a pleasure to be in the presence of you and your beautiful daughter.” She looked to Ciciley and bowed to her.

Ciciley gazed upon Dawn/Joanie in total disbelief, seeing the shocking appearance and persona that her mother was taking up. Whatever Jafar had done to her, it was far from pleasant.

Realm Zone – 1989​

Brandy stood in one place and fiddled with the holographic displays projected on her wristband, while Sean paced back and forth on the beach, trying his best not to scream out anything offensive to her. Noticing how distraught he was, Brandy told him, “She’s alright, Sean. Really, she is. She’s only lost maybe seventy-eight percent of her brainwaves, while the other twenty-two percent is still technically Ariel’s.”

“Oh, wow. Thanks. Makes me feel a lot better.” Sean said in great sarcasm.

“Hey, I’m not seein’ you come up with any ideas, Da…!”

She quickly stopped herself before she uttered something that she was not supposed to. Sean caught her mid-blunder and stopped pacing long enough to curiously glance at her. There was an awkward moment of silence between them, and then Brandy calmly changed the subject.

“Look, the best part is that we know where she is. All we need to do now is go there and find her, which is what you’re about to do right now.”

Sean reacted to her instruct with confusion and offense. “Wait! Wha…? Me? Well, what will you be doing?”

“I’m going to get Bella and Michelle.” Brandy informed while reading some information from her wristband. “According to my readings, they’re in the Winnie the Pooh realm. Why they are, I have no idea; but I’m going to get them, and you’re going to find Joanie.”

“Wait a minute.”

“We don’t have a minute, man! Every second counts!”

With that established, Brandy pushed in bits of information onto the small holographic keypad above her wristband. Before he could try to say another word, Sean’s form engaged in reanimation and vanished from the beach. Once he was away, Brandy keyed in another bit of information on the display and deployed herself to the same process, disappearing within only seconds.



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Aug 13, 2005
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Chapter Twenty-Three: Realm Zone – 1992

The Sultan was so thrilled by Jafar’s new “bride” that he canceled any plans he had for arranging a meeting for a suitor with Jasmine (Ciciley) and dedicated the rest of the day to celebrating and getting to know Dawn. The woman who Ciciley personally knew as Joanie Navarro was sharing dinner with her, Jafar, and the Sultan, sitting on the floor around a table decorated with the finest Arabian tableware. Ciciley was in no mood to eat anything in front of her; she was squarely focused on Dawn, trying to figure out what had become of her mother. Was it an effect of the unusual mishap that occurred with Bunsen’s machine – similar to what happened with her?

“Jasmine, is there anything wrong, my dear?” The Sultan questioned.

Ciciley snapped out of her focus and looked to the Sultan, appearing slightly off-course. “I-I’m sorry?”

“You haven’t touched your dinner since we’ve sat down.”

Ciciley looked down upon the meal – a piece of roasted pork with a few chopped vegetables – made with the greatest delicacy she had ever seen (only the best for royalty). She smiled and picked up her fork, poking into one of the vegetables. “I’m fine, Father. I was just…admiring Jafar’s new bride.”

Jafar grinned with wicked satisfaction. “Yes, she is rather wond…”

He stopped as soon as he turned to Dawn and noticed what everyone else suddenly noticed along with him: Dawn brushing her hair with her fork. It was the most peculiar thing Jafar and the Sultan had ever seen; Ciciley, on the other hand, had seen it done before by Ariel in The Little Mermaid. Not only was Joanie taking on an entirely different persona, but she was mimicking actions done by another Disney character. Ciciley could not help but to be a little amused, yet she maintained caution to stay focused on whatever was happening.

After giving her hair a good brush with the fork, Dawn cleaned the strands of red hair off of it and used the utensil to eat her dinner next. Jafar was bemused and disgusted by the bizarre action. Clearing his throat and trying to regain constitution, he continued, “Yes, she is rather…wonderful.”

Ciciley figured it was time to finally get to the bottom of the mystery. She asked Dawn, “So…how long have you and Jafar known each other?”

“We are soul mates, Princess Jasmine.” Dawn remarked. “From our perspective, Jafar and I have known each other for centuries. You might call it…reincarnation.”

