This horrible, wretched song called "Hooked" by Dylan Scott. Every Friday at work we have this cruel thing called "Country Friday" where we listen to one of two unbearable country stations (usually the most unbearable one), that rotate the same, wretched, horrible songs four times a day. The fourth time hearing "Up Down" by Florida George Line nearly put me in a depressive funk, and if I have to hear Kenny Chesney sing about a T-shirt one more time I'm gonna lose my mind. And don't forget Jason Aldean whining: "You make it eeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" (with an unbearable amount of twang)
This music was not meant to be consumed by humans, and this is what the "cool" people listen to. All music today is just whining and yelling, from Imagine Dragons to Jason Aldean; I am so far removed from this and it bothers me way too much that people listen to it. I don't believe it.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, be thankful.