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World of Disney (featuring The Muppets)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... I would've thought the same thing as you GL... But trust me, it's correct.
*Whistles innocently.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Haha! Yeah, at this point in the tale, the 1977 characters have now been transported to 2010, due to the malfunction of Bunsen Honeydew's machine between both points in time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Chapter Eleven: Realm Zone – 1991 (After Temporal Displacement)​

Rain as cold as ice began to fall as Joanie, Sean, Rizzo, and Robin exited the forest and came upon the front gate of the castle. Sean could practically feel the drops hitting sections of his face and chilling him to the bone. He was not so much as worried for Robin and Rizzo as he was for Joanie, who was walking across the ground with one bare foot. Between the chilly winds and frozen rain, there was a strong possibility that she would suffer from pneumonia in such weather conditions.

Before the group reached the gate, Sean stopped and stood on one foot, while placing the other over his knee, balancing himself as he started untying one of his hiking boots. Joanie took notice of his action and stopped in her tracks, right before Robin and Rizzo had done the same. Raising a confused eyebrow, she asked him, “What’re you doing?”

“Your foot is going to freeze itself off, if you don’t get a shoe over it right now,” he said, and as soon as his right shoe came off, he handed it over to her. “Mine are pretty big, so it should be plenty warm.”

She took the shoe into her hands and marveled over its incredible size with a grin. “Pretty big, eh?”

“Lookin’ at da size of dat thing, dat’s quite da understatement, pal.” Rizzo complimented, which got him a real dirty look from Sean.

“Well, something’s better than nothing.” Robin indicated.

Joanie nodded with that sentiment from the little frog. “True. Very true.” She then placed the oversized shoe over her cold, bare right foot, making sure to double-knot it to keep it securely fastened to her foot. In just two seconds of wearing it, she already felt her foot becoming a lot warmer. However, when she looked to Sean’s right foot, she felt bad to see him wearing nothing more than a black sock over it. “Are you sure that you’re not uncomfortable without one?”

Sean waved her concern off with a smile. “Nah! It’s only temporary.” He gestured to the castle ahead of them and added, “Once we get inside there, we can both walk around barefoot.”

Joanie chuckled. “It’ll be like Woodstock all over again for me.”

Rizzo did a double-take on her words. “Whoa, whoa! Hold da phone! You were at Woodstock?”

“Just before I started eighth grade I did. Of course, my mother wasn’t aware that I was even there. To this very day, she still doesn’t.”

Shaking his head in amusement, Sean smiled over her story. It was a highly intriguing fact that he had never known about his mother until that very moment. He never knew she was so independent at that age, considering how much she became the overprotective parent in her latter years. As much as he wanted to know more of the “Woodstock” story, the chilly wind and cold rain reminded him that there was a castle they needed to be in.

“C’mon, everybody. Let’s stay focused on…”

He stopped and heard what could only be the sound of a jet passing by. But that seemed too impossible, considering there were no jet planes in Beauty and the Beast. Joanie, Robin, and Rizzo heard it as well and looked up along with Sean to see where it was coming from. Finally, Robin noticed a figure rocketing across the dark cloudy sky and pointed to it. “Look! Up in the sky!”

Joanie spotted it as well. “Is that a bird?”

“It’s a plane!” Rizzo guessed.

“No,” uttered Sean, “it’s…” He squinted hard to make out what it was that was headed in their direction, and when he could finally see a few details, his eyes went from squinting to widening in surprise. “…Buzz Lightyear?”

It was even surprising to hear Joanie sound so relieved when she saw him and said, “Thank goodness! I was starting to think he was gone for good!” She waved her arms in the air to get Buzz’s attention, which seemed to have worked as soon as the rocketing space ranger started descending their way.

The closer he got, the better they could see who else was accompanying the space ranger, clinging frantically onto his wings. Even Robin noticed one familiar passenger whom he excitedly indicated. “Hey, Uncle Kermit’s with him!”

“And is that Pepe?” Rizzo inquired.

“And Ciciley?” Sean indicated, also spotting a familiar (and yet petrified) face. “She has a fear of heights, there’s no way she could…” Of course it was quickly verified that she was in fact one of Buzz’s passengers, as she was screaming hysterically, even upon landing.

Once Buzz got near land, his body switched from horizontal to vertical position, while the boosters from his wings simmered down. As soon as his feet hit the ground, Ciciley, Kermit, and Pepe each slowly and carefully climbed off Buzz’s wings, which folded back into its “backpack” form. Noticing Joanie right in front of him, Buzz saluted and said, “It is a pleasure regrouping with you again, young humanoid. I thought surely you were gone for good when that wormhole sucked us all up.”

“I’m fine, Buzz. Everything’s groovy now.” Joanie assured.

Sean’s bewilderment appeared to have increased upon asking Joanie, “You two know each other?”

Joanie grinned and answered, “I…guess you can say that.”

Staring at the space ranger, Rizzo shook his head in disbelief. “Please tell me I’m not da only one actually seeing this!”