Her words sounded incredibly symbolic to Ciciley, as if Joanie somewhat knew what had happened to her. Ciciley hoped that she did, or her solution to this problem would be met with much difficulty. “Well, I’m certainly happy for you two.” Her words were forced with mocked delight; she had to sell the moment long enough to throw Jafar and the Sultan off. As far as Ciciley was concerned, no other characters within that realm had anything to do with the matter.

“So when shall the wedding be, Jafar? I-I mean, that is to say, should I prepare a ceremony for the people of Agrabah to attend?” Sultan suggested, sounding very giddy and nervous all at once.

“There is no need, Your Majesty.” Jafar rejected. “Dawn and I shall hold a private ceremony in your throne room…tomorrow!”

Ciciley was taking a sip from her cup at the moment the sudden proclamation was made, and she choked on the red liquid, coughing loudly before everyone. Greatly concerned, the Sultan looked to her and asked, “Jasmine, are you all right?”

Gasping for air, Ciciley answered in a low voice, “Fine…Father.”

A loud boom sounded from outside the palace, and everyone turned to the nearby window to see dark clouds emerging from the horizon, lightning streaking out from them. “Oh, dear,” the Sultan uttered, “there is quite a storm on the approach.”

Dawn’s bright blue eyes focused hard on the stormy clouds as she quietly added, “And someone’s coming with it.”

“What was that, my bride?” Jafar curiously asked.

She looked away from the window and to Jafar with zero emotion showing on her face. “Nothing, my love. Nothing at all.” Even Jafar was slightly struck cold from the emotionless stare she was giving him. For a brief moment, he began to have doubts about this young woman he found in the desert, brought to the palace with him, and committed to showing her the dark arts of sorcery. Once a girl who had no memory of herself, she was suddenly finding a personality all on her own.

Ciciley observed the exchange between Jafar and Dawn; she knew something was up, especially from the weird statement that Dawn muttered. Who was coming with the storm?


The fierce storm loomed over the desert regions outside of Agrabah. Intense winds blew through the area, kicking up large portions of sand. Lightning streaked across the sky, emitting brief flashes of light over the dim atmosphere. Any close observers would see that it was no regular storm; it was more intense. Certain bolts of lightning were close to the ground, striking bits of sand.

Finally, one giant bolt of lightning hit one particular dune, creating an eruption of sand. However, sand was not the only thing that erupted from the impact; human and Muppet bodies soared as well. Kermit, Scooter, Gonzo, Fozzie, Robin, Bobo, and Bean arrived at the scene with Joie and Jasmine, all of them wearing hooded Arabian cloaks. One other was added to the fray as well, and that was Sean, wearing his own cloak. Everyone was scattered not very far from each other over the sandy plain.

Joie was the first one to get to her feet, but it was quite a chore in doing so. She felt dizzy and her vision was slightly hazy. Once things started to come in focus, Joie looked across the plain to see Sean get to his own feet; a huge smile suddenly grew on her face upon seeing him. “Bro!” she exclaimed, running directly to him. Taking him by total surprise, she tackled him back to the sand and practically squeezed the life out of him. “I oughta kill you for makin’ Gina and me worry so bad about you!”

Sean fought to get air back into his lungs. “You’re…doing…a good job…of that…already!”

Joie let go of him and looked into his eyes; unfortunately, that was when the smile faded from her face and a heavy frown emerged. “You ain’t my lil’ bro!”

“Really…what gave it away?” Sean asked, albeit with a hint of sarcasm.

“You have brown eyes; he has one blue and one green.” Joie gazed upon Sean with confusion and slight interest. “Who are you, man?”

“My name’s Sean…or, to you, ‘Sean of Earth Prime’.”

“Yeah, I’ll stick wit just ‘Sean,’ thank you.”

As the two of them got to their feet, Sean shook his head in disbelief and uttered, “Man! How many of you are there?”

“Huh?” Joie exclaimed.

Before Sean had a chance to explain, he and Joie heard the others moaning as they sat up. The first person Sean noticed in the group was Ciciley (Jasmine). He ran to her as she got up and asked, “Sis! Cici! Are you okay?”

“Cici?” She said, looking up at him. “My name is Jasmine. But I am okay, just…a bit stunned.”

