Hey guys! Well, a few updates are prolly in order. Seeing how I've pratically been wiped off the face of the muppety earth about twice now.
Nearly got into a minor car accident, two weeks ago. Trying to get home from Uniway, nearly hit somebody in the rear end. They stopped suddenly to turn into a Wendy's parking lot, and freaking didn't give turn signal or anything.
Also didn't help I was singing along with one of my muppet song tapes and wondering just how many tours I was going to get. Although I didn't hit said car, I did hit my forehead on the steering wheel. I could have hurt myself worse, but I thank God for my...ahem, large chest, as it acted as a natural airbag.
Because my own airbag isn't connected yet.
Also, I got fired from my Uniway job, not 4 days after I got it. Crap on a stick is what that is. And another also, I'm getting spazzed out majorly because my fiancee, Stephen is finally arriving in 5 days!

I'm just so out of it, and I'm also depressed and my parents are completely railing against me for various reasons. And he dosn't have a round-trip ticket, because he couldn't afford it, and my parents think he has a round-trip ticket and OH MY GOSH.
....oh dear Jim in heaven. *faints out of chair*
*gets back into her chair once more* My bank account is $76.65 in the HOLE. Good gracious. >_O
I've seriously got to get a job. Please, pray/think/hope with all your heart something goes right and soon. Thanks guys.