A shaken Pepe walked right up to the rat and stated, “Believe it, mi amigo. He is definitely de real deals, okay.”

Sean approached his sister, Ciciley, who looked just as visibly shaken as Pepe had, kneeling down on the ground and taking deep breaths. He calmly asked her, “You okay?”

“I’ll let you know when my heart gets out of my throat,” she answered with a very hoarse voice. “We’ve gotta get outta here. There’s a mob coming this way!”

Kermit, who was sharing a warm embrace with his nephew – reuniting with him again after being so harshly separated, added on Ciciley’s news, “They’re coming to kill the beast that lives in this castle!”

Joanie’s ears perked on one word out of Kermit’s information. “Beast? What beast?” She turned and looked to the castle, gazing upon every inch of it. “Unless you’re talking about the Evil Queen from Snow White, ‘beast’ is too nice of a description for her.”

Pepe glanced over at Sean and Rizzo in total shock. “Jou mean dat jou haven’t told dem?”

“Wait! You knew about this!” Joanie exclaimed to Sean, seeming both surprised and angry that he had been keeping secrets about the castle from her.

Buzz shook his head at the young man. “Bad move classifying important details like that from personnel, my friend.”

“Okay, first off – you aren’t even supposed to be here, Mister Lightyear.” Sean remarked, before turning to Joanie and adding, “I was going to let you know, but I didn’t want you giving up hope at the same time that your mother might be in there. How was I supposed to know she is in a totally different cartoon?” Just hearing himself talk about such details made it all sound crazier than he deemed it to be. But it was all happening just the way his mother (the older version of her) described it.

Joanie glared at him and was about to give a retort to his statement, until she and the others heard a crowd of people chanting from afar. Everyone turned and looked past the woods to see a mob of villagers led by Gaston heading through an alternate route into the castle via a bridge that led straight to another entrance. Seeing them arrive, disbelief registered on Ciciley’s face. “How is that possible? They didn’t even know where to find the castle in the first place!”

“Maybe dey followed da flyin’ space ranger?” Rizzo sarcastically reputed.

“Are you implying that I was responsible for this blunder, rodent?” Buzz hastily asked Rizzo.

“If da rocket pack fits!”

“Knock it off, you two!” Joanie brashly told them. “It’s because of all of us that they’re here. Our presence in this world has changed things – possibly for the worse! We have to get out of here while we still can!”

“Wait a sec!” Sean spoke up in an urgent manner. “There might be a ferocious beast in that castle, but there are a lot of innocent people in there also, and they might fall victim to this mob’s attack, unless we help them.”

None of the others were accepting this idea of his. “Oh, muchacho! Dey are just fictional characters, okay.”

“I’m with him, Sean. It’s not like it’ll be the end of the world if something happens to them.” Joanie said.

“What if it is? What if it’s not the end of their world, but ours?” Sean inquired. “I don’t know about you all, but I’m not gonna take that risk.” With that being established, he moved away from the group and headed to the gate, walking through it and heading straight for the front door of the castle.

Joanie and the others watched and were flabbergasted over his sudden actions. She sighed in frustration and turned to Ciciley, asking her, “Is he always this determined?”

Noticing the young brunette for the first time since her arrival, Ciciley smiled upon the realization of who she was. Jokingly, she responded to her inquiry, “Guess he gets it from you.”

Joanie shot her a confused glance. “Me?” She chuckled over her comment and added, “I’ve only met him just a few or so minutes ago.”

Her response confused Ciciley, who thought by that moment her brother would have alerted the personal connection between them and the young brunette. As much as she wanted to tell her about it herself, she was quickly reminded of their current situation when Kermit brought their attention back to it. “We have to go in there and get him out, before things really get out of hand.”

Joanie nodded in agreement before leading everyone through the opened gate and straight into the castle. They followed Sean into a large room that they could only guess was the foyer of the castle. While inside of the enormous, perfectly-decorated room, Sean called out the names of a few particular characters that lived there. “Lumière! Cogsworth! Mrs. Potts!”

“Shh, man! Do you want the beast to hear us?” Joanie whispered to him.

“What difference does it make with da mob comin’ anyway?” Rizzo asked.

Sean attempted to call out the names again, but then he and everyone else heard a slight clinking noise, followed by clumping and clomping ones. They then heard the voice a Frenchman say to them, “Bonjour, invités!” At first, they did not see anyone in the room addressing them – not a single soul was there except for them. It was not until they looked down at the floor and noticed three lively household objects moving and talking entirely on their own. One was a candelabra, another was a pendulum clock, and the third one was a teapot.

Joanie, Kermit, and Robin blinked repeatedly to ensure that they were not just seeing things. But they were in fact seeing three household objects actually talking to them. Kermit shook his head and looked as if he was on the verge of fainting. “I-I’m gonna need some serious therapy after this,” the frog uttered.

