
Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Thankfully Lord of the Rings hasn't really been the target of censorship (correct me if I'm wrong of course). :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Thankfully Lord of the Rings hasn't really been the target of censorship (correct me if I'm wrong of course). :smile:
Not usually except among young kids which was whom Tolkien wrote for. The scare factor is apparently too much. It was never ment that way but people think it is therefore in most houses and schools they don't even CONSIDER it until 7th grade when it was originally intened to be a story that was read aloud to a 3rd grader.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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LOTR scary? nah, The Hobbit is a great cure for insomnia in my opinion though, i remember watching the Bashki [uh... spelling? the cartoon] version at the age of 5, the only thing upsetting me was the horse dying, other than that, i wanted to see how it ended... then mom handed me The Hobbit claiming it to be the most interesting of all the books :frown:

i'm trying to figure out myself why there are banned books, sure times change, but when i was in skool, it was the parents taking offense to them.

quick minor side step, but text talk bugs me to no end. my sister just read a text she got that made no sense, then the following text that read 'sry' i know 'sorry' but is it so hard to text the complete word? :mad:

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Merry Christmas and God Bless Us ALL!
I'm so excited my rents totally shocked me this year because I got a copy of Of Muppets and Men and I told my mom about it and somehow she found one. How? No clue. I've learned Just don't question the power of mom. So the first thing I did was go to the Jerry, Richard and Dave section and just stared at Richard for about a good two minutes. :wink:
Was it that photo of him in the black and white rugby shirt, with a lobster puppet on his hand? :wink:

Most awesome that you got a copy - that book's really hard to come by these days. There was a library copy that I'd borrow from time to time...and then we found one of our own on Amazon.

Back to book banning - it's usually a group of parents who get that kind of thing started. The thing is, though, if you tell kids that there's a book they're not allowed to read, they're only going to want to read it more.

I've tried reading Lord of the Rings a few times, but I never can seem to get all the way through. Those are books that demand a good bit of your time.

And as long as we're talking about Tolkien: on the sidewalk on my street, not too far from the library, someone wrote "Frodo Lives" in the concrete.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Was it that photo of him in the black and white rugby shirt, with a lobster puppet on his hand? :wink:

Most awesome that you got a copy - that book's really hard to come by these days. There was a library copy that I'd borrow from time to time...and then we found one of our own on Amazon.

Back to book banning - it's usually a group of parents who get that kind of thing started. The thing is, though, if you tell kids that there's a book they're not allowed to read, they're only going to want to read it more.

I've tried reading Lord of the Rings a few times, but I never can seem to get all the way through. Those are books that demand a good bit of your time.

And as long as we're talking about Tolkien: on the sidewalk on my street, not too far from the library, someone wrote "Frodo Lives" in the concrete.
Uh . . . it was one of him but I think he was holding Scooter and it looked like he was looking right at me and I was just like AHHH!:wink:
Really though? I finished Fellowship of the Ring in lik 4 days in 7th grade granted I did read it in the hallway and fell down a flight of stares in the process. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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lol, aww, sorry to hear that Gobo, i've fallen down stairs before, normally at home, never at skool, but i did run into a stop sign outside skool in the 9th grade [don't look back to say hi to a friend, just don't do it]

you're right muppet newsgirl people do things they're told not to, that's the way of it, heck, i remember not being aloud to watch south park as a kid, i use to sneak out of my room and watch a few minutes it when my parents were asleep :wink: [same with CSI, but i had a crush on greg, so i'd listen for his voice :flirt: lol]

yea, i've never finished the books [lord of the rings] it depends on the book, if i'm interested i'll finish it in an hour [depending on length] or i'll put it down and never pick it up again [inkspell, must finish but the writing hurts me]


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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lol, aww, sorry to hear that Gobo, i've fallen down stairs before, normally at home, never at skool, but i did run into a stop sign outside skool in the 9th grade [don't look back to say hi to a friend, just don't do it]

you're right muppet newsgirl people do things they're told not to, that's the way of it, heck, i remember not being aloud to watch south park as a kid, i use to sneak out of my room and watch a few minutes it when my parents were asleep :wink: [same with CSI, but i had a crush on greg, so i'd listen for his voice :flirt: lol]

yea, i've never finished the books [lord of the rings] it depends on the book, if i'm interested i'll finish it in an hour [depending on length] or i'll put it down and never pick it up again [inkspell, must finish but the writing hurts me]
I'm so accident prone I'm used to it now. Nothing is as bad as the tendon and even that it's almost healed. Thank GOD for Gobo and Junior or I would never have done it. :wink:

Canadian Fan

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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It wasn't until I got internet in 1997 that I found out Richard has passed away. Very sad, I loved his characters like Scooter, Beaker, Statler, and Janice; plus all of his Sesame Street characters like the Flamingo (beautiful singing voice) and Forgetful Jones (he was hilarious).


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Wow it's amazing to think the Internet was new not too long ago, lol. Nice to hear from you, Canadian Fan!


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Is it weird to say that I miss Richard Hunt? I was only two when he passed. Even still, watching the classic Muppet movies and Fraggle Rock makes me wish he were still around so much. The clip of him speaking at Jim's memorial really shows what a nice person he was.

Plus look how friggen adorable he is:

I just wish I could give him a hug.