The Flippersteps Series, Part IV: Flippersteps Apart
Title: Flippersteps Series, Part IV: Flippersteps Apart
Writing status: Unknown number of chapters written through torment lines
Posting status: Not yet posted
Inspiration: Please see “Flippersteps Series, Part I: Flippersteps in the Sand.” Provides happy ending for stories already included, while adding another.
TBNL: Relatively mild, with one year (story timeline) duration of pain. Beware of dreams, tabloids, and Elvis songs.
Ushy gushy: Roughly 50%
Additional reasons for posting delay: Can’t be posted until “Flippersteps Series, Part III: One Flipperstep at a Time” is complete.
Small Excerpt:
Her jaw slacked. "What?" she said. "But... How is that possible? We're the Muppets! How do we NOT have dancing the first week back on the show?"
"Well, it's simple, really," he said, shrugging uneasily. "The Clodhoppers cancelled, half the chickens have the people-pox, and the pickles all have broken legs! ...Or so they claim, anyway. All the dancing acts had to be postponed or cancelled."