Sean stared at her, looking completely baffled, until Joie cleared things up for him. “Uh, yeah. She’s been flipped by this radiation or somethin’ from that lil’ lemon-headed dude’s machine. She thinks she’s Princess Jasmine.”

“Oh, boy.” Sean lowered and shook his head in distraught. “The same thing happened to my mother, who is the reason I’m here right now.”

“You mean Joanie thinks she’s a Disney character, too?” Robin inquired, listening in on the exchange from a couple of feet away while being checked upon by his uncle.

Sean nodded. “At least she did before being sent here. According to Brandy, she’s lost at least seventy-eight of her brainwaves, which can only mean she has partial amnesia.”

“Who’s Brandy?” Bean asked.

“Yeah, and what does ‘amnesia’ mean?” Bobo added.

Seeing the two Muppet characters, Sean reacted in great displeasure. “What’re you two doing here? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to even be in this place?”

“Well…Pepe did try to tell us that.” Bean sheepishly said.

“And you didn’t listen to him?”

Bobo and Bean responded to that question with bizarre expressions, which led Sean to rethink whom he was talking about.

“Oh, yeah. Right.”

“Well, we’re all here anyway,” Scooter indicated, “so we might as well just stick together as much as we can.” He then stared up to the stormy skies and added, “We’ll definitely need to, if we’re gonna escape this horrible storm.”

The others looked upward as well, seeing the storm that appeared somewhat unnatural. Sean looked back down to ground level and saw the endless miles of dunes surrounding them. “There’s no way we’ll be able to find Agrabah in the middle of all this.”

“I’ve traveled these deserts with my father in our royal caravan many times in the past.” Jasmine revealed. “I know exactly how to get us there. Follow me.”

The group did as the princess requested and followed her lead. As they had done so, Joie grinned and muttered, “Glad we brought her along after all.”


With Jasmine leading the entire way, the group arrived in Agrabah a lot sooner than anticipated. Upon their arrival, Sean urged the Muppets to cover their faces with the cloth from their cloaks to avoid unwanted attention from Agrabah residents. However, as they walked down one of the many streets within the enchanted city, hardly many citizens filled it. All of the residents were taking shelter from the approaching storm, which was the strongest one they had ever seen. Some of the residents, who were considered to be part of a lower class (known as “street rats”), were not able to take proper shelter; instead, they hid in the nearest secluded alley, bundling together to stay warm.

Jasmine looked on at the families – many of them large in size – forced to be on the street during the fierce storm; she felt like crying at the dismal sight of them. “This is horrible. These people shouldn’t have to be outdoors in this.”

“Those poor children.” Bean observed along with the princess. “Pepe was right, Bobo. This isn’t cute. This isn’t cute at all.”

“We can’t turn back now.” Kermit stated, pointing to the Sultan’s palace, which towered over all of Agrabah at the edge of the city. “Joanie’s got to be in there.”

A large boom sounded from the sky, alarming the group.

“Well, let’s move, before this storm gets any worse than it already is!” Sean suggested, urging the group to move down the street much quicker than before.

The group rushed down the street, passing through several residents rushing to their homes to hide from the storm. When they finally approached the massive double doors of the palace, they were met by the lawful hands of three palace guards – two standing at opposite ends of it and one at the center. The center one was the tallest and most muscular, speaking with a tone of authority while addressing the group. “Halt! No one is allowed in the palace without permission – especially no street rats!”

Jasmine stepped forward and addressed the tough guard. “Captain, you will let us inside.”

The captain guard laughed. “By whose order?”

“By order of me…Princess Jasmine!”

The guards instantly busted out in laughter, pointing to Jasmine, whose persona did not appear to show through the form of Ciciley. Joie, seeing no point in trying to convince the guards of the truth, decided to take matters into her own hands. Moving faster than the naked eye, she charged at the captain of the guards and pinned his body against one of the doors. With fierceness in her voice, Joie demanded while face-to-face with the captain guard, “Let us in or I’ll bust you to pieces, dude!”

Before she knew it, Joie heard the sound of swords being unsheathed from left and right. Looking both ways, she noticed that the other two guards were pointing Arabian swords at her head. The captain guard arrogantly laughed, pushing Joie away from him and drawing out his own sword. “You’ll regret threatening me, street rat!”

