Richard: Did you here that Jim? They feel my pain!
Jim: Great. I've got a splitting headache. Do you feel that too?
Sorry Erin. I know you're in charge of the dialogues; I just couldn't resist!
This dream is from the other day, and it's rather sad, and a little disturbing. Richard was dying from AIDS. Now, this wouldn't be so remarkable, except that it was the present day. So anyway, I was in my room watching Sesame Street on my portable DVD player, appearently it was a TV in my dream), and it was common knowledge that it was Richard's farewell preformance. Richard was preforming a humanoid muppet named Travis, who was also dying. The first scene was of him in a hospital bed, (depressing, no?), and I believe some of the adults were visiting him. Then we jump ahead a little, and it is evident that Travis has died, and everyone is trying, unsuccessfully, to go on with their lives. In the scene I see, Susan is trying to play some sort of game with a group of kids, and then someone says something about Travis, or does something to remind everyone of him, and she gets weepy and has to leave the room.
In the next scene, two children are walking into a school yard and talking. There are other kids milling around them, but the focus is just mainly on these two. One of them sees something and says something like "Look at this. It's a bright green textbook." It seems to have belonged to Travis, and apon looking inside it, one of the kids finds something. I can not see, nor do they say what it is, but it is obviously ssomething of Travis's that makes them sad as well. Strange, huh?
It's funny, because I was thinking to myself, "Okay, he's been here for the past few years, but before that he hasn't had a muppet for years." I was uncontiously thinking of course of his real death in 1992. I then started wondering about the future of SS without him, and comparing his death to that of Jim. Weird!