Hmm, I never thought youtube could have such a drawback!
I was very happy when I heard the Fraggle Rock Season 3 set would be coming out in the Fall. I had no problem waiting, it was cool. But now people have started posting Season 3 & 4 episodes on youtube, where the FR section of used to be fairly quiet. Normally this would be a nice thing, but now it's making it 10 ten times harder to wait!
I know if I watch the youtube episodes, I'll have less interest in seeing the DVD set (Not no interest, I would still get it. After all, bonus features!). Spoilers always ruin things for me and there's no going back. (Skye, you already know about this. Oh knew that! Hehe)
I really thought I could just ignore them, but THEN I saw someone had uploaded "The Gorg Who Would be King!" I finally decided on a compromise. In order to get it out of my system, I'd treat it like a preview. I'd only watch a little bit. So that's what I did, I probably watched what amounted to 20 seconds. But what a 20 seconds it was!
If anyone wants me to say what happens, I'd be glad to. But as it is a SPOILER, I feel better asking first.
...can you tell I'm trying to get rid of my own guilt here?