2. Vincent Twice - how could you not think it was scary. HE WAS BASED ON HORROR-STORY-TELLER FROM A HORROR TV SHOW!!! the intro was freaky with the stained glass-like picture lady standing next to a grave dressed like she just came home from a funeral! then it goes into the grave and shows Vincent STARING AT A CANDLE (scary deluxe) with a thunderstorm going on outside. the story that scared me the most was one with a cat who got into this ladies hat (cat in the hat, lol) and she puts the hat on and the cat goes nuts and she screams her head off (NOT literally though). scary.

THANK YOU SO MUCH I THOUGHT NO ONE ELSE WAS AFRAID of myserious theatre. okay so when i was about 7 there was this like construction paper picture of this like lady with a scary yellow face and black hair wearing red if i remember correctly which was the intro to mysterious theatre and it was different each time ( I THINK WHAT YOU SAID ^ was the one that scared the crap out of me permanently)and there was this awful awful scary music.*shudders*nd i would like DODGE under the nearest table or hide next to a pillow. and be made fun of by my three year old brother! THAT BEGINNING SCARES ME OMG and i feared vincent twice twice. if i remember correctly he was an orange puppet with like... blue hair?and he was weird looking my mom even agrees lol. BTW i would like to see a picture of him now to conquer my fear but not now at 11:02 at night lol. i'm 16 btw and i would really like to see a pic of him

. and just thinking of that lady AHHH scares me, i'm such a baby

. i remember i came home from school and i made my mom watch it in the morning to check if she was on so i could avoid the whole segment at all costs which made me feel better... except when my mom forgot to screen it uh oh. lol. i did watch the little story he told but i would hide at the end. ahhhh memories. sorry this was so long!