Scooter shook his head with a groan, telling Joie, “You had to go with the ‘direct approach,’ didn’t you?”

“Hey, it don’t work wit err-body, okay?” Joie remarked.

Before the guards could take action on the group, two small, red objects flew in from above and hit the two regular guards upon their heads. Another one soon appeared and struck the captain square in the face, splattering its contents all over his eyes and blinding him in the process. Taking advantage of the distraction, the group ran from the guards, moving away from the palace, much to the chagrin of Robin. “Wait! What about Joanie?”

“Right now, I’d be much more concerned about us, Robin!” Kermit exclaimed.

Not before long, a young, barefoot street urchin wearing a purple vest, white pants, and a small red fez appeared from the corner of a nearby alleyway just as the group approached. With him was a small and slender brown monkey wearing a red vest and hat with red at the top and purple at the bottom, observing the scene along with his human friend. Once the group was within earshot, the young man exclaimed, “Hey! Over here!” They stopped in their tracks and noticed him beckoning for them to follow. “This way!”

The group followed the young street urchin into the alleyway, which was dim enough to seclude themselves from the pursuing guards. As soon as they saw them pass by and continue down the street, unaware of their location in the alley, they knew for sure they were in the clear. Fozzie sighed in relief and showed his gratitude for the young man’s kindness. “Wow. Thanks, pal. You did us a huge favor back there.”

“Yeah, you really saved our skins and the hairs on them.” Gonzo added.

“I speak for all trillion of mine.” Bobo uttered.

The street urchin chuckled at the silliness in the gratitude that was shown to him. “No problem. I outran those guys this morning. You’d think the Sultan would hire better help these days.” He then extended his hand to Sean and said, “Name’s Aladdin. And this is Abu.” He gestured to the monkey on his shoulder, who screeched a happy greeting.

Sean, who was already familiar with the street urchin at the moment he saw him, shook his hand before gesturing to himself and the others. “I’m Sean and these are my friends Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, Scooter, Bobo, Bean, Robin, and Joie.”

Aladdin waved hello to the group, but he centered his focus on one particular person within it – Jasmine. However, it was not the Jasmine who Aladdin was supposed to have met, but rather an avatar of sorts. Approaching her, he said with an enchanting whisper, “And who is this?”

Jasmine smiled at the way he was staring into her/Ciciley’s eyes. “My name is Jas…”

“Ciciley!” Sean exclaimed, stepping right in between the two, his tall frame blocking Jasmine from Aladdin’s sight. “She is my sister…and she’s a little crazy.” He circled his finger around his ear for emphasis.

Listening to Sean, Jasmine grinned, clearly seeing how he was trying to stick her with an identity that was not her own. Of course, after the mishap with the palace guards, she knew it was probably for the best. Still, Jasmine was quite enthralled with the young street urchin who they just met. Aladdin’s bravery was unlike any the Princess of Agrabah had seen before.

“Well, it’s great to have met you all. You seem like decent people. That’s why Abu and I helped get you out of that jam with the apples we threw.” Aladdin stated, sharing a high-five with his monkey friend. “Why did all of you try to get into the palace anyway?”

Sean knew that he could not reveal too much to Aladdin, so he made up the best lie he could think up. “Well, uh…we’re not from around here. We figured it wouldn’t hurt asking for…directions?”

The others shook their heads in disgust – it was the worst lie anyone could ever make up.

“You’ve gotta be a total idiot to buy that one.” Scooter whispered to Kermit, and the frog nodded heavily in agreement.

“Well, that makes sense to me.” Aladdin remarked, surprising everyone – including Sean himself. “But you really shouldn’t be out in the middle of this crazy storm. Abu and I have a place not very far from here. You all can take shelter there.” Abu screeched his displeasure with Aladdin’s offer, but Aladdin simply ignored all of it.

Sean masked gratefulness, doing his best to politely refuse Aladdin’s offer. “Oh, well, I don’t think…”

“We would love to.” Jasmine stepped around Sean, making herself visible to Aladdin as she accepted the offer on behalf of everyone. She shot a dirty look at Sean, who did not seem very pleased.

“Great! This will be a lot of fun!” Aladdin said with a smile.

“Yeah,” Sean muttered, faking enthusiasm. “It’ll be a real blast.”
