What sketches scared you as a kid?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Zoot said:
The sketch about the two criminals stealing the "GOLDEN AN"
(Take the 'Golden AN' and put it in this tan van, Give it to stan, who'll give it to dan, that's the plan)
The part that scared me was when the police-man creeps up on them from the backround shadows - I'd always cover my eyes.
Yes, the cop sneaking up on a suspect does sound scary now that you mention it. What bothered me most about that sketch, though, was the fact that Stan* told the crooks they'd get "ten days in the can for stealing the Golden AN". I didn't know much street slang at that age, so Stan's reference to a can made me think the crooks would have to spend ten days with Oscar the Grouch (a pretty nasty punishment, actually). Ewwwww....

*Yes, Stan was the cop: the other two accomplices were named Dan and Fran.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Ziffel said:
This was my entry over a year ago when I first saw this thread. This sketch was the one that scared me the worst as kid. :smile: It's one that rarely ever gets talked about. And if it ever appears on youtube or on a classic SS dvd I bet I will mute the sound until the red muppet has raced up the screen and says, "A"! Glad I'm not the only adult like that, as Chris Von Count mentioned in the last post that a bus stop clip still gets under his skin. :smile:

Well, after all, if we're reliving a little of our childhood through these classic clips it oughta include the fear emotions too. Heh heh.
That particular alphabet clip is on my "hit the mute button until this is over" list, too: the loud, bizarre synth music is scary enough, but did the CTW guys ever realize that those two Muppets emerging from a split screen look spooky too?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Boober_Gorg said:
Actually, it was Herry (who had a blue nose back then), who wanted Farley to come and play with his dollies (LOL).
That sketch (despite Herry's invitation) scared the pants off me when I was a girl. For those of you who forget the details, Farley has been lecturing about various "things [he] can do with [his] mind": imagining, remembering, hoping, and planning. The knocks at Farley's door don't convince him to stop until Herry has literally broken down the door. Farley ends his lecture in a panic, blurting out that he isn't imagining, remembering or hoping anymore: "I'm planning again...I'm planning to RUN!!" He takes off through the hole Herry left in the door--and then Herry mentions his invitation in a disappointed voice.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
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Drtooth said:
Another one that sent me screaming was this animation (if you could call it that!) of an elephant counting to twenty. I was frightened by the Spanish version. It was so long too! He counted twice and everytime he got to fourteen, he'd angrilly repeat it (Fourteen) over and over until it appeared on screen!
CTW originally borrowed that cartoon (and all the "Swedish Animation" number toons!) from a similar program in Sweden; the show was called "Five Ants Is More than Four Elephants", and the counting elephant was a recurring character there. (Yes, the Swedish version also showed him getting mad when "14" didn't appear...) Ironically enough, I've never seen this clip in English or Spanish--and my Sesame Street memories go back to 1971 at least.


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Oct 21, 2005
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Two animated sketches overtly frightened me. One was the "Adventure" sketch with its overly dramatic music and perils that really do put 4 year olds as I was to fear (being in raging rapids with staving crocodiles isn't exactly something you'd sleep easy seeing), so much so that I'd always turn my head to the back of my chair and wait for the whole thing to be over with. Another was a brief bit that featured a feminine (I forget the exact species, if there was one) being walking down a hallway, and a door slowly creaks open to reveal a large letter K that even to a young I appeared to be a stalker. Anyway, then came the worst part; the female turns and sees the K and lets out this hideous end-of-the-world style "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" scream, causing the door slam shut. If that's not creepy, I really don't know what is.

Cookie fan

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Feb 10, 2006
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superboober said:
Two animated sketches overtly frightened me. One was the "Adventure" sketch with its overly dramatic music and perils that really do put 4 year olds as I was to fear (being in raging rapids with staving crocodiles isn't exactly something you'd sleep easy seeing), so much so that I'd always turn my head to the back of my chair and wait for the whole thing to be over with. Another was a brief bit that featured a feminine (I forget the exact species, if there was one) being walking down a hallway, and a door slowly creaks open to reveal a large letter K that even to a young I appeared to be a stalker. Anyway, then came the worst part; the female turns and sees the K and lets out this hideous end-of-the-world style "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" scream, causing the door slam shut. If that's not creepy, I really don't know what is.
I'm sorry you felt like that about the adventure clip, it was actually one of my favorites. The other animated one you're talking about feature a pale female mouse with a skirt that opened a creaky door and when she saw the letter 'E', that's when she did her scream: "EEEEEEEEEEEE". I haven't seen that one in years!

Chris Gawley

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Aug 14, 2006
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When I was a kid, there were a few skits that scared me.

The first one was "Max & His Axe", which was about an overzealous lumberjack who was turned into a tree for one year, by a terrifying
"tree genie" as punishment for his disregard to nature. What frightened
me was the actual transformation of Max from human into a tree.... it looked

Another skit (or skits) that worried me were the one involving the Count. There was an atmosphere about him that bordered on evil! Does anyone remember the times he hypnotized Grover into bringing him hotdogs, & did the same to Bert & Ernie which resulted in the destruction of Ernie's block pyramid?

The last skit(s) that freaked me out (but also fascinated me) was "Sam The Robot". He blew steam which could catch you off guard if you weren't paying attetntion, but as I remember he did try to help people which makes him ok in my book. What ever happened to him?

Those were the Sesame Stret moments that frightened me as a kid.


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Sep 10, 2004
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You can find the Count hypnotizing Bert and Ernie in the sketch about the blocks on youtube.com !