Man...this is unreal.
BEAR said:
Man...(shakes head)...
This is
nuts! Kids should have a toy that they can have fun with. My opinions on Elmo personally are, well...I'll keep my mouth shut about that. However, when people are going absolutely crazy...BEYOND crazy on Ebay (and elsewhere) with prices for an
Elmo's just sad, really.
From now until Christmas, parents will be paying outlandish prices for an Elmo that will eventually wind up forgotten in the corner of their room or in a bin at the
Salvation Army. There are many of the original TME's out there that were once sold for $1800+ in 1997. Where are they now? They are being sold for a quarter on garage sales along with Furbys, Cabbage Patch dolls and other stuff the kids tire of.
I haven't seen this toy in person, but I did see the "Potty Training Elmo" at Wal Mart someone mentioned. Here's the
link (for whoever was looking for it).
Ten million dollars for a $40 toy... that's insane.
I say if you're a parent and want to find your kid something Henson related that will stand the test of time, nuture your child, and not be just another fad, try
this. You won't regret it.
"Trust me."
Convincing John