When you need to rant...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hate: When I get a string of consecutive likes to ages-old posts, especially in the FanFic section, all from the same dumb as dirt spamturd who thinks that by giving me all these likes they'll suddenly stop being the stupid spamturd they've been labeled as being. :grr:


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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The death toll continues to rise in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines (3,600 at last count).

A year later my state is still picking up the pieces from Sandy.

8 years after the fact Katrina is still a haunting memory in New Orleans.

Experts predict more catastrophic storms in the future.

But I beg, beseech, and plead with the media not to call another natural disaster a SUPERSTORM!!! For the last year that term has been shoved down our throats. I guess the media figgered calling it a "SUPERSTORM" would sound less threatening than a "CATEGORY 5 HURRICANE".

Folks, I heard the trees outside my house being uprooted. I heard the screaming winds that took off a good part of my roof. I saw the power lines fall that left us without electricity for 12 days. It was a disaster, and there was nothing remotely "SUPER" about it. The storm DID NOT SHOW UP IN A FRIGGIN' RED CAPE AND TIGHTS!!!

Let's hope the media doesn't spin the next force of nature into being a "SWELL SHOWER".

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Follow-up Hate: And apparently that spamturd didn't get the message as now I've got even more likes from her. Goth, why can't the administration ban these jerks and simultaneously purge the forum of all their online activities? ! ? :attitude:


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Follow-up Hate: And apparently that spamturd didn't get the message as now I've got even more likes from her. Goth, why can't the administration ban these jerks and simultaneously purge the forum of all their online activities? ! ? :attitude:
I feel for ya. She's been like-spamming me too. I saw I had over 30 alerts, and it turns out that she's just been going through old threads and liking every post I've made in 'em. Irritating twerp.

But on the bright side, The Count could have a good time counting all of her spam-likes. It'd certainly keep him busy for a while.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Again, there's really no room for complaining here, because we were the ones who asked them to do this rather than constantly post, "Yeah", "Okay", "Me too", "Lol", and such over and over and over again.

And why are we still talking about this? Things have been much better around these parts as of late, but it's like some people want to keep drudging it up and causing disruption in the peacefulness we've achieved all over again.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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And might I add that you can go to your preferences and set it so you are not alerted when someone likes your post. See. Problem solved.
I don't get alerted when people like my posts. All I see is when someone quotes me or replies to a thread.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Just kidding.

Anyway, I was watching SNL last night and I finally had to say it. The big controversy is how they can't find an African American woman who can hold up a sketch comedy show's worth of humor and range. While I do agree to that, you know what SNL really needs? Writers that don't have kids or know someone that has kids. I'm so sick of inside jokes about people with kids that I just don't get. Bar Mitvah boys, acting camp promotional VHS parodies, parents over acting at a talent show... I just don't get that stuff. Do you know someone that acts like that that only you know or something? I'm not saying compromise on your comedic talents... just do something broader that someone besides you and five of your friends actually get. Though I will say I'm guilty of actually getting the Otaku public access show segment. even then, that's a niche segment only some people are going to get. And I don't quite understand the "We're not porn stars anymore" bit, but those women both sound like Senor Cardgage, and that makes me laugh.

Oh, and put Kenan Thompson on more than one skit a week. His Steve Harvey impersonation is funnier than half the crap they put in that show.


Active Member
Apr 14, 2012
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Honestly, I think that the news update and we're not pornstars anymore are funnier than anything else on there now because the execution is just dead pan funny. I don't think it's about being clever or on the audiences end understanding the concept, it's about just being funny. Most of SNL's funniest skits don't follow those snarky society references that the new ones have. I just feel that there's a sense of personality missing from these new shows they all seem very cookie cutter to me. The writers should just be themselves instead of trying to be relatable or topical.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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And might I add that you can go to your preferences and set it so you are not alerted when someone likes your post. See. Problem solved.
I don't get alerted when people like my posts. All I see is when someone quotes me or replies to a thread.
Like this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The writers should just be themselves instead of trying to be relatable or topical.
The funny thing is, I think the opposite's the problem. Everything seems to be an inside joke. It reminds me of the old Animaniacs episode where the Doc and Wakko are stuck in an elevator.

"Knock Knock"

"Who's there"


"Max who?"

"Max wants to come in and go crazy.... If you knew Max, you'd be laughing..."

But yeah, that Porn stars thing is the funniest thing in the show. Mainly because it somehow fits into my weird sense of humor. And like I said, they're like 2 hot girl versions of Senor Cardgage.