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What's next for MuppetWriter's Fanfics?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Another update for my "Stranger Than...Ghostbusters" tale:

I just realized that next year, by the time I post the story on Muppet Central, it will be the 20th anniversary of the greatest Tim Burton film of all time, Beetlejuice. And call me crazy, but I'm highly considering including the characters from the movie into my "Stranger Than..." story. If I make it happen, it'll be sure to make this not just a "Ghostbusters" crossover story, but a "Beetlejuice" one as well.

Just a thought I'm having. I'll let everyone know what I'll decide very soon.:smile:

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh... Why'd you have to go and say a thing like that? Sean, you've just pushed one of my buttons... One of those instant Devilishly pleased smile buttons.

Beetlejuice is one of my faves... I've seen it 667 times... And it keeps getting funnier... Every single time I see it!

But what's more... You could possibly expand on it, by bringing in some of your MySpace friends into the story to take the real life roles of added characters from the animated series like Bertha and Prudence, Lydia's classmates, and Claire Brewster as well. Then there's the possibility of melding Ghostbusters and Beetlejuice, coming up with an actual version of Doomie, Lydia's doglike pet cab combining it with the Highway Haunter Ghostbusters toy.

Sorry if I'm bombarding you with ideas my friend... LMK if you wish my assistance with your tales and I'll gladly give what I have within my vast knowledge.
Also, I might come a-calling to your door to see if your friends would be interested in crossing over to the Muppet monster side. Take care buddy, talk to you soon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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It's funny that you should have so much knowledge of the franchise, Count, because the TV show is a part of my childhood that I'd like to return to, if these networks just so happen to decide to bring the animated series back to air. I'm only familiar with the movie with Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, and Michael "The-Best-Batman-In-My-Opinion" Keaton.

I can actually use your help in writing this crossover if I decide on including Beetlejuice. You up for the task?:smile:

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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You know... Just might, seeing as how most of the humor was turning puns into literal visual gags throughout the run of the animated series.

As an example... I cite the episode where the "villains" were trying to get BJ to say he was coming apart at the seams, shattering him into six basic pieces collected by one of the different members of the nafarious no-goodniks. LMK what you may have in mind, could help flesh out my own plans as I was thinking of adding a Muppet version of Beetlejuice and his lady Lydia love to the cast of creeps.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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I'll do that. :smile: I have tons of ideas for this crossover, other than what I'd mentioned so far in this thread.

Another announcement for the "MARVELOUS" series:

I had to make another major cutback and change today.

You all know by now that Kat Meyers is supposed to be in my upcoming Iron Man/Muppets crossover and the second Hulk/Muppets one as well. Unfortunately, due to the issue of Kat's age (which she hasn't disclosed with me for personal reasons), I'll have to remove her character from the series altogether and replace her with someone else.

That someone else will be my friend Terah (littlegirl83), who was originally planned to be written into the second Hulk/Muppets crossover as a character who was the future daughter of Alissa "Lori" Brown's character in the story. She's a lot much younger than Kat and will serve as the oldest Thomas sibling in future "MM" stories, instead of Kat Meyers herself.

I would alert Kat of this change, but I seem to have lost contact with her on MySpace (which is pretty much another reason for this cutback and change).

Meanwhile, I talked with Terah about this and she's cool with it. So expect to read much about her in the "MARVELOUS Mini" stories that'll lead up to the events in "The Invincible" (the Iron Man/Muppets tale). :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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That's a shame buddy. But how about this... Tara could be the youngest member of the Thomas clan... But what if she's the one with the insight on all that's happening in the stories? Sort of give her an innocent inner wisdom that is only belied by her years.
Additionally, I was thinking... Mayhaps, instead of Beetlejuice, the better additional franchise for the Stranger Than... Ghostbusters tale would be Gargoyles. A possible plotline is that Ilyssa as the NYPD's leading liason to the stony supernatural creatures has been noticing some troubling shadows. So she forms a special taskforce that then leads to recruiting the four female Ghostbusters en route to whatever else the main storyarch pans out to be.

LMK if this works better for you, it's your decision, just here to float a few suggestions past you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Her name might be pronounced like it's "Tara", but it's actually spelled "Terah".:smile:

Actually, when I said that she is much younger than Kat, I didn't mean that she is pass the ages of Alissa and myself. Whereas Alissa Brown is 22 and I am 21, Terah is 24 years old, which pretty much makes her the oldest. So it'd only seem perfect for her to be the oldest member of our clan.

Besides, the youngest sister role has already gone to Donna (a.k.a. "Dee"), who is 18 years old in real life.

I've been talking with Terah a lot today, and we both think it'd be cool if we carried on the roles that are provided for her and Alissa Brown into the "Sesame, DC" series. So while she, Alissa Brown, Cory, and Donna are my siblings in "The MARVELOUS Muppets", they'll also be my siblings in "Sesame, DC" as well. This means that my friends Alissa Andrews and Wendy Rider are taken out of my plans to be in the series as possible siblings to my character or any other role in it for that matter.

As far as the "Stranger Than...Ghostbusters" story goes, your idea sounds quite interesting, Count. I say we go for it. :wink:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Sorry for the bits of confusion in my earlier post, but it's good to have the information about your Thomas lineage. LMK what you might have in mind and we can run from there. Take care buddy.

Also wanted to ask something you might be able to help with. If it happens that you watch and are familiar with the JLU series... There's this episode which takes place as a past narration of Margaret Waller to Teri (Batman Beyond). She tells him about this one instance where Bruce tracks down the youngest member of the Royal Flush Gang, a little girl named Ace and simply sits with her in silent empathic company.
If you've seen this episode, was hoping you could maybe help out by describing what Ace looked like, both physically and her costume/uniform.
Hope to hear from you soon and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
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Yeah, I've seen the episode you're referring to, Count. It's called "Epilogue", and it deals with Terry McGinnis finding out that he's somewhat of a clone of Bruce Wayne. Cool episode. Watched it on the Cartoon Network: Boomerang channel a few months ago.:smile:

As far as how Ace looks, think of Raven from Teen Titans without the hood and cape and much more tanned skin. Her costume is black on one side and white on the other with light purple boots and short hair with a white stripe at the side of it. She also reminds me somewhat of Phantom Girl from Legion of Superheroes, just with shorter hair and no cape.

Hope this helps. And I'll PM or email you sometime to discuss more ideas regarding the "Stranger Than...Ghostbusters" tale.


It seems as if another MySpace friend is showing interest in being a part of my stories, and she's a friend of Wendy Rider (who is still planned to be written into the "MARVELOUS" series, but has now become a pending decision for "Sesame, DC"). So expect another wave of changes if this goes any further.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK then. Thought she'd have some sort of ace symbol or something like that. Hmmm, half black and half white costume, reminds me of Ten from Batman Beyond's RFG. Guess I'll have to create this one meself.

Also, a bit of an update on my front. The special group of doll-like women that were to be dubbed under the banner of "Graveyard Girls" for my counted castle, each earning the batty beauty queendom of each Real World location in numeric succession has been sort of disbanded. Sure, I had ideas for some of the members of that group... But what with wembling this way and that, I'm just going to add whatever actual human characters I want to bring in to the cast of souls along with all the Muppet monsters. However, if you happen to have any MySpace friends who'd be interested in becoming part of the Counting Castle's 1000 haunters, metamonstrified, LMK and we can attempt to communicate with each other for whenever it is an accompanying story could be hammered out and/or posted.

Till then, take care MW.