You know what I'd love to drink again because I'm such a manchild?
Juicy juice.
I loved Hawaiian Punch and Hi-C and Tang because it was chemical-laden sludge.
Juicy Juice came much later. I couldn't stomach it, because... It was actual juice! Upset my stomach, which was so used to drinking hi-fructose industrial waste.
Tang? When we were in boy scouts and went camping, Tang was a staple. Over a campfire, we used to pour the orange powder into the fire.
You would not believe how high the flames would shoot up, and how many different colors!
Have you ever seen green fire?
And we were ingesting this stuff like no tomorrow.
If I go out for breakfast, I might get a small glass of orange or cranberry juice.
One cardinal rule.
Never never NEVER drink orange juice right after brushing your teeth.