Here’s the deal with relating to people on you.
They don’t know you any more than you know them. Unlike talking to people in real life, they can’t totally understand the context of your posts, they can’t read your facial expressions or body language. Or you theirs. Just cold words on a screen, that’s all they have to judge you by.
Expressing religious views is a very slippery ground. Same thing as on here. And being a self-righteous Bible thumper was the first impression many got of you. Maybe if people knew you better, if Ask Mariolover Anything thread was a little longer, people would understand you better.
Just jumping in like gangbusters spreading your beliefs will rub people the wrong way. Unfortunately you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
In real life, just like online, there will be people who won’t like you regardless. No matter how nice you are, some won’t like you. That’s not your fault, that’s just how it is.
And online, not many will care if you have autism or not. It sounds cruel, but that’s the cold hard truth. To them all you are is just words on a screen.
That’s how the world is. I should know, I’ve been around long enough.