“What in the world…?” Joanie tried to question about the reason behind the existence of these enchanted items, but Sean was quick to interrupt her before she could have finished.

Skipping the introductions, Sean went straight to alerting these objects of their oncoming dilemma. “Listen, you all have got to ready yourself for an attack that’s coming to this castle. There is a mob on their way here, and they are going to try and kill your master…the Beast!”

“Oh, dear! We are all doomed!” The talking clock known as Cogsworth exclaimed.

“But our master isn’t here in the castle, I’m afraid.” Mrs. Potts, the talking teapot, informed.

That information befuddled Sean and the others. “What?”

“We cannot find him anywhere.” Lumière, the talking candelabra, stated. “He has vanished!”

“Maybe he knew da mob was comin’ and high-tailed it outta here.” Rizzo assumed, but no one seemed to have taken his assumption seriously.

“It’s probably for the best that he isn’t here, right?” Ciciley inquired.

“That maybe so, but that mob will be expecting to annihilate a beast one way or another.” Sean remarked. “If they don’t find him, then they’ll just burn this whole place to the ground.”

Lumière lifted one of his candled hands high, presumably to mimic a fist raised in defiance. “They will have to fight us first before they do!”

“Absolutely, Lumière!” Cogsworth bravely acknowledged. “Gather whatever brave souls within the castle you can to evict these encroachers once they’ve breached! If it’s a fight they want, we’ll be ready for them!”

Buzz was immediately enlightened by Cogsworth’s gung-ho attitude. “That’s the spirit, sentient clock being! I shall assist you in your preparation for battle!”

“Hold up, Buzz.” Sean told the enthusiastic space ranger. “I’ve actually got something better you could do.”

Seeing the scheming expression on Sean’s face, Joanie curiously asked, “What’s on your mind, dude?”

“If Gaston’s expecting to take on a beast, then we’ll give him one to face.”


Belle rushed back home as fast as she could, once Gaston and his mob departed from the village. The once pleasant and sunny day quickly turned into a dreary one, especially with the approach of a rainstorm. Before she could get caught in it, she was already well within her home, looking all over for her father, Maurice. However, just as she had arrived, her father – a short, mustached inventor with white hair that was balding at the top – was already greeting her at the door.

“Belle, I’m so happy you’re back early!” Maurice exclaimed.

“Papa,” Belle worriedly said – her attitude being a stark contrast to her father’s, “I found out something terr…”

Maurice barely gave her enough of an opportunity in giving much of the details, being so excited that he abruptly interrupted her. “We have the most wonderful guest with us right now! She is a queen from another far away land!”

That news sounded so intriguing to Belle that she nearly forgot the situation that happened in the village earlier. “A q-queen?”

“Hello, Belle.”

She heard a voice that sounded very enthralling yet slightly daunting – possibly due in part to its unexpectedness. Belle turned her attention to the next room from which a woman dressed in royal dark purple robes and wearing a glittering golden crown emerged. The expression on her face attempted to be welcoming but – to Belle – it just seemed very awkward, lacking any sort of proper expression. This woman was undoubtedly the queen whom her father was referring to.

“I am Queen Grimhilde. I have come very far to look for a maiden who is as fair as you are to join me in my kingdom.”

Belle went from intrigued to captivated in less than a second. “You…Y-You have?”

“Most certainly.” Grimhilde said.

“T-This is quite an honor, Your Majesty.” Belle remarked. “But i-if you don’t mind me asking, is t-there a special purpose behind my invitation?”

Half of a smile emerged from the queen’s face. “My son…the prince of my kingdom…is to find a bride, in order to accept his place as ruler. When he discovered your existence, he was more than delighted in wanting to take you as his wife.” The Queen approached Belle, taking Belle’s hands into hers. Her touch felt extremely cold to Belle, who just figured it was because of the dropping temperature outside. “Belle, it would be the highest esteem if you were to become my successor as queen of my kingdom.”

It was impossible for Belle to reject such a remarkable proposition. But her thoughts continued to drift to her father, whose well-being mattered more to her than anything else. Generously, she told Queen Grimhilde, “It’s very gracious of you to present such a proposal, Your Highness. But…my father…”

Maurice chuckled, waving off Belle’s concern with a huge smile. “Oh, don’t you worry about me, Belle. As long as you are happy, I’m happy myself.”

Belle smiled, going right to her father and giving him a hug. “I promise that I’ll be back, Papa.” Once she let him go, she looked at his face once more, remembering every detail of it to keep within her memory for however long she would be away from him.

As soon as Belle’s attention was on the queen again, Grimhilde immediately went to business. “We must not keep my kingdom waiting. They will be expecting us soon.”

Belle’s eyes suddenly went to the window, seeing the collective drops of rain tapping and streaming down the glass. It was a reminder to her of the huge storm that was approaching the area. “Your Majesty, t-the rainstorm…I completely forgot.”

