This crazy yet hilarious public access show called Electra Elf and Fluffer. Do you what to know why I think it's so funny? Read the show's synopsis and that will tell all:
"Electra Elf and Fluffer is about a superheroic elf and her chihuahua sidekick, Fluffer who defeats the villains with his radioactive pee. She obtained her powers from taking a strange substance called ELF-SD (an obvious parody of LSD) that gave her powers beyond imagination,".
Also one of the main villains tried to defeat our hero by literally force feeding her mayonnaise in the episode that I watched.
I think it's common knowledge by now that most of the crap on public access is completely ridiculous and poorly made nonsense, but this show surprised the heck out of me. It has an actual story, clever jokes, decent special effects by 1980s public access standards, an all around wacky but still interesting premise, and an extremely accurate affectionate parody of the superhero genre that appeals mainly to comic nerds like myself who are huge fans of the genre that they are poking gentle fun at. I'm sure the creators of the project themselves are superhero nerds as well.
The entire show reminds me of something you would see on [adult swim] nowadays and seeing as how this was some low budget passion project made by a couple of friends in the '80s, that is definitely a compliment.