That's the one. Haha! It inspired me to do the series that I've been writing for two years now.

I remember watching it back in the mid-90s on
Nick Jr. and thinking how cool it was to see Stan Lee and the Muppets on the same screen.
So cool!
Okay. Before I fall into a flashback, I have two major announcements to make...
For the "Sesame, DC" series, I decided on dropping the character Donna (a.k.a. "Dee") because I feel that I already have enough cousins for the stories.
And also....
There is a friend of mine on MySpace who I'm not only including into "The MARVELOUS Muppets", but also in the "Legends of Disney" fanfic series that I'll be returning to after I've finished my current two "MM" tales.
In both series, she'll be taking the role of my love interest, Jennifer Natsumi, whose nickname in the series will be the same as her MySpace username: "Japanese Jen". It's kind of contradictive (it's supposed to be) because she isn't really Japanese--she's Caucasian.
In "Legends", she'll be making her first appearance in the yet-to-be released next chapter of my first story as a Disney fanatic with a huge crush on my character.
In "The MARVELOUS Muppets", she'll make a small appearance in "The Invincible" and her first full appearance in "Seein' Green" (the second Hulk/Muppets crossover) as a reporter for the Daily Bugle who returns to the business after rekindling a relationship that she and Sean Thomas started years prior to the events of "The Amazing!" She gets caught up in the evil plot orchestrated by Dr. Hugo Krassman that gets her transformed into a green-skinned Amazon whom most Hulk fans will remember from the original comics.
Here are images of the marvelous Jennifer:
Japanese Jen Pic #1
Japanese Jen Pic #2
Japanese Jen Pic #3
And here is a description of herself that she provided me with:
I'm 6'1" and I have blue eyes with long brown hair
I have a big bright smile that I always love to flash because I think smiling is better than frowning!
um, hm, I have a fit build, and am slender(?)!
That's my girl. I can't wait for you all to see her in action next year.