“It is of no bother, Belle. There is another means of reaching my kingdom that we shall partake.” Grimhilde declared as she took Belle by the hand and led her to a mirror that hung by the door. Letting go of Belle’s hand, she outstretched both of hers while addressing the mirror itself. “Forces of the mystic beyond, hear my command! Transport these two forms from where they stand!”

There were flashes of light from all around, accompanied by a series of loud, fierce thunderclaps. Maurice, who observed the scene in confusion, was forced to shut his eyes tight from the flashes and cover his ears over the thunderclaps, finding it all very overwhelming to his old senses. At the moment everything had ceased, he opened his eyes and uncovered his ears, finding the atmosphere calm just as it was before. Although the only difference was that Belle and Queen Grimhilde were no longer inside the home. A huge cloud of multi-colored smoke was left in their place, much to the shock of Maurice.



The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Which explains the set of added siblings for Sean. :shifty:


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Chapter Twelve: Time Zone – 2010 (After Temporal Displacement)​

The radio frequency switched between good and bad at every turn of the knob – some stations sounding clearer than most that were utterly horrible. It drove Joie to the brink of insanity, wanting her sister – Gina – to just pick one station and stick with it. But the madness seemed to have gone on since they left the airport in their rental 2006 Dodge Charger. Driving through the downtown area of Orlando and trying to focus on looking for the very reason they were there, Joie finally reached her breaking point on her sister’s constant station-switching.

“Would you please stop at one, before my head explodes?” Joie yelled.

Gina turned the knob once more before she suddenly reached a song that best suited her. Turning up the volume, she let the song’s lyrics burst loudly through the speakers…

Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she does just turns me on
Even though my life before was magic
Now I know my love for her goes on​

Joie shook her head and rolled her eyes. “I really need you to focus right now. We have an important objective right in front of us, and you want to bust a groove.”

“You make it sound bigger than it has to be, sis.” Gina remarked. “Just take it easy and enjoy the life around us. I mean this is Florida – the land of delicious oranges!”

Reaching through the backseat she pulled out a small bag full of the particular fruit and offered one to Joie, who rejected it with the shake of the head. “I’m not hungry,” she said in a very somber tone.

Gina could see the despair on her face; her own sense of joy and hopefulness being washed away just from seeing it. “We’ll find him, Joie. You can’t just lose hope like that.”

“I am not losing hope.” Joie retorted. “I just think…it’s pointless.”

Gina was struck hard by her words. “Finding our missing brother is pointless?”

“No, no…that’s not what I meant.”

“I would love to see you tell that to Marissa!”

“Oh, and what is she gonna do? You and I have both said how he deserves better than her!”

“I’d love to see you say that to her, too.”

Joie scoffed at her words. “I’m not scared of her.”



The Dodge Charger instantly came to a halt at the moment Joie heard the earth-pounding roar echo throughout the district they were passing through. Several other vehicles had done the same, just as what appeared to be a beastly creature was charging straight down the center of the road, leaping over several cars that stood in its way, including the Charger that Joie and Gina were sitting in. Although some of the bystanders and passengers were terrified at the sight of the out-of-control beast, most of them appeared to be delighted of it, recognizing the creature as the “Beast” from Beauty and the Beast. Whether or not it was some type of new technology Disney Imagineers were testing outside the perimeter of Walt Disney World remained to be the question.

Gina and Joie, on the other hand, were not so easily convinced of that possibility, especially when they both spotted three Muppet characters running down the sidewalk and heading into the same direction the Beast was. This bizarre scene could only be summed up in a few words uttered by Joie, “You’ve gotta be kidding me!”

Gina had to blink twice to make certain she was not seeing things. She stammered an inquiry, “Wh-Where do you think he came from?”

Joie glanced at her sister and grinned. “Let’s find out.” With that said, she turned the wheel of the Charger and made a sharp U-turn, following after the Beast and the three Muppets.

“Let me get this straight – you want us to actually follow the crazy scene that just passed us?”

“Well, you asked.”

“Startin’ to wish that I hadn’t now.”

Realm Zone – 1991 (After Temporal Displacement)​

Gaston and the angry mob of villagers were successful in breaking in through the side entrance of the castle, armed with a large assortment of weapons from torches to knives and swords. Upon entering the grand entrance, they found it filled only with assorted pieces of furniture, teacups, candlesticks, feather dusters, and cocks. The mob moved in slowly and cautiously, practically tiptoeing their way across the floor. LeFou picked up a candelabrum sitting nearby and intended on lighting it to guide them through the dark.

But that particular candelabrum suddenly came to life in his hand and shouted, “NOW!”

Out of nowhere, all of the objects within the room sprang to life just the same, attacking all of the humans standing there and throwing them out of the castle, one by one. One villager got a face full of a wet mop, while another was kicked at the seat of his pants by the legs of a chair. In the midst of all the chaos, Gaston stood in disbelief, wondering to himself how household objects could come to life in such a way. However, his primary focus was on the beast that dwelled somewhere within that castle. With heavy purpose, he broke off from the overwhelmed mob and headed upstairs, engaging in his search for the beast.

