Speaking of the last episode of season 6 being repeated street scenes, lately I have been wondering if maybe the season finales should have been basically "highlight reels" for the season. Not an obvious retrospective (the street story/scenes would be new and more or less like an average street story), but primarily featuring the best inserts of the season (which might be subjective - or maybe test results really would have helped determine the best inserts of each season).
Of course that would be a bit limited due to the letter/number sponsors, unless maybe we got the best segment of each letter/number in addition to the sponsor (which would likely take up the whole hour). The first season finale ended with a 10-sponsored episode and seasons 2-12 all ended with a show sponsored by 12, but maybe they could have had the best of each number segment from the season (I don't think there'd be many of 1, though) leading to the sponsored number. Might have to do some fan fiction soon to show examples of what I mean.
While thinking about how the shows number sponsors were in order from 2-10 and then 2-12, I started wondering if that's why season two got more episodes than 130 only for the show to go back to 130 episodes a season in season 3, before remembering that the season 3 premier was still sponsored by 2.