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The Return of the Dodos

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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chapter 5

The Dodos went to the park to look for worms.

"No worms here", said Daddie.

"No worms here either", said Mommie.

A ball accidently hit marie.

"Ow!", said marie.

Ernie, Elmo, and Zoe had arrived.

"Oh, we're sorry", said Ernie.

"we were playing catch, and the ball missed me, and must have hit you", said Zoe.

"How can a ball miss somebody?", asked Donnie.

"would you like to play with us?", asked Elmo.

"Could we?", asked Donnie.

"I don't see why not", said Mommie, "your father and I will look for worms."

Donnie and marie went to play with Ernie, Elmo, and Zoe. As they left, Daddie Dodo spotted oscar going to the garbage dump, where he was visiting another grouch.

"well, Mommie, I think I'll go to Sesame Street, and I'll be back soon", said Daddie.

"okay", said Mommie.

Ernie was talking to them about the game.

"Now, you know how to play, right?", asked Ernie.

"Oh, yeah", said Donnie.

"Can I go first?", asked marie.

"Sure", said Ernie.

Marie was given the ball, but she was just throwing it up in the air and catching it herself.

"uh, marie", said Zoe, "you're supposed to throw it at us."

"But won't that hurt you?", asked marie.

"No", said Elmo, "we will catch it."

"Donnie, you didn't tell me that marie didn't know how to play this game", said Ernie.

"I didn't say that she did know how to playt this game", said Donnie, "Can I go now?"

"Okay", said Ernie.

Donnie took the ball, but he also tossed it in the air.

"I thought you said you knew how to play", said an annoyed Ernie.

"I do know how to play", said Donnie, "I am playing now."

"Oh", said Ernie, "I should have been more specific. Instead of asking if you know how to play, I should have asked if you know how to play catch."

"I do now", said Donnie, "I learned from my sister."

Meanwhile, Daddie went to oscars trash can. he opened the lid. He went into the can, looking for Slimey.

"hello!", said daddie, "any worms in here?"

He went searching. Slimey saw daddie and hit behind a chair. Slimey saw daddie go into the pool area, and Slimey took some worm-scented lotion and made a trail that led to the grouchland door. Slimey then hid.

Daddie sniffed the lotion. "Aha! I smell a worm!"

Daddie followed his nose as he smelled the lotion. He opened the door and went into Grouchland. He landed and got booed at the various residents.

"Are there any worms here?", asked daddie.

"No, this is grouchland", said the mayor.

"oh, grouchland. I can look for worms here", said daddie.

Meanwhile, Mommy was worried. daddie had been gone awhile.

"Kids", said Mommie, "Daddie has been gone for longer than he should have. You all just stay with Ernie untill I find your dad."

"yay!", said Donnie and Marie, together.

"oh, brother", sighed Ernie, "what could be worse?" It then started to rain. "I'll take your kids to my apartment, Miss Dodo, Big Bird will show you to where I live!", shouted Ernie, once again wondering what could be worse.

Several states away, The Slease brothers were getting closer to Sesame Street.

"Hey, Sam", said Sid, "Look at that sign".

Sam saw the sign. it read, "Sesame Street: 400 miles".

"we're getting there, and we're gonna be rich!", said sam, "And hopefully we won't get caught this time."


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Sorry I haven't been commenting, minor muppetz, I have been reading and enjoying.

I have to say, you have the Dodo's down perfectly. "I do now. I learned from my sister." Love it!

And now this last bit, with Daddy Dodo going to grouchland, and the bit from before that you've reminded us of with the Sleaze Brothers being back in action... wow. This story got really big, really fast, and now you'd better not keep me waiting. Me likes, and ME WANTS MORE!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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chapter 6

Ernie took Donnie and Marie Dodo to his apartment. Bert was already home.

"Hi, bert, I'm home!", shouted Ernie, "And I've brought some visitors. I'd like you to meet Donnie and marie Dodo".

"Well, I'm pleased to meet you", said Bert, "would you like to look at my bottlecaps and paperclips?"

"oh, boy", said Donnie.

"We love bottlecaps, but I hate paperclips", said Marie.

"Come on", said Donnie, "Paperclips rule, too"

"That's right", said Bert, "Come on, I'll show you."

"Wow", said Donnie, "These are cool."

Donnie picked up some paperclips, but accidently dropped them on the floor.

"Look what you did!", shouted Bert, "I waited two months to get those!"

