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They've only Got One Another: A Muppet Christmas Story


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
Reaction score
I'm missing you, Wigie. Where are you in all your Christmas pleasentries? *Does panda eyes* (I don't do dog eyes, I'm more pandaish) :wink:

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
Ou-ach!!! OK, OK--good to see I haven't been forgotten over here. It's open and slowly and steadily aligning itself into something coherent...I'm on a house with twelve children and four adults here....give me a break, I don't get much alone time. :big_grin: Tomorrow I go to see the Muppets for the number fourth time, with my oldest cousin and my grandpa. Yippee


Active Member
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
I've been reading this, and I just wanted to say good job so far (actually this is the first muppets fanfic I've read, but you've gotten me hooked!!) The flow is very nice and it's very.....muppety, for lack of better words. Please keep updating it!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
Wait? Muppets sleeping in the orchestra pit? That is something they'd do! I love your work so far. So, is the boarding house the same one from Muppets From Space? Shame they had to leave, though.

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
Friskies: Thank you!! And welcome (again) to the forum and the wonderful world of fan-fiction. Not hard to get hooked is it? :wink: Might I suggest something heavy-duty (I.E. Amazing.) Lisa, Toga or Together again's fics? (P.S. Their the same person) Or if you like Fraggle Rock, Mostlikemokey's Boober-centric fic....but wait, I'm going off on a tangent. Again, thanks! This if my first go so...you'll definitely see better. :smile:
@CountDan1998: Thank you!!! I always had the image of them sleeping in random places in the theater before watching Muppets From Space. And about the boarding house, maybe they'll get it back...maybe....oh good grief, who am I to drop hints?! :embarrassed: Chapter Five will be up....sometime in the future....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Er, you mean Chapter 8 non? 8 is great, I love 8, 8 is the number I do not...
Wait! WGU still hasn't posted it!
Oh, sorry. Post story please?

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
Er, you mean Chapter 8 non? 8 is great, I love 8, 8 is the number I do not...
Wait! WGU still hasn't posted it!
Oh, sorry. Post story please?
>facepalm< Five?! Why the heck was I thinking five? Oh, because that is how many times I counted seeing the Muppets, as of today.

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
Whew! I'm actually sort of optimistic about this chapter..of course, that could be my head messing with me since it's 2:31 IN THE MORNING!! Oh the things I will do for the Muppets...:wink: Ok, since this is the last chappe, first nod goes to Figgie for being my new MC-BFF (imma send you a postcard girl! Really! I bought the coolest one up in NC!)...>ahem< for supporting me when the minute I started posting, for making my Christmas dreams come true in her amazing story, and for putting up with my hopelessly bland Henry/Alice romance in the face of her ush-gush. Second goes out to Toga, Lisa...my mentor, hero and one of those who are WAY up there on the list of awesomest people I know, for reading, liking and helping me in my first pursuit as a fan-ficion. You rock!! (And yes, I actually went and re-read Swamp Call just so I could write Maggie's...what...one line? Yeah. I love your stuff.) The Count for sparing his time and experience to my experiment. To Bo for all the laughs and likes and love...:big_grin: I'm with the mayor. Still can't get over it. And...to anyone my throbbing brain is forgetting, meaning EVERYONE who read and commented on this thread. It's been great, and awesome and stuff, and I can't wait to do it again. Please review the last chapter...now, I'm off to milk cows. Oh wait, I guess I still have, like, an hour. :sigh: Merry Christmas and happy New Years!!!


Kermit was in the snow again, but the numbingly chill air somehow felt good on his face: cold and clear. It was amazing how quiet everything was after the hustle and bustle of before. He tried to remember where the nearest bus station was to meet Jimmy and Leaper. Music came from a dark corner of central park:
Oh holy night,
The stars are shining brightly,
It is the night of our dear savior's birth...

They were voices that could barely hold a note, disorganized but happy. For a moment he thought it was his friends. Still, a sweet melody.
He checked his watch: there was still plenty of time to meet them.
Long lay the earth,
In sin and error pining,
Till he appeared and the soul felt it's worth.

