I'm more concerned with the story right now. How's Ahmet gonna pull off something that can sensibly take place after " Change of Address "? Lot'sa stuff happened in the fraggle world by the time the series ended. I hope they don't " forget " that the fraggles & gorgs befriended each other... not to mention Doc. I'd almost hope, ya know, depending on how life progresses in the next 2 years, that they go with a slightly more serious route in story-telling should Doc not be available for whatever reason. I'd have a hard time with the movie if they just blew off " Change of Address ".
Honestly, for now, I'm hopeing for the " save Uncle Matt from the scientists " story line. The 5 fraggles, Sprocket and maybe Cotterpin & Wrench could go out searching.... hopefully with Doc.
I dunno, I hope they don't turn me into an Annie Wilkes of Steven King's " Misery " fame with this movie should they decide to glance over any established-in-the-series happenstances. " THEY CAN NOT LEAVE THE COCKADOODY MAGIC!!!!!!! " I don't think I'm *that* nutty but, ya never know. Maybe a thing like screwing with fraggle continuity will send me over the edge. Hee hee!