"Oh, I'm sorry", said Donnie, "here, have mine", and Donnie took some paperclips out of his pocket and gave them to Bert.

"oh, wow, thank you", said Bert.

Berniece the pigeon just flew in.

"Hey, everybody, Bernice is here", said Bert.

"wow, that is a nice pigeon", said marie, "Berniece, do you think you can teach me how to play checkers?"

"well", said Bert, "She has only beaten me twice, but I can teach you."

"hey, Ernie, Bert, can I watch television?", said Donnie.

"Yeah, I wanna watch TV too."

"And I wanna watch it three", said Donnie.

"And I wanna watch it four...", said Marie.

"Enough!", said Ernie, "You can watch TV."

Donnie and marie went to watch television. Bert looked at Ernie.

"Ernie", said Bert, "You really need to calm down and controll your temper."

"Speak for yourself, Bert.", said Ernie.

Donnie and marie were watching the television, but the TV was turned off.

"Don't you want the TV to be on?", asked Ernie.

"No, we like to watch TV with nothing on it", said Donnie.

"But why would you want to watch a blank screen?", asked Ernie, "isn't it kind of boring?"

"Oh, I don't know", said bert, "This sounnds like fun", and then bert went to watch a blank screen.

"yep, it's boring", said Ernie.

Ernie looked out the window and saw that the rain was clearing.

"Oh, the rain has gone", said Ernie, "I'm going to take rubber duckie for a walk. You watch the Dodos, okay, bert?"

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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chapter 7

The rain had cleared. Mommie Dodo was at Sesame Street. She saw Big Bird and Gina.

"Hi, Mommie", said Big Bird, "What's up?"

"Oh, the sky is up", said Mommie, "But I need some help."

"What's wrong?", asked Gina.

"Daddie is missing", said Mommie.

"missing?", said Gina.

"He went looking for worms, and he hasn't gotten back!", said Mommie.

"Well, Don't worry", said Gina, "We'll help you find him."

Just then, Sam The Robot entered.

"I am Sam. I am a robot. Robots are perfect- are perfect- are perfect..."

Big Bird slapped Sam, causing him to ge bakc to talking normal.

"Thank you, Big Bird", said Sam The Robot, "Now, what is the trouble?"

Daddie is missing", said Mommie.

"I will help you find Daddie", said Sam.

Sam overheard Gordon and Miles talking.

"Well, son", said Gordon, "This is a good report card".

"Thanks, Daddy", said Miles.

"I found daddy! I found Daddy!", said Sam The Robot.

"That's not Daddie", said Mommie.

"That's Gordon", said Big Bird.

"Ooops!", said sam, "Wrong Daddy."

Sam The Robot then heard Luis talking to Gabbi.

"I'm proud of you, Gabbi", said Luis, "You ate all of your peas."

"Thank you, Daddy", said Gabbi.

"I found daddy this time!", said Sam.

"That's also the wrong Daddy", said Big Bird.

"well, then", said Sam, "Who's your daddy- Who's your daddy?- Who's your daddy?...."

Super Grover then crash landed and fell onto Sam, stopping his repetition of words.

"Did I hear that there is trouble?", asked Super Grover.

"Yes", said Gina, "Daddie Dodo is missing."

"Well, I would love to help you find him", said Grover.

"That's great", said Mommie.

"But it is time for me to go to work", said Grover, "See you later."

Just then, Sherlock Hemlock came onto the scene.

"Egad! It is I, Sherlock Hemlock, the worlds greatest detectve. I'll help you find Daddie!"

Sherlock Hemlock went looking at the ground.

"I sure hope he knows what he is doing", said Mommie.

"I don't think he ever does", said Gina.

Sherlock went to oscars trash can and banged on it.

"What!?", growled oscar.

"have you seen Daddie Dodo?", asked Sherlock.

"No", said Oscar, "but Slimey did, and Slimey told me that he went through the door to grouchland, heh heh."

"Grouchland? Oh, No!", cried Big Bird.

"What's wrong with Grouchland?", asked Mommie.

"It is filled with grouches", said Telly, who was standing behind them, "and an evil guy named Huxley."

"We'll have to call a meeting right away", said Big Bird.

"Well, I've already got a plane ticket for Slimey to leave town", said Oscar, "So we don't have to worry about Slimey getting eaten by the Dodos."

