There is definitely a double standard there. I don't agree with Sarah Palin politically but the way she and her children have been treated is cruel and bullying, plain and simple. It's like we never left the school playground.
The problem is that you have someone speaking for everyone what morals and values SHOULD be, looking down on people who don't agree with them who can't control their kids. Personally, I think all the criticism should fall on the MOTHER for all this, but then they thrust her out as a "good example" even though she did something wrong. Now, if they use her as a "This is what could happen, and it's wrong" like that woman with a fat face and a hump on her neck who told kids about the dangers of smoking, that's one thing.
But I'd like to add something from an episode of Dilbert... they had a banquet for this basket ball player who was addicted to drugs who quite the stuff and became a hero. Dilbert angrilly points out, we're making a hero out of someone who did the wrong thing in the first place. Especially since there are so many people who do the right thing, and still wind up in lousy situations. I think that's the same case here. The difference? The common person who could wind up with a baby as a teenager is cast out of society, forced to quit school, and their life is ruined. Bristol's mum has enough money to hire help to raise her kid while she has a normal life. Especially since, said mother goes on talking about what morals are.
I'm not going to even get into the cross hairs thing, and taking a tragedy and making it look like she's the victim. Suffice to say, I hate how political figures claim morals only to hold them over the heads of everyone else. That said, no one complained when someone on the right mocked Obama's kids. I said that in the "Am I the only one" thread for more info.
But Frogboy again is right. We have a TMZ culture that has an unhappy mix with our bitter political culture. Let's say things were different and the other guy got elected, Palin wouldn't be able to enjoy complaining about the problem... no... she'd be part of the group that gets slack from having to fix or ignore the problem. WE create these monsters, and run with pitchforks when they go wrong. Look at Britney Spears... she went nuts BECAUSE the stalkerazzi kept jumping out at her. Same bit with Lindsay... sure, she has to take responsibility for hanging out with party girls. but half the time, some doofus with a camera jumps out and tkaes compromising, almost black mail quality photos of her.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I side with Sean Penn and Tony Danza who punched those photographers in the face.
As for the ads....
It's a little over the top, but I don't see what the big deal is. I think that particular device is a lot safer and the ads are far more tame than the marketing for legal drugs used to boost the libido. The only thing that surprises me is that VH-1 still has a viewership.
I would LOVE to do a 5 page complaint about the drug industry and how the US is the only country that doesn't illegalize drug ads... and my sub rant about how people turn the other way when they're on, but snide at the sugary breakfast ad that keeps Dragon Ball z Kai on television barely (it's one or the other... but the kids don't control their own money when adults do, and pills aren't quick fixes for real problems). But I still say it's a bit of hypocrisy that we can get away with selling a certain jelly (and I ain't talking Smuckers) but we can't put up If you HAVE to, do it safely or try not to do it at all PSA's because THOSE are considered taboo. Again, either put it all in or take it all out. Not 50/50 of what's most profitable.