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They've only Got One Another: A Muppet Christmas Story


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2011
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*stands up, applauds, standing ovation from all readers*

Bravo, bravo, magnifico! :big_grin: Dare I say it, encore! I loved it!

I'm really tired (it's nearly 1 AM where I am), so I'll review this last chapter when I'm more coherant, but all I can say is GO NEWSMAN GO! :big_grin:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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That was a beautiful ending. *Laughs from the Muppets saying 'No!' to singing 12 Days at the park with Chelsey. *Loves how they just filter in individually and either add to or distract Kermit from his train of questioning about why they're there instead of having left. *Very touched by the thank-you at the beginning and the message at the end of the fic.
Thanks for sharing a nice story with all us here at MC. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Oooh!!! I agree, standing ovation! *applauds and stamps feet merrily at the superb, genuine and heartfelt ending* More review to follow when my mind is less tired. For now, clapping!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Very nicely done. Heart-warming as a Muppet Christmas fic should be. Congrats!

Was that really the second verse to It's in Every One of Us? I didn't know there was a second verse to that...

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Ozymandias, Count, and Bo: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
Muppetfan44: Yes, those were all the right lyrics. I looked up the original version written by David Pomeranz just to confirm the lyrics and found that it had two extra verses that fit perfectly! :smile: >looks forward to coherent Ozy review<


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Gah, WHY did my headache and general icky-feeling-ness have to return this morning when there is THIS waiting to be reviewed?

Oh, WGU, this is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Of course nobody actually left... and Jimmy and Leaper and MAGGIE showed up! And you wrote Maggie very well, I must say. (Although, by referring to her once as "Mags," you may have placed yourself in danger. She only allows Kermit to call her that, with no exceptions, not even for narrators. Just keep an eye out for trip wires and cream pies for a while... Although, for a Christmas story, she might let it slide. But I'm flattered that you re-read all of Swamp Call to get her one line right, and I don't blame you at all... in Heart of Gold, I had to write a three-page biography of Kermit's camera man before I managed to name him. Same with several guys in the unit, and one character you haven't met yet whose name will maybe get mentioned... once or twice.) (My, what a long set of parentheses that was!)

And then everyone comes out in the freezing cold to declare their love of Muppets. Happy! And it all works out in the end... I love the bit with Kermit and Scooter about stuffy old landlords getting a present. Oh, the merciless teasing that boy's uncle gets... and deserves.

This whole thing just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. (Which is a nice contrast to feeling stuffy and dizzy... bleh...)

And what am I forgetting... Oh yes! The mayor! SWAEHB! <laughs> Oh, you learn quick. That was utterly fantastic. And Kermit's reaction was perfect, too. Ooh, and all of the Kermit/Piggy interaction was WONDERFUL, too! Oh, made me so happy. And I also love that Henry and Alice had their first kiss on stage. That's just adorable.

And speaking of adorable... Robin! <quiet, giddy little squee> Ah, Robin. That's my Robin. So cute! Awwwww.... <snuggles the Robin>

<ahem> <feigns dignity> Where was I... Oh yes. Singing your praises. Right.

I have to say... I love the frequent mentions of Jim. It sort of threw me off at first, but it TOTALLY makes sense that they would be thinking about him more than usual on Christmas... And yes, he DID succeed in making the world a better place, and that's perhaps the most admirable thing about him.

Ya done good, girly. I'm proud of you. And I'm looking forward to seeing what wonderful story you come up with next!

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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<wipes cream out of face< >proceeds to hop up and down in a shamefully un-modest fashion<

We Got Us

Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
Oooh!!! I agree, standing ovation! *applauds and stamps feet merrily at the superb, genuine and heartfelt ending* More review to follow when my mind is less tired. For now, clapping!
Wait, wait...I can expect a long review from Bo too! Hooray! I love long reviews!! Now, must tear myself away from laptop and spend time with cousins...


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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ok, my turn. >face palm< Why do I never notice these chapters?! :embarrassed:Any hoo. THIS IS FANTAAAAASTIIIIC!!! :big_grin:I had my first kiss, on screen too! btw was the mayor suppo'd to be our beloved Bo? :oops:It fits him (thats a compliment) and I especially teared up at the end when I read about Mr. Jim....perfectly done. Oh! And Newsie...awsome right there. 'nuff said. I can't wait for the post card! I drew a picture of you and Scooter as muppets and as humans. Though I'm not quite happy with the look of the latter...But both are cute! Now I must finish with my own story, then off to bed with me. I'm sick. Again. bleh:stick_out_tongue: