People expect too much out of Pixar. Lest we forget they also did the more kid friendly "A Bug's Life." I think everyone just expects the first 10 minutes of Up out of all their movies. Yet, for the most part their animated movies are still more daring than most. Dreamworks can from time to time come up with something pretty bold. I don't get the hate Home gets, it was actually pretty risky to do a film about aliens taking over the world, but from the perspective of a little girl (a non-Cacausian one at that, something even Pixar has yet to do), and as a road trip. That was their best non-sequel film in years.
The Heart of the Sea, I just can't take that seriously. It's Maleficent with Moby Dick, essentially. The big retelling of "what really happened." Only more narmy with this one. Also, I'm surprised no one said a thing about Victor Frankenstein just...doing poorly and disappearing. It feels like they just dumped that movie in that release date to get rid of it. It probably wasn't a bad film, and I'd admit it looked pretty interesting, just it looks like it came off a long string of failures like that Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter thing, going all the way back to Cowboys vs. Aliens.