Wandering into the park, with Robin breathing softly on his shoulder. There was an old fashioned hobo barrel with a cheery fire in it. Lots of people were standing around it, smiling, rubbing themselves in what was probably the only clothes they had and singing to keep warm. Their faces welcomed Kermit, and they stared with sympathy at the bundle he was carrying.
A woman nodded at the young frog. “That your son?”
“My nephew.”
She gave him a pitying smile. “Must be rough.”

The rest of the group were picking up the chorus of the song:
Fall, on your knees,
Oh hear, the angel voices,
Oh night divine,
Oh night, when Christ was born.

The woman nodded at a teenage boy nearby. “Hey James, how bout' getting' the frog something warm to drink?”
The boy held up a camping peculator. “None left.” He shrugged.
She turned back to him. “Gee, I'm sorry. You can have whatever's left of mine.”
Kermit stared at her. She very obviously had nothing, like the rest of them. “Are you sure you don't want it?”
She smiled back him, as if she was just happy to hear him talk. “It's Christmas eve after all. My name is Chelsea, by the way.”
Kermit looked down at the money that Rowlf had left him. “Well, uh, Chelsea--how about you buy us some more?” He handed the money to her.
She was about to reply, open- mouthed, when Henry walked up. “I'll go and get it for you.” He smiled. He was holding Alice's bare hand, both of them happy and cold. Henry looked a little dazed, and his hair was rustled. “We just came to see you off.” He said.
"But I guess your not going anywhere." Said Alice.
"So if your not, we're not either. And we can use the money we got for traveling to have some kind of a Christmas." Finished Henry.
Kermit wasn't sure what to say to them. They stood there wrapped in scarves and coats, beaming, with Henry's arm around Alice's waist.
"It's our way of saying thank you for making it feel...like we were part of a family." Alice said. There was a hesitation in the way she said it. It had been a long, long time since she had felt that way. Henry squeezed her tighter.
Kermit still, wasn't sure what to say. For what certainly wasn't the first time, his mind recalled Jim....Jim and the way he always compared them to a family...

Miss Piggy's voice was heard. “Don't bother going anywhere.” She flounced up tossing her curly hair back, dressed in her heavy white fur coat, looking dazzling against the snow. She was holding cupholder's full of steaming coffee.
“Piggy?!” Kermit had never more confused or happy at seeing her...except maybe a few times....
She smiled. “Well, Ralphie gave moi some money too, after all, it was moi's pay-check...and I had a sneaking little suspicion that vous wouldn't be leaving very soon...and...”
She gave a sideways glance at Chelsea and the rest of the small group, lowering her voice. “And...moi was not exactly sure where to go...after all, we... haven't spent a Christmas apart in years. She smiled. “I figured we could drink Starbucks and talk about...our wedding plans....” She said this last bit looking directly at Chelsea, who only smiled helplessly.
Ker-mie?!” She was prepared to put an end to all resistance.
Kermit's voice was a happy whisper. “All I was going to say was...not so loud, you'll wake Robin.” He took her with his free one arm gladly.
"Can I hold him?" Asked Alice quietly.
Kermit nodded and transferred the little frog to her shoulder. He stirred slightly at the change, lifting his head a little. "Mom! Dad!"
Kermit and the rest turned to find not only Jimmy and Leaper looking somewhat confused, but also his sister Mag.
"I got your voice message." Said Jimmy as Leaper talked with Robin. "You didn't exactly say what had happened and we were worried." He explained.
"Yeah Mit, what's going on?" his sister asked, with real concern in her voice in place of the sly playfulness it usually held. Piggy looked at Kermit, knowing how hard explaining was going to be. He opened his mouth.
"There was an accident in the theater." Fozzie finished for him.
Him and Gonzo had been standing behind Alice and Henry, out of sight.
"A really neat one! That I...had nothing to do with..." Gonzo added.
Kermit shook his head in disbelief, trying to find a proper first question. "Honolulu?!" He managed.
Gonzo and Fozzie looked at each other. "Er...well, Ker-mit, you know how my Mom is about her vacations...." He tried changing tactics. "And I forgot my wallet."
"Fozzie you don't have a wallet."
"Gonzo..! Can't you see what I'm..."
"Guys!" Kermit shouted. They both turned in his direction. "Want some coffee?"