Armed with a bow and arrow, Gaston searched first within the West Wing of the castle, kicking down several doors and aiming his arrow at anything that moved inside. When he saw nothing worth firing at, he moved on to the next. He continued this action until he reached a hallway that looked to be ravaged by the very thing he was looking for. His heart racing and pulse pounding with anticipation (and even a little fear), Gaston readied his bow and arrow and entered the room at the far end of the hall.

Upon entering, he instantly discovered a tall shadowy figure standing near an open balcony, right beside what appeared to have been a glowing rose that floated within a glass case. Of course, Gaston could have cared less about the rose; all he wanted was to destroy the figure next to it – which he presumed to be the beast itself. Tightening his grip on the bow, he pulled back on its string while keeping the arrow perfectly straight and directed at the beast. He held his breath, closed one eye, and then – once he felt himself ready – released the arrow.

The arrow flew across the air with great precision; but once it struck its target…


A hollow sound of metal rang through the ears of an extremely puzzled Gaston. He stared at the figure, wondering to himself if this beastly creature was made out of some type of metal or wearing armor. Not taking any chances, he dropped his bow and arrow and reached behind him to grab a hold of his gun. Unfortunately, all he seemed to be left grabbing was thin air.

“Looking for this, hotshot?”

The feminine voice came directly from behind him. At the moment he heard it, he spun around immediately and faced his unexpected follower. When his eyes locked onto her, he discovered a young bespectacled brunette holding his own gun. He did not recognize her at all nor did he care to know who she was. All he cared about was getting his gun back from the mysterious woman.

But he seemed to have been robbed of that opportunity when he felt a sharp pinch come over the area where his shoulder and neck connected, making his whole body turn rigid. Next thing he knew, he was slipping into unconsciousness, his limp body falling straight to the floor. The mysterious woman he encountered – who was, in actuality, Joanie – smiled over his fallen form. Then she addressed another party in the room – the one who severely pinched Gaston – Buzz Lightyear.

“Ya got him with the ol’ Vulcan Nerve Pinch, eh?”

Buzz stared at Joanie oddly. “The what? No, that was a Kadorian Sleeper Hold. The most non-lethal submission attack they’ve taught us at the academy. He’ll be sleeping for hours.”

From behind the tall, dark figure that was believed to be the Beast, Sean and Ciciley stepped out and rejoined Buzz and Joanie. While doing so, Sean removed the cloak covering “Beast” and revealed the tall, dark figure to be nothing more than a collection of bulky knight armor stacked atop of each other, giving the allusion of the Beast. It was a perfect diversion, especially considering the notion that Gaston had never gotten a good look at the Beast and thus was not sure what to expect when he attacked him. And what a great attack it was, seeing the long, piercing arrow that the huntsman fired sticking out from one piece of armor.

“I’m glad that I talked myself out of being the diversion!” Sean exclaimed while gazing upon the arrow.

Soon Kermit, Robin, Pepe, and Rizzo stepped out from behind the tapestries in the room and regrouped with the others. Kermit, looking down at the unconscious Gaston, seemed a little worried for the huntsman. “What’re we gonna do with him?”

“Let’s throw him over the balcony.” Ciciley suggested, only getting her an aggravated look from Joanie. “What? That’s how he went out in the movie!”

“We are not throwin’ anybody off any balconies.” Joanie sternly declared.

Buzz tampered a bit with his laser function. “I can recalibrate my laser to disintegrate his body, molecule-by-molecule.”

Robin cringed at the idea. “Eww! That sounds disgusting!”

“Disgusting but effective, little frog-boy.” Buzz clarified.

Joanie shook her head and waved her hands negatively. “Look, we are not going to end this man’s life in any way! We are not killers!”

“Disintegration is a very painless form of extermination.” Buzz indicated. “He won’t feel a…”

“Can it, Lightyear!” Joanie snapped.

Sean tried to think hard over an idea, but he could find none that would deem suitable or humane to the unconscious huntsman lying in front of them. “Well, we can’t just leave him here or else he wo—”

Out of nowhere, an intense buzzing sound overwhelmed his hearing and he found himself covering his ears. Joanie, Ciciley, Buzz, and the Muppets were covering theirs as well, hearing the same intense sound. Yelling over it, Kermit asked no one in particular, “What the heck is that?”

Joanie was the only one who recognized the sound, as well as its meaning. “It’s Bunsen and Beaker! They must’ve finally found us!”

“How can ya tell?” Rizzo exclaimed through the agony.

“Because I’ve already experienced this! Next thing that’ll happen is the bright light shining over us!” And, just as she pointed it out, the bright golden light shined over them, just as it had before to Joanie, growing in intensity with each second. “Then comes the weird tingling sensation!” It happened right as she said it – all of them felt their bodies tingling all over, like as if something was tickling them from inside.

Even Robin found the sensation overwhelmingly joyful. “Ha, ha, ha! It does feel weird!”

