Ozymandias, Count, and Bo: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! >looks forward to coherent Ozy review<
*runs through the doorway* I AM HERE, AND I AM...er...coherant. I think.

: Coherant might be a bit of a stretch there Ozy...
Me: Quiet, you.

I had to act like an adult today and get college setup stuff done (as I go back to Ye Local College tomorrow), but now I'm here and can be wacky, loves We Got Us' fics Ozy again!
Anyways, here we go, the review of the last chapter, piece by piece. First off, let me say how amazing it was to hear (er, read)
Oh Holy Night being sung, as that is one of my favorite Christmas carols!

The hoboes seem to be a nice lot too. I love how everybody slowly but surely shows up, supporting Kermit even though they could've had other places to go to for Christmas. That's family, right there. Nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
Oh, and
this bit.
The newsman took a deep breathe. He had a terrible suspicion their was something illegal about what he was about to do. Oh well. He hopped out in front of the camera just as she was signing off. "This is a Muppet Newsflash!"
GO NEWSIE GO NEWSIE GO NEWSIE! *waves Newsman pompoms for that Crowning Moment of Awesome*
I was listening to "It's in Every One of Us" while reading through this just now, and everything moved flawlessly.

Just, ahhh. Crowd songs. :'D I love how everything else just skyrocketed from there, with all of the cheering people and the Mayor and the bit with Scooter and Kermit talking about his Uncle afterwards--genius!
Apparently her clients discovered...some of Bunsen and Beakers old experiments in some closet downstairs and beat a hasty retreat.
I LOLed. Hard. It's nice that you didn't say what those experiments were and just left the implications to the reader's imagination.
In short, I loved all of it, especially the ending where it finished off with "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."