They were handed warm mugs, and Henry hopped off to the nearest shop to pick up some more with the combined bit of money they had left. On the way back into the park he bumped into Scooter, who was similarly carrying a load of warm drinks and blankets.
"Um....are those for Kermit?" The go-fer asked.
"Nope. There for the vast accumulation of people coming to help Kermit."
Scooter looked down at his tray. "Well, so much for the raise."

The frosty wind was blowing again, enveloping the ever-growing group of Muppets...many of them towing their families and friends, who were gathered around the tiny fire. Robin rubbed his eyes and and sipped some hot-chocolate, sitting on Chelsea's lap. Kermit was conversing with Mags and Jimmy about possible part-time jobs, but nobody was worrying about anything. The night was freezing, but the look that covered the faces of the people and Muppets alike was a warm one. Gonzo and Camilla cuddled in a Barbeque grill, Fozzie hit up a conversation with Chelsea, Floyd and Janice held each other close hunched under a blanket--even Kermit, a happy warm feeling growing inside him, had his own skinny green arm tight around miss Piggy's waist.
"How about some carols, Kermit?" Called someone.
"Yeah, what else are we gonna tell the night cop?" Joked Dr. Teeth.
Nigel tapped his stick on the nearest trash-can. "What's the selection?"
"Twelve Days of Christmas?" Called Chelsea.
"Are you crazy?!"
"Not a chance!"
"No way!"
"I'm going back to my uncle's!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"...And it appears the last snowflake has fallen for tonight. This is Shelly Jameson asking you to drive careful...."
The newsman took a deep breathe. He had a terrible suspicion their was something illegal about what he was about to do. Oh well. He hopped out in front of the camera just as she was signing off. "This is a Muppet Newsflash! The preforming troupe known as the Muppets have officially vacated their beloved theater, after issues with rent and fire damage. Now with no means of support, the entire group has gathered in central park. With the temperature dropping below zero, their fate is undecided. Snowfall could be..." At that moment a chill breeze shook the tree limb above his head, sending a pile of snow onto him. "Severe." He finished. He handed the mic back to the shocked woman and walked briskly away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Can I pick one now?" Robin's tiny voice piped up as the last notes of 'Good King Wenceslas' faded. There were agreements all around. "I'd like to sing 'It's in Every One of Us'. I know it's not a Christmas song really, but we sang it that year together at Fozzie's Ma's house, and..." He looked to his uncle. "I think Mr. Jim really liked it."
Kermit could only smile and nod. The agreements were even more enthusiastic than before, so Robin started in his sweet, small voice:
It's in every one of us to be wise...
Find your heart, open up both your eyes,
We can all know everything,
Without ever knowing why,
It's in every one of us,
By and by...

The Muppets had somehow stumbled across harmony, and it never sounded more beautiful than when they picked up the slow chorus:
It's in every one of us,
Find your heart,
And open up both your eyes,
We can all know everything,
Without ever knowing why,
It's in every one of us,
By and by...

Kermit was overcome with emotion. His nephew's voice and the combined voices of his friends rang out into the snow and brought back thoughts and memories of a million things. Jim, the
show, the dream, the fight, the family, the rainbow...but somehow, he found a voice to sing with:
It's in every one of us,
I just remembered,
And it's like I've been sleeping for years,
I'm not awake as I can be,
But my seeing's better,
I can see through the tears...

And he had real tears streaming down his face as he finished. Piggy had her arms around him, holding him close like a child. She kissed him on his face, and picked up the first words of the next verse in time and with a ringing voice:
I've been realizing that,
I bought this ticket,
And only watched half the show...
Scooter added a line:
But there's scenery and lights,
And a cast of thousands,
Who all know what I know
And it's good that it's so...

They all joined in wholeheartedly for the end:
It's in every one of us to be wise...
Find your heart, open up both your eyes,
We can all know everything,
Without ever knowing why,
It's in every one of us,
By and by...

Alice drew the last line out beautifully, her voice echoing through the icy night.
It's in every one of us, by and by.....