“What’s next? We turn into goo?” Sean sarcastically inquired.

“Err…something like that.” Joanie said before indicating his hands.

Sean stared at them in total shock as they began to vanish along with the rest of his body, molecule-by-molecule. The same happened to everyone else, as all of them were disappearing from the Disney World. The last thing either of them saw before the overhead light completely obscured their vision in gold was Gaston’s unconscious form still lying on the floor. While they were leaving, they hoped that the enchanted items in the castle would find a reasonable method of dealing with him.

Time Zone – 2010 (After Temporal Displacement)​

Molecularly reemerging back within the same Magic Gateway chamber and without any door to slide open before them, Joanie, Sean, Ciciley, Buzz, and the Muppets stumbled out of the space that quickly became crowded at the moment they appeared inside of it. They all fell to the floor right in front of the worktable that Bunsen and Beaker were standing behind. Upon their arrival, the two Muppet scientists went to them immediately. “Joanie! Are you alright?” Bunsen asked her.

“I’ll let you know when you tell me what the heck happened earlier! What was that vortex thing that sucked us in?”

While getting to their feet, Sean, Ciciley, Pepe, and Rizzo looked around in amusement at the fresh, new way that the basement looked. It was a surprise to them, after being in it only minutes ago (at least it felt like minutes) and seeing how old, dusty, and worn-out it appeared. From how it appeared that very second, it almost seemed like everything in the room – and even the room itself – was built just yesterday. It was a sight that greatly confused them, but it was just something a little close to normal for Joanie, Buzz, Kermit, and Robin.

“There was a temporal surge.” Bunsen explained. “Somehow, our present came in total contact with the future through the Magic Gateway’s computer. I’m not entirely certain how it’s done it, but the machine has sent us out of 1977 and into 2010.”

Joanie shook her head in disbelief and grinned, turning to her new friends from the future and telling them, “Guess that explains how you all got here.”

Beaker meeped frantically to Bunsen.

“Exactly, Beaker. This ‘time lapse’ is the least of our worries.”

“Oh, no,” said Kermit with a sense of fear. “What else has gone wrong?”

“A subject from the world you all have just left has escaped.” Bunsen revealed. “He’s currently running around outside in the real world as we speak!”

Sean and Ciciley exchanged a frightened glance. “This ‘subject’ wouldn’t happen to be a beast that’s as tall as a mountain, would it?” Ciciley asked the Muppet scientist.

“Yes! That’s precisely what it is!” Bunsen acknowledged.

“Ohh, boy.” Sean uttered, putting the palm of his right hand over his face.

“I sent Scooter, Fozzie, and Gonzo to retrieve him…”

Joanie chuckled nervously. “You did what?”

“How are a gofer, a comedic bear, and a whatever supposed to get a huge beast back here?” Kermit hysterically asked.

“Dat’s like sendin’ de Hamburgular to de wolves, okay.” Pepe stated.

“Well, I did give them a means of subduing the creature.” Bunsen indicated.

Again, Joanie shook her head. “Whatever it is, it’s not gonna be enough, Bunsen. Three common Muppets like them against a ten-foot-tall monster is practically suicide! They’re gonna need our help in getting him back.”

“Lemme guess…we’re da only crazy saps ta do it, right?” Rizzo asked.

“No problem, Riz. We’re packing some serious firepower now.” Sean said, while pointing to the gun that Joanie was still holding in her hand.

She was surprised to have seen it there in her hand, forgetting all about it in the midst of the excitement. Frowning upon it, she told Sean in a strict manner, “No. Whatever way Bunsen and Beaker provided for Scooter, Fozzie, and Gonzo has got to be better than this.” With that being said, she threw the gun down to the floor and waved for everyone to follow her. “C’mon! Let’s go find them!”

While Kermit, Robin, Pepe, Rizzo, Buzz, and Ciciley were following Joanie out of the basement, Sean stared at the gun she rejected, lying uselessly on the floor. As much as he refused to think like Gaston, he had to admit that it was the best tool they could use in stopping the wild Beast. But he did not bother touching it, seeing that he did not want to make things worse with the situation any more than it already was. He only hoped, even as he followed after her, that she had some sort of plan in helping Scooter, Fozzie, and Gonzo subdue the Beast and bring him back to the Theater.



Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Chapter Thirteen: Time Zone – 2010 (After Temporal Displacement)​

It’s the time of your life
you don’t want him to stop
on right here and now!
There’s so many reasons why
you don’t wanna stop
it’s your chance, live it up!
And everything you do
celebrate you!​

The upbeat music rang through the speakers built into each of the floats that resembled giant gift-wrapped packages and passed through Main Street, U.S.A., carrying various Disney stars upon them, from Woody and Jessie of Toy Story to Genie of Aladdin and Sebastian of The Little Mermaid. It was known as the “Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! Street Party,” an interactive show in the Magic Kingdom theme park filled with music, dancing, and surprises held in front of Cinderella’s Castle. They had just finished performing there and were in the process of heading “backstage” when Scooter, Gonzo, and Fozzie arrived in the park, sneaking past the gate through nearby foliage and avoiding the ridiculously high admission prices. As many times as the three Muppets been to The Magic Kingdom, the scene they were met with was heavily different to them.