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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chapter 8

Simon Soundman made the sound of an alarm to alert everybody that an emergency meeting was going to be held on the street. Big Bird and Mommie Dodo went to get Donnie and Marie, as well as Ernie and Bert. Everybody who could make it to the meeting came: Bob, Gordon, Susan, Gina, Alan, Luis, Maria, Gabbi, Miles, Big Bird, Ernie, Bert, Mommie Dodo, marie Dodo, Donnie Dodo, Sherlock Hemlock, Oscar, Grungetta, Elmo, Zoe, Rosita, Sam The Robot, Hoots, Little Jerry and the monotones, Chris and the Alphabeats, Cookie Monster, Herry Monster, The Count, Countess Von backwards, barkly, The Honkers, the Dingers, the martians, the Two-Headed Monster, Miss Finch, Bruno, Telly Monster, Baby Bear, Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Curly Bear, the Wolf, Placedo Flamingo, Don Music, Rosevelt Franklin, Kingston Livingston III, Biff, Sully, Roxie Marie, Mr. Snuffleupagus, Alice Snuffeupagus, Herbert Birdsfoot, and Prarie Dawn.

"I like this", said Oscar, "Everyone is in a panic."

"This is a good date, Oskie", said Grungetta.

"One person, two people, three people..", counted the Count.

Countess Von Backwards observed, "And after he's through counting people, I will know how many there are, and count them backwards!"

"Wow", exclaimed Bob, "there are so many people here. even people who I haven't seen in a long time."

"Now", said Alan, "Do we all know why we are all here?"

"No", said Elmo.

"I haven't a clue", said Zoe.

"Me don't know", said Cookie Monster, "All me care is if me have cookies!"

"I haven't the foggiest idea why", said Herry.

"i don't know, I was busy counting", said The Count.

"34 people, 33 people, 32 people...", counted the Countess Von Backwards.

"I know!", said Miss Finch, "it's because daddie Dodo is missing."

"that's right", said oscar, "He went down into my trash can and entered grouchland."

"Wow", said Elmo, "Elmo hasn't been there in seven years."

"I wonder if huxly is still mean?", said telly.

"Grouch-land! Ooohhh! yip-yip-yip-yip....", said the martians.

"Now", said Gordon, "we need to decide who will go down into there and find Daddie Dodo".

"I don't think my kids should come", said Mommie, "It is probably dangerous. Somebody should take my kids to the furry arms hotel and stay with them untill we get back."

"uh", said Ernie, "I nominate Bob."

"What?", said Bob, "But I..."

"Oh, thank you, Bob", said Mommie, "You are a hero."

"Yes, but not the same kind of hewo as Hewo Guy!", said Baby Bear.

"uh, right", said a skeptical Mr. Snuffleupagus, "Hero Guy, your imaginary friend...."

"I will go", said Gordon, "Since I've been there before."

"I'll go, too", said maria.

"Elmo would like to go there again", said Elmo.

"Grungetta and I will go", said Oscar.

"I would like to go", said Herry.

"Me go too", said Cookie Monster, "As long as there aren't very many rotten cookies, but cookies is cookies."

"I'll go", said The Count, "And count all the grouches."

"I'll go, of course", said Big Bird.

"And I'll go, too", said Mommie.

"I would like to go on an adventure", said Alan, "I'll call Grover and see if he can take over my store."

and then they all started their new adventure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2005
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Keep on rolling dude! This is awesome! (Snuffy getting smart was funny and ironic)

minor muppetz said:
"uh, right", said a skeptical Mr. Snuffleupagus, "Hero Guy, your imaginary friend...."

Good Job!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2005
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Oh, and it would be cool if Guy Smiley was there too, if you could fit him in somehow..:smile:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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anythingmuppet said:
(Snuffy getting smart was funny and ironic)
What do you mean by this? Do you mean him getting smart as in he knew Hero Guy was baby Bears imaginary friend, or getting smart as in he sounded like a smart alec (I wasn't intending for him to be a smart alec about it)?

Thinking about that line, I wonder how Snuffy would react to Zoes pet rock, Rocco? I don't know if Snuffy has ever appeared with Rocco, but it seems like Elmo is the only character to be annoyed by Zoe pretending that Rocco is real, and everybody else just plays along.

What do you (or any other members) think about Bert getting along with the dodos while Ernie seems to be annoyed with them? I think it makes it look like Ernie and Bert kinda switch roles.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2005
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I meant like a smart allec, yeah. because this is ironic because Snuffy was BB's imaginary friend..:smile:

And yeah, it seems like the Dodos are to Ernie as he is to Bert...its like hes getting a taste of his own medicine..