Another Harvey Kneeslapper # skit.....
mikebennidict said:
I remember seeing a Harvy Kneeslapper skit in the 90s were another muppet.........
Here's another Harvey Kneeslapper skit for numbers..... HK is telling you (ahead of time) how he is planning to get someone to "give him five" with their hand, and how he plans to give them a jolt with a hand buzzer when they do it. Then he sees someone comming and tries to put it all in motion:
HK:"Hey, want to give me five?"
Other guy: (Looks alot like HK) "What was that?"
HK:"I said, You want to give me five?" (he holds out his hand)
Other guy: "Well, O.K., you asked for it!" (and with that he slaps a #5 on HK's shirt and walks away, laughing OL!)
HK: (not knowing what to think of it all, puts his elbow on the wall and rests his cheek in his hand, only to get buzzed by the buzzer!)