There was something of a deep breathe that every living person there shared, and then applause filled the previously quiet park. Applause that came from people whom Kermit had been to overwhelmed to see. Families, and business people, and young couples who had come to see whether the rumor was really true. And they didn't stop cheering, not for a long, long time.
A man in a business suit pushed his way through the crowd, past people who already had handfuls of money they were shoving upon poor Kermit, who was already knocked off his flippers.
"Kermit the frog." He began in a rehearsed voice. A television camera flipped on and the crowd was momentarily silenced. "As the mayor of this city, we are all appalled to see such a honored preforming group...the brain child of a great man like Jim Henson, homeless in our park."
Kermit smiled in Chelsea's direction. "There's nothing so appalling about becoming homeless." He said. "I can tell you, it's not hard."
The mayor ignored him. "Therefore, I hereby offer you and the Muppets full use of Carnegie hall tonight and tomorrow for your planned show, and I am going to personally pay for your full hotel bills and living expenses until a more permanent arrangement can be reached."
Cheers from the audience. "Uh...excuse me sir?" Kermit nudged him. "Does that include our friends here?" He waved towards Chelsea again.
"It most certainly can."
"One more thing."
"How did you know we planned on putting on a Christmas show? There were no adds or anything out."
The mayor leaned a little closer to the frog and lowered his voice. "Well, I haunt the internet forums sometimes you know." He shook his head and chuckled. "Boy you have some funny fans, do you know that? S.W.A.E.H.B.! Ha!"
Kermit made a face. "Right. Got it."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Kermie dear, we have a show to put on." Noted Miss Piggy.
"I know that. Don't you think I know that? All I said was that you looked beautiful."
She smiled slyly at him. Yes, but it was the way vous said it that suggested a delay." She planted a kiss on his nose and hurried past, dressed in a flowing cream white and green gown.
Kermit shrugged happily and called for Scooter, who rushed up still adjusting his tuxedo.
"Did you get a hold of your uncle?" He asked.
"Oh yes. He got a hold of me. The wall will be fixed tomorrow morning."
The frog's smile increased. "Think we should wait a while before telling him we're moving back in? Scare him a little?"
"As his nephew, I should say no. As an employee of the Muppet Show...good grief yes boss!" They both chuckled. "Oh and by the way, Miss Danfeild...our old landlady has been calling us all day. Apparently her clients discovered...some of Bunsen and Beakers old experiments in some closet downstairs and beat a hasty retreat. Anyway, it's vacant and she's full of apologies. I figured I'd let you tell her off yourself."
"Tell her off?"
"Sure...you don't wanna move back in after that do you? I mean, we could probably get a better place now...with all the money this show will make."
"Sure we could. But that's home, and we all know it. Besides, it's Christmas...even stuffy old landlords need a present."
"Who says?"
"Didn't you buy your uncle something?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The lights and view from the Carnegie hall stage were amazing. And they did wonderful things to miss Piggy, so that Kermit had a hard time tearing his from her after her opening number.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we're all so honored to see you here today. We have one number left...and we haven't rehearsed it...but here it is anyway, and we mean it...absolutely sincerely."
The curtain pulled up, and the Muppets, all decked out in their holiday finery and holding hands, took the stage. Alice began in her wonderful voice as Rowlf played the piano:

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on
Our troubles will be out of sight

The rest of the Muppets joined her.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on
Our troubles will be miles away

Kermit and Miss Piggy took the solo together.
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more

They all joined in:

Through the years
We all will be together
If the Fates allow
Robin soared out with his own little solo:
Hang a shining star
Upon the highest bough
They all harmonized (barely) on the last:
And have yourself
A merry little Christmas now

The packed audience in the velvet seats cheered their hearts out. Alice and Henry shared a first kiss in front of more than a hundred people. Kermit smiled as he held Piggy's soft hand. He smiled at his friends already bouncing up and down with excitement about the last-minute Christmas shopping they all had to do. He smiled upwards at the gold letters shining above the stage:
Merry Christmas from all of the Muppets,
It said it in several different languages, and then below it:
In honor of Jim Henson, who's only wish and present was as always to leave the world a better place. Every Christmas we realize...he succeeded.