“When did they add all of this?” Gonzo exclaimed, observing the entire scene with Scooter and Fozzie from the heart of Main Street.

Fozzie concurred with Gonzo’s puzzlement. “Yeah, where are Mickey, Donald, and Goofy?”

“I don’t know, but we have more important things to focus on, like finding that beast!” Scooter reminded them, holding the “Mind Control Spray” canister up high. “When we find him, we’ll spray this stuff right into his face and take him back to the Theater with us.”

“How’re we supposed to find a big, hairy beast in The Magic Kingdom, Scooter?” Fozzie inquired.

Suddenly the three Muppets were greeted with surprise, when a man wearing a “Goofy Hat” approached out of nowhere, accompanied by his two children (a boy dressed as a pirate and a girl dressed as a princess). He tapped Gonzo on the shoulder and asked, “Excuse me. Would it be okay if my kids and I got a photo with you guys? We are huge fans!”

Scooter wanted to tell the man that it was not the right time, but Gonzo and Fozzie seemed too ecstatic to turn him down. “Why, sure! We’re always happy to please our fans!” Gonzo said on their behalf, right before he and Fozzie started posing with the children. Scooter just stood by and watched, shaking his head.

That was when the gofer heard a familiar voice calling out to him from the distance. “Scooter! Scooter!” He immediately turned his head and spotted Joanie stepping out from underneath a stone archway with Kermit, Robin, and a few other unfamiliar characters, including the crazy spaceman he met earlier. Needless to say, Scooter was very delighted in seeing them there, meaning that they had more help in finding and obtaining the escaped beast.

However, Scooter was not the only one happy to see them, as several tourists took notice of the sudden appearance by Kermit the Frog and Buzz Lightyear and began crowding around both of them. Buzz grinned at all of the public attention he was getting from the adults and children in the weird hats, glasses, and costumes. Each of them seemed to have known his name, as well as Kermit’s, and it made him feel somewhat giddy – although he was not absolutely certain why. Turning to Kermit, he said, “My reputation certainly seems to get around on this planet. These humanoids worship me as much as they do you, little frogman. Are you their official leader?”

“Er…yeah…you could say that,” answered Kermit, as he took an autograph book from a kid and signed his name.

Pepe and Rizzo shook their heads at the lack of attention they seemed to be getting from the greatly enthusiastic crowd. “Well, what’re we? Chopped livah?” Rizzo muttered in anger.

“No one respects de new remix, okay.” Pepe added in his own frustration.

Ignoring the crowd, Joanie walked away from them with Sean, Ciciley, Robin, Pepe, and Rizzo at her side, approaching Scooter. As she approached, the gofer expressed his surprise in seeing her there. “What happened to you? We thought you were gone forever.” He then noticed the two young humans and the two unknown Muppets accompanying her and asked, “And who are they?”

“They’re friends I met on the other side from this time.” Joanie said.

Scooter got caught on the last two words in her statement. “This time?

Joanie seemed a little surprised from his confusion. “Didn’t Bunsen tell you? We’ve been sent to the year 2010.”

The gofer did a double take. “Say what?”

“Hey, Scooter!” The voice of Gonzo snapped him out of the state of shock he was put into upon hearing the revelation, and he looked to see the weirdo and Fozzie standing next to the beast…or at least a tamer version of him in the form of a costumed character. Gonzo and Fozzie had him by the paws, appearing to be holding him down while the character just looked on in confusion. “We got him, Scooter!”

“Yeah, spray him just like you planned!” Fozzie excitedly added.

Watching the two “brave” Muppets take on the “beast,” Scooter again shook his head in despair. He could hear Pepe behind him as he had done so, telling him, “Dis is why jou have us here.”


The roar echoed throughout the every section of the theme park and, for the first time ever, every living soul stopped, stood, and fell silent. Not a sound was made anywhere – save for some thrill rides that were still in motion. Another roar followed and everyone realized that it was coming from the top of Cinderella’s Castle. All heads turned in the direction of the majestic icon of the park and a collection of gasps were a better expression than the mixed reaction amongst the park guests, as they saw a beastly figure crawling around the roof of the castle, looking like a reminiscent of King Kong. It was the same beastly creature that Joanie and her friends were currently seeking after.

Joanie quickly turned her attention to Buzz, who was still surrounded by his “adoring fans” that were also enthralled by the beastly creature atop of Cinderella’s Castle. “Buzz! Time to bust a groove!”

Buzz seemed a little perplexed from her strange command. “I beg your pardon?”

Joanie rolled her eyes and clarified her words to the space ranger. “Get to the top of that castle and take care of the beast!”

