Too true, too true. It'd be nice if I could see MFC in full. In it, you've got the casts from the Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock and Sesame Street (and the occasional Muppeteer) all gathered around celebrating. I think that's really nice and heartfelt; too bad we don't see much of that sort of thing on the tube these days.
Around here, prep continues apace. I made some homemade dog biscuits for my much beloved flea-bitten mongrels (though one's a purebred, if ya wanna be technical), we've been wrapping presents behind each other's backs, and we've been teasing each other by announcing that we got thus-and-such a person a Christmas gift that he or she would really hate. For example: I tell Mom that I got her Debby Boone's greatest hits, she retaliates by claiming she got me the best of Lawrence Welk, my brother says he got one of us a poster of some really obnoxious commentator, and we all joke that we got Dad a box set by a heavy metal band (which he dislikes in full). It gets really outrageous as we try to think of really bad gifts, and the source of much evil laughter.