The Top 10 Best Creepypastas:
1. 1999 - This amazing high quality story is so wonderfully put together, well thought out, and brilliantly executed. It is so good that it honestly reminds me of a Stephen King story. It is about a boy named Elliot who discovers a disturbing "children's" TV channel run by a man in a murderous bear costume who only goes under the pseudonym Mr. Bear. The tale is very disturbing in a realistic way. Rather than featuring crazy supernatural things like monsters, magic, and different dimensions it deals with very down to Earth fears which makes it one of the most disturbing and memorable ones in the genre. This one is completely devoid of any of those annoying little clichés often associated with creepypasta and centers around a mystery plot with twists and turns that aren't even slightly predictable.
2. Mr. Widemouth - Now we leave the realm of realism and enter the more weird and surreal. This tale is about a little girl who meets an odd looking Furby-like creature named Mr. Widemouth while she's home from school sick. I like how this one doesn't revolve around blood and gore for shock value but still manages to be scary. There is no disturbing death scenes in here and all of the carnage caused by Mr. Widemouth is simply just implied.
3. Abandoned by Disney - The writer of this story Slimebeast is hands down one of my favorite creepypasta authors out there. Abandoned by Disney is the story of a supposedly abandoned theme park ride at Disney World known as Mowgli's palace. As the story continues, we learn the real reasons why this place was abandoned and it only gets more shocking from there. I really don't want to talk much more about this one because I fear that if I say too much about it, I may be spoiling some of it's unique plot twists.
4. Lost Episodes - Also written by Slimebeast, this isn't really a creepypasta as much as it as a backstory attempting to explain the origin of a certain creepypasta genre. This story gives us the shocking realization that all Lost Episodes found throughout the creepypasta genre were created by the same crazy person who has a weird obsession with editing VHS tapes together and making them scary or offensive in one way or another. It's quite an interesting take on how all these dozens of supposed lost episodes came to be.
5. Childhood Pet - This criminally underrated short story is about a girl who is looking at her diary and rediscovers her imaginary friend Seth. But as she continues reading the diary, she quickly begins to realize that Seth may not have been as imaginary as she had once thought. It's definitely a creative story with a very clever ending that leaves a lot to the reader's imagination.
6. Our Daughter Used To Love Lions - What I like about this creepypasta is how it differs from most of the genre in a very noticeable way:It has a legit heartwarming ending. The story is about a little girl who watched a public access show called Jack the Lion that eventually ended up being a disturbing tool for the creator to kidnap children. It is revealed at the end that the girl's mom didn't want her daughter to be without her favorite lion show so she made her own homemade episodes to keep her happy. The very last chapter tells that the girl eventually made Jack the Lion episodes for her future daughter as well leading it to become a family tradition. Now that is just heartwarming. Most creepypastas would've ended with the little girl dying or something like that, but the fact that the mom went out of her way to keep her daughter happy by reviving her favorite lion show is unexpectedly sweet and beautiful.
7. The Rake - I've always been interested in mythical creatures since early childhood so this story is already right up my alley because it deals with one of my favorite subjects:The monsters of myth and legend. The Rake is a scary but intriguing monster that resembles Gollum from Lord of the Rings in an odd sort of way. While the story certainly isn't for everyone due to it's highly terrifying content (even by creepypasta standards), it is still great for those who can stomach it.
8. Teddy - A little girl's teddy bear coming to life is about the most childish cliché out there. But this creepypasta takes that overused cutesy trope and completely subverts it into something quite morbid. While I don't want to spoil anything in this great story, let's just say that the bear is nothing like Winnie the Pooh

9. Eyeless Jack - A fear that I've always had is the idea of having your kidneys stolen. So a guy that steals people's kidneys in their sleep is basically one of my worst fears personified. Seeing as how I am a creepypasta fan, the more disturbing and freaky the story is the better and this is a perfect example of that. While I have had a couple of nightmares about this character, those nightmares were always morbidly exciting in a sense. Rather than actually scaring me, they just gave me an adrenaline rush.
10. No End House - One of my favorite type of stories are the ones with twists and turns. This is a prime example of a creepypasta that is filled to the brim with plot twists galore. It kept me on edge eagerly awaiting what would happen next as I read this one. The only reason I put this low on the list is because unfortunately it became a victim of Sequelitis. The second one isn't that bad and still stays true to the original overall but the third one is nothing short of ridiculous and stupid. I really wish they'd left this one alone because it was good enough as is that I feel it didn't even need sequels at all.