“Spray him with this!” Scooter added while tossing the “Mind Control Spray” canister over to him.

Buzz flawlessly caught the item and held it firmly in his right hand before directing his attention to the people around him. “Stand back, everyone. You don’t want to be in the way when my boosters go off.” After Kermit and the tourists acknowledged his order and gave him plenty of space, he looked to the heavens and activated the wings to his suit. A loud hum came from within it as streams of white smoke poured out fast and heavy from the bottom of the wings. It was a sight that Ciciley, Kermit, Robin, and Pepe all recognized during their visit into the Beauty and the Beast realm. All that was missing was the space ranger’s iconic “battle cry,” which soon followed afterward once he exclaimed, “To infinity and beyond!

The space ranger then took to the sky, soaring high above Main Street, U.S.A. and heading straight for Cinderella’s Castle. It was a sight that made several park attendees pull out their brochures, check their watches for the time, and look for whatever new show this was that Walt Disney World sprouted out of nowhere. In the meantime, Sean wondered if Buzz Lightyear could even still stand a chance against the mighty beast. He knew that the space ranger would need all of their help to tame him.

It was that moment when he was reminded of an alternative way through the castle, which he quickly shared with Joanie. “There’s another way to get up there, but to do it, we’ll have to be real sneaky.”

“How do ya think Gonzo, Fozzie, and I were able to get in?” Scooter inquired.

The gofer made that inquiry at the exact moment he heard Fozzie complimenting the other “beast.” “Wow, your fur is so smooth and soft! Where do you go to get your grooming handled?”

Scooter cringed and told Sean with a sense of desolation, “Forget I said anything.”


A large crowd of riders exited out of the Fantasyland 3-D attraction known as “Mickey’s PhilharMagic,” dispensing their 3-D glasses. Amongst them were Kimberly and Meagan Thomas, the latter of whom did not seem to enjoy the attraction that much. She wiped her blue eyes and blinked repeatedly before expressing her dissatisfaction into words. “Okay, now I remember why I hate 3-D rides so much. They are serious murder to the eyes, dude. Aw, man!”

Ignoring Meagan’s complaints, Kim pulled out the park map from her purse and glanced over the detailed layout of the Magic Kingdom theme park. “Where to next? Bobo and Clifford are at Tomorrowland, which is too far of a walk. Tracy’s over in Liberty Square, so I guess we’ll head in that direction.”

Haunted Mansion for the fiftieth time today?” Meagan said with a grin.

“You know it!” Kim exclaimed, sharing a high-five with her sister.

Before the two girls could start moving, a tall blonde woman in her mid-forties rushed up to them, coming from the direction that they were only seconds from moving into. “Hey, hey! I’m glad that I found you two!”

Kim and Meagan both seemed surprised from her sudden appearance. “Tracy…we were just about to catch up with you.” Kimberly remarked.

“And I’m glad you didn’t, because the grooviest show is happening right now at Cinderella’s Castle!” Tracy informed.

Meagan scoffed her cousin’s words. “What is it? Story time with the Disney Princesses?”

Tracy grinned at the disbelieving Meagan. “Not exactly.”



The ferocious beast clung onto one of the towers of Cinderella’s Castle, roaring to the heavens. He was angry because he was confused of all that was happening around him. No longer was he within the safe haven that was his own castle. The particular one he was roaring over greatly resembled it, but at the moment he realized that it was not his castle, he grew angrier. Neither did it help that several people standing around the castle were staring at him in amusement.

Come to see the monster, have you? Well, go on…TAKE A LOOK!


This roar came much fiercer than the last, forcing some of the audience of observing tourists to stand back a little.

“That’ll be enough for today, hairy creature!”

Coming out of nowhere, the voice completely took the beast by surprise, as he searched all around for it, until his eyes locked with a very peculiar figure that stood atop a tower across from the one that the beast was clinging to. The figure put on a heroic pose while glaring at the beast. More than before was the beast confused, and because he was so, he grew more ferocious and angry. He roared a question to the unusual visitor, “Who are you?”

“I am Buzz Lightyear of Star Command! And you are committing a Code 17 – disturbing the peace! Now if you just come quietly, I won’t be forced to…”


Without warning, the beast suddenly charged at the space ranger, leaping off from the tower and soaring over to the one Buzz was on. However, Buzz proved to be much faster than the beast anticipated, jumping out of harm’s way just in time and executing a perfect somersault before landing onto another rooftop. The beast clasped onto the adjacent tower, inadvertently causing its lower half to crack under his extreme weight. Unbeknownst to the two characters, portions of the castle were not exactly made out of real stone as they believed it to have been, leaving their confrontation to take a dangerous turn at any moment.

Buzz aimed his laser at the head of the beast and warned, “Don’t make me use this, creature.” He then indicated the canister that he was still holding and added, “Because I really want to use this…whatever it is.”

“You will not be using anything on me!” The beast declared, before lunged at the space ranger again with another fierce roar.
