When you need to rant...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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And yet, the FCC is just the opposite, you can't show violence (or apparently people smoking and drinking) on TV, yet they're fine with sex and swearing. Heh.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Well, more solid proof that the MPAA are a bunch of Nazis when it comes to sex and swearing, but totally fine with violence. :rolleyes:


Though I'm glad there's one NC-17 movie recently I can't recall that actually was advertised on TV despite the rating. They haven't done this since Showgirls!
Again. HEY! Real gun violence? Let's do nothing about it. Kid shoots up a school, we'll pretend to be interested and sad, and do nothing about it. Fake gun violence? ARRRRGGGHHH!!! Won't somebody please think of the children? Nevermind that other acts of violence slap you hard with an R rating. The Wolverine. Rated PG-13. When Logan sinks his claws into someone, oops! Viewer discretion shot! Look at the original TMNT movie. Rated PG, lots and lots of marital arts violence and kicks to the face. Guess what you can't show in a PG movie anymore? Kicks to the face. That gets you a hard R now. That's right. TMNT would be rated R today.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The MPAA is essentially the Mafia of movies. Their actions are disgusting and they're the jerkwads behind SOPA and PIPA, which they will keep fighting to enact. Their ratings system is bull in the most extreme, and completely worthless now. Parents take their kids to these things then whine about how violent and sexual they are, disregarding the ratings that even have those long descriptions of what goes on in them that they wanted so badly! I mean, seriously... the Dark Knight Trilogy isn't for children (at least under a certain age) no matter how many "I can Read" books they make based on it.

And yet, the FCC is just the opposite, you can't show violence (or apparently people smoking and drinking) on TV, yet they're fine with sex and swearing. Heh.
Not quite. There's a LOT of subtlety that's completely thrown out the window here. It's true that you can show a certain amount of sex in a TV show. You just can't show a naked body, an excessive amount of grunting and thrusting, and everything has to essentially come off as "I can't believe it's not sex." You can mention things, sure... do any of that, and you'll get fined. But the network guys will stop you. Meanwhile, the real shocking thing is sexual violence. And that's almost completely exclusive to Law and Order SVU. As for regular violence, there's a LOT of it, but you can't actually show much. You can show a really disgusting corpse, and all the blood and organs that comes with it. I forget if you can show someone getting shot or someone shooting and a body falling over.

Cussing? A B H D? Sure, those words are fine... a couple other cusses in there too. But F S and C? They have to stay on cable and barely there (mostly on HBO type premiums). South Park just recently got to have theirs uncensored, and they're TV MA! And you can say A and Hole but never together. So it's not quite the Sodom-scape everyone says it is.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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George Carlin said it best about this country and guns, circa 1988:

"Now they're doing everything to ban toy guns, ... AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE FRIGGIN' REAL ONES!!!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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To be fair, doing anything about guns, even fair handed things that over 90% of the American population would want would have to go up against the NRA. And they're a group that's only for the gun manufacturers. I'm leaving the debate at THAT and nothing else. In fact, it's debatable what gun control's impact would be on curbing gun violence, but what isn't debatable is this. Violence in TV and movies has little to no affect on anyone who isn't insane to begin with. Remember the Colorado movie shooting, and how somehow some of the Monday Morning Tragedy Quarterbacks were saying "Maybe the movies are too violent?" It didn't matter if Chris Nolan's Batman movies were as tame as early Superfriends episodes. The only reason why that movie was the one the gunman picked was because it was anticipated and bound to be filled with people.

Now, how many fans of Saw were reported to have their own torture dungeon and kidnap people at random to have cut each other up? And that movie's violence makes shooty shooty gun violence look like pies in the face. If gorn doesn't produce mass murderers, a bunch of imaginary cops shooting at imaginary crooks isn't the reason some nut goes off and kills people. Guns are just the easier way to do it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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And now the FDA is proposing a ban on the stuff that makes everything taste wonderful: trans fats. You know, the very same fats that were pushed on us in the '80s when saturated fats were declared "bad"? King of the Hill and American Dad put it best when it comes to the ridiculousness of government overreach and lack of personal responsibility.

Besides, haven't many food companies already removed it from their products without the help of the gub'mint banning it entirely?

Plus, I hate margarine, but you never see me going around trying to get it off store shelves, now do you? :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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You do know that trans fat has already been illegal in several other (European) countries for years now, right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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And now the FDA is proposing a ban on the stuff that makes everything taste wonderful: trans fats. You know, the very same fats that were pushed on us in the '80s when saturated fats were declared "bad"? King of the Hill and American Dad put it best when it comes to the ridiculousness of government overreach and lack of personal responsibility.

Besides, haven't many food companies already removed it from their products without the help of the gub'mint banning it entirely?
That's what I thought. Apparently whatever's left hid references to TransFats is left in the ingredients of certain items. I do not believe in banning ingredients, but rather shaming them to the point where companies give them up voluntarily. Personally, I get angry when these crappy cheap substitute fats and sweeteners actually make the products more expensive than the real stuff. I HATED when the oh so cheap Corn syrup they use instead of sugar made the price of soda (that includes Pepsi Throwback and artificially sweetened diet sodas) rise exponentially because of that corn drought last year. Again... LAST year. The prices never came back down.

Other than that, I'm sure that back when they banned Transfats the first time, they'll just come up with substitutes, tinker with the formula, and get something sort of the same. AS long as it isn;'t that diarrhea inducing fake fat from the 90's.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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But all the money you save goes directly to having to buy new pants, so it's not worth it.

Actually, you bring up a very good point in margarine. It's the single biggest scam in the health food world. Even moreso than frozen yogurt (but then again, there are times when that yogurty tang gives it an edge). Especially in stick form, they have as much fat or more than butter. Now, olive oil spread I dig. Margarine? No. You're better off with butter.

On the subject of food rants, you'd think I'd complain about the Happy Meal toys being books this month. Yes and no. I've had books in the past, including Muppet Babies, American Tail, and these awesome McDonaldland Book and tapes. But this new assortment annoys me because they're just the commercials transcribed. It's almost something from a Krusty Burger promotion.