Weinstein rolls with Fraggle Rock movie


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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and try to keep as many of those 'cool for today' elements out of it IMHO, because todays cool is tomorrows dated feeling...
The problem? Quite a percentage of the young demographic is swept into what's cool & what isn't. I mean, I want this movie to be not just for us, but for everyone in general. And I would want it--when it comes to DVD--to be listed in the family section, NOT the children's section, by gum!


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Apr 13, 2002
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The Fraggles are a very different property than the Muppets and are being handled by different companies. While the Muppets are evergreen they have always made an effort to be a part of the times. The Fraggles have their own civilization. The only thing that seems dated in the Fraggle Rock program is the people in the Uncle Matt segments. The Muppet Show, however, seems very much a product of the 70s and 80s. In an enduring way, but nevertheless noticeable. The Fraggles won't need to reach out the same way. The music, magic and look of the Fraggles will likely be enough for the tween crowd to latch on. The Muppets are a different sort of sell. :coy:


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Feb 4, 2004
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And yet, they are all--despite all business-related mergers and whatever--a part of the same Henson mold. Then again, each show is--IMHO--a different facet of Jim's vision & it is for this reason that everyone associates all his creations with him, even if he's no longer here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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The problem? Quite a percentage of the young demographic is swept into what's cool & what isn't. I mean, I want this movie to be not just for us, but for everyone in general. And I would want it--when it comes to DVD--to be listed in the family section, NOT the children's section, by gum!
The thing is, to some, FR would never be 'cool' even if you made Gobo wear the latest band logo and had the whole main plot take place in a skate park:sympathy:. It's much better if the story stays true to what FR truly is about than tries to be something it is not just to 'hang with the cool kids'. It's message was about loving each other for who they are after all...

If it gets marked as a 'kiddie' film for being faithful to what FR really is about it is no fault of the fraggles themselves, and those that love fraggles old and new will be able to see pass the label if it is a good enough timeless story.

All and all though, labels only have as much power as you put into them, and I have never put much stock in the 80's Care Bears or My Little Pony being called 'kiddie'. The depth is there for all films if you just look for it, and even when I was little I made a habit of doing just that:excited:.

I know, since the basic nature of being human hasn't changed, that there is an often overlooked group of little ones in the new generation, doing the same sort of things.

Unlike the media I give them credit for being smart and not buying everything they are spoon fed :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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Right on. I just want the film to be something we--as fans, old and new--can be proud of.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Right on. I just want the film to be something we--as fans, old and new--can be proud of.
The best way to do that is to make them stay true to what their already good at:excited: I think...*has a 'has to add two cents to everything' temper today :embarrassed:*


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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The best way to do that is to make them stay true to what their already good at.
So exploring, swimming, arts & gathering food, indecisive decisions, and laundry-related cleanliness? XD


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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wwfpooh said:
I wonder how, then, are they going to capture the eyes of the current demographic that's so absorbed in Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and the like? I mean, I love nostalgia as much as anyone, but I want the film to be a timeless one for all ages, just as the series itself was a forever timeless classic (and still is considered as such by its fans).
If they wanna see their lame-a-zoid, unimaginative Full House/ Monkees crossbreads, let them. Let them stay in their unimaginative bubble, and grow up to be shallow people. If they don't care to open their minds to childhood whimsy and magic, and think they won't turn into over done potato people like their mothers and become pop stars... LET them/ The rest of us with magic in our hearts would welcome something amazing like this. I have no doubt in my mind Corey will stay as far away as that as possible.