heralde said:
I can't imagine what that must be like, Sara. It's nice that the thought of Richard was inspirational for you. Yeah, that's what a club needs, inspiration!
Well, was like is more like it. I (finally, thank god) ended the treatments on Febuary 14th this year. Quite a V-Day present huh? I actually skipped the last two injections cause I was about ready to just throw in the towel and say to heck with it. It was one injection a week, and 6 pills per day. Ribevirin and Pegelated-Interferon. The basic cocktail for HCV. XD
With treatments like that, it changes your body....pretty deep inside. Because it basically reeks havoc with your immune system. Not to a level of HIV/AIDS though, but pretty bad in of itself. Every cold, sinus infection, insert random virus/infection here was worse then normal. I almost couldn't shake 'em off.
And because HCV attacks the liver, I won't be able to really drink anything acoholic when I am old enough to drink. Don't take that the wrong way of course. I'm not saying I wanted to be a lush or anything.

Just that I have to be super-careful what I do drink when I do that.
Basically, jist of it is: I do not want to get drunk. Because that would screw with my liver big time. XD Most people, they get drunk, they get a hangover, big deal. They just have a raging headache for a day or so. That could easily do worse for me! But uh, I'm weaving a weird little story here of would could be, so I'll just let it hang like a strange cloud over the forums.
Hope I